George Washington Let us raise a standard to which the Wise and the Honest can repair.
— George Washington, Constitutional Convention, 1787

Texas Constitutional Militia

The militia activities conscious of themselves as the Texas Constitutional Militia are organized by county, and, because of the large size of the state, at the time of this writing the counties are divided into regions that approximately coincide with telephone area codes. There are also militia training activities that are not county-based, such as the Texas Light Infantry (TLI), which provide training for the county-based units. The modern activation of the Texas Constitutional Militia began with the muster called by Jon Roland, for April 19, 1994, at 6:00 AM, on the unfinished portion of Hwy 151, in front of Sea World, in San Antonio, Bexar County. From that beginning it spread rapidly to the rest of the state. For more information see the Texas Militia Papers.

Militia Contacts by County

Anderson Collingsworth Glasscock Kendall Motley Sterling
Andrews Colorado Goliad Kenedy Nacogdoches Stonewall
Angelina Comal Gonzales Kent Navarro Sutton
Aransas Comanche Gray Kerr Newton Swisher
Archer Concho Grayson Kimble Nolan Tarrant
Armstrong Cooke Gregg King Nueces Taylor
Atascosa Coryell Grimes Kinney Ochiltree Terrell
Austin Cottle Guadalupe Kleberg Oldham Terry
Bailey Crane Hale Knox Orange Throckmorton
Bandera Crockett Hall Lamar Palo Pinto Titus
Bastrop Crosby Hamilton Lamb Panola Tom Green
Baylor Culberson Hansford Lampasas Parker Travis
Bee Dallam Hardeman La Salle Parmer Trinity
Bell Dallas Hardin Lavaca Pecos Tyler
Bexar Dawson Harris Lee Polk Upshur
Blanco Deaf Smith Harrison Leon Potter Upton
Borden Delta Hartley Liberty Presidio Uvalde
Bosque Denton Haskell Limestone Rains Val Verde
Bowie DeWitt Hays Lipscomb Randall Van Zandt
Brazoria Dickens Hemphill Live Oak Reagan Victoria
Brazos Dimmit Henderson Llano Real Walker
Brewster Donley Hidalgo Loving Red River Waller
Briscoe Duvall Hill Lubbock Reeves Ward
Brooks Eastland Hockley Lynn Refugio Washington
Brown Ector Hood McCulloch Roberts Webb
Burleson Edwards Hopkins McLennan Robertson Wharton
Burnet Ellis Houston McMullen Rockwall Wheeler
Caldwell El Paso Howard Madison Runnels Wichita
Calhoun Erath Hudspeth Marion Rusk Wilbarger
Callahan Falls Hunt Martin Sabine Willacy
Cameron Fannin Hutchinson Mason San Augustine Williamson
Camp Fayette Irion Matagorda San Jacinto Wilson
Carson Fisher Jack Maverick San Patricio Winkler
Cass Floyd Jackson Medina San Saba Wise
Castro Foard Jasper Menard Schleicher Wood
Chambers Fort Bend Jeff Davis Midland Scurry Yoakum
Cherokee Franklin Jefferson Milam Shackelford Young
Childress Freestone Jim Hogg Mills Shelby Zapata
Clay Frio Jim Wells Mitchell Sherman Zavala
Cochran Gaines Johnson Montague Smith
Coke Galveston Jones Montgomery Somervell
Coleman Garza Karnes Moore Starr
Collin Gillespie Kaufman Morris Stephens

A link-free version of the above Texas Counties Table is available here.


Southern Region (AC 210, 512)
The first of the Texas regions, the Southern Region also established the model for militia governance above the county level. In March, 1995, for the first time, public elections were conducted by militia volunteers in each of the counties in the region having a properly-organized militia unit for a Committee of Safety, which is the governing and policymaking body for the region. These elections were held in response to public notices in each of those counties, and all citizens of each county qualified to vote in any other public election were qualified to vote in the militia election. Although the turnout was not high, it was higher than that for elections for some public offices like members of Water District Boards. In most cases, the public notices were published in the local newspapers of record. This procedure establishes the militia and its Committee of Safety as a legitimate public body, albeit not sanctioned by other established organs of government.
Northern Region (AC 214, 972, 817)
Gulf Coast (Eastern) Region (AC 713, 281, 409, 936)
Northeast Region (AC 903)
Western Region (AC 915)
Panhandle Region (AC 806)

Statewide Activities

Texas Militia Correspondence Committee
Serves as a clearinghouse for the exchange of information among Texas militia units and between Texas and other states.
Address: 2900 W Anderson Ln, C-200-322, Austin, TX 78757, 512/299-5001.

Historical Notes

The most important previous activity of the Texas Militia was the Texas Revolution in 1836. The original purpose of that effort was to bring the government of Mexico into compliance with its 1824 Constitution, and that is the purpose for which the defenders of the Alamo died. Texas declared independence while the Alamo was under attack during March, 1836, and on April 21, 1836, led by Sam Houston, it defeated the Army of Mexico under the command of Gen. Santa Ana, dictator of Mexico, at the Battle of San Jacinto, near the present city of Houston. This overwhelming victory, and the capture of Gen. Santa Ana, won independence for Texas.

Following the War of Independence, some militia units reorganized into what was later to be known as the Texas Rangers, which was a private, volunteer effort for several years before becoming an official organization.

After Texas joined the Union in 1845, Texas militia units distinguished themselves in the War with Mexico, which led to defining the Rio Grande River the agreed border with Mexico, and the cession of most of what was to become California, Arizona, and New Mexico, from Mexico to the United States.

In 1861 Texas joined the other Confederate States in seceding from the Union, and Texas militias played a role in the Civil War, until it ended in 1865.

Texas militiamen joined Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders, a volunteer militia, and fought with him during the Spanish-American War in 1898. Some of the training of the Rough Riders took place in San Pedro Park, in the north central part of San Antonio, near the present site of San Antonio College. When a muster of the Militia proposed to train there on April 19, 1994, they were threatened with arrest, even though the charter of San Pedro Park forbids exclusion of activities of that kind. This threat led to a change of the meeting site to Highway 151.

Purposes execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; — U.S. Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 16.



Legal Matters

Other Texas Patriot Groups

  1. Citizens for Legal Reform — Meets in Dallas, but worth spreading to other cities across the country and world. Included is essay, "The Essence of Government", by Alfred Adask.
  2. Committee for Waco Justice
    1. 96/05/09 - Waco Update
    2. 96/05/09 - Waco Anniversary


Reformers are known by their adversaries, and it is appropriate that those adversaries be identified and what is known about them be told. They include corrupt and abusive officials, corporations, groups, and individuals.

Adversaries common to all militias everywhere

These are some based in the state:

State of Texas

Constitution Research Home Page

Militias Page

National Militia Directory