The Twelve Tables, The Institutes of Gaius, The Rules of
Ulpian, The Opinions of Paulus, The Enactments
of Justinian, and The
Constitutions of Leo:
Translated from the original Latin,
edited, and
compared with all accessible systems
of jurisprudence ancient and
By S. P. SCOTT, A. M.
Author of "History of the Moorish
Empire in Europe,"
Translator of
the "Visigothic Code"
The Central Trust Company
Executor of the Estate Samuel P. Scott, Deceased
Copyright, 1932
by the Central Trust Company
Executor of the Estate Samuel P. Scott, Deceased
[Copyright expired
without renewal]
TABLE I. Concerning the summons to court .............................. 57
Law 1, 57; Law II, 57; Law III, 57; Law IV, 57; Law V, 58; Law VI, 58; Law VII, 58; Law VIII, 58; Law IX, 58; Law X, 58.
TABLE II. Concerning judgments and thefts .............................. 58
Law I, 58; Law II, 59; Law III, 59; Law IV, 59; Law V, 60; Law VI, 61; Law VII, 61; Law VIII, 62; Law IX, 62; Law X, 62; Law XI, 62.
Concerning property which Is lent ............................ 62
Law I, 62; Law II, 62; Law III, 63; Law IV, 63; Law V, 63; Law VI, 63; Law VII, 63; Law VIII, 63; Law IX, 63; Law X, 64.
TABLE IV. Concerning the rights of a father, and of marriage ............ 64
Law I, 64; Law II, 65; Law III, 65; Law IV, 65.
Concerning estates and guardianships ......................... 66
Law I, 66; Law II, 67; Law III, 67; Law IV, 67; Law V, 67; Law VI, 67; Law VII, 67.
Concerning ownership and possession .................... ...... 68
Law I, 68; Law II, 68; Law III, 68; Law IV, 68; Law V, 68; Law VI, 68; Law VII, 68; Law VIII, 69; Law IX, 69; Law X, 69.
TABLE VII. Concerning crimes ............................................. 69
Law I, 69; Law II, 69; Law III, 69; Law IV, 70; Law V, 70; Law VI, 70; Law VII, 70; Law VIII, 70; Law IX, 70; Law X, 71; Law XI, 71; Law XII, 71; Law XIII, 71; Law XIV, 71; Law XV, 71; Law XVI, 71; Law XVII, 72.
TABLE VIII. Concerning the laws of real property .......................... 72
Law I, 72; Law II, 72; Law III, 72; Law IV, 72; Law V, 72; Law VI, 72; Law VII, 72; Law VIII, 73; Law IX, 73.
TABLE IX. page Concerning public law ......................................... 73
Law I, 73; Law II, 73; Law III, 73; Law IV, 73; Law V, 73; Law VI, 74; Law VII, 74.
TABLE X. Concerning religious law ....................................... 74
Law I, 74; Law II, 74; Law III, 74; Law IV, 74; Law V, 74; Law VI, 74; Law VII, 75; Law VIII, 75; Law IX, 75; Law X, 75; Law XI, 75; Law XII, 75; Law XIII, 75; Law XIV, 75; Law XV, 76; Law XVI, 76; Law XVII, 76; Law XVIII, 76.
TABLE XI. supplement to the five preceding ones ......................... 76
Law I, 76; Law II, 76.
TABLE XII. supplement to the five preceding ones ......................... 76
Law I, 76; Law II, 76; Law III, 76.
I. Concerning civil and natural law ........................ 81
II. Concerning the divisions of the law ...................... 83
III. Concerning the different conditions of men .............. 83
IV. Concerning dediticii and the provisions of the Lex Ælia Sentia ................................................ 83
V. Concerning enemies who have surrendered at discretion .. 84
VI. Concerning manumission, and proof of the reason for it. .. 84
VII. Concerning the constitution of the council .............. 84
In what way Latins may obtain Roman citizenship ........ 85
Concerning fiduciary guardianship ........................ 105
Whether or not wards can alienate property ............. 120
Concerning military wills ................................ 125
Concerning substitutions ................. ................ 134
Concerning legacies ...................................... 137
On the Falcidian Law ..................................... 142
Concerning inoperative legacies ........................... 143
COMMENTARY. ............................................................ 150
COMMENTARY. ............................................................ 184
RULES OF DOMITIUS ULPIANUS .. ................ 223
TITLE I. Concerning freedmen ........................................... 223
TITLE II. Concerning a slave, or slaves, who are to be free under a condition ......................... ........ ................ 225
TITLE III. Concerning Latins .......................................... ... 226
TITLE IV. Concerning those who are their own masters ................. 227
TITLE V. Concerning those who are under control ...................... 227
TITLE VI. Concerning dowries ............................................. 228
TITLE VII. Concerning the law of donations between husband and wife .... 230
TITLE VIII. Concerning adoptions ........................................... 230
TITLE IX. Concerning those who are in the hands of their husbands. .... 231
TITLE X. In what way persons under the control or subject to the authority of others are released from the exercise of that right ....................................................... 231
TITLE XI. Concerning guardianship ....................................... 232
TITLE XII. Concerning curators ........................................... 235
TITLE XIII. Concerning a man who is unmarried, one who has no children, and a father who has but a single child .................. 235
TITLE XIV. Concerning the penalty of the Lex Julia ........................ 235
TITLE XV. Concerning tenths ............................................. 236
TITLE XVI. Concerning the capacity of husband and wife to receive in full what may be left by the other ............................ 236
TITLE XVII. Concerning lapsed legacies ..................................... 237
TITLE XVIII. Who are governed by the ancient law in the case of lapsed legacies .................................................... 237
TITLE XIX. Concerning owners, and their acquisition of property .......... 238
TITLE XX. Concerning wills ............................................... 239
TITLE XXI. How an heir should be appointed ............................... 241
TITLE XXII. Who can be appointed heirs .................................... 241
TITLE XXIII. How wills are broken ......................................... 245
TITLE XXIV. Concerning legacies ............................................ 247
TITLE XXV. Concerning trusts .............................................. 249
TITLE XXVI. Concerning heirs-at-law ........................................ 251
TITLE XXVII. Concerning the estates and property of freedmen ............... 252
TITLE XXVIII. Concerning the granting of possession .......................... 253
TITLE XXIX. Concerning the estates of freedmen ............................ 254
TITLE I. page Concerning agreements and contracts ......................... 259
TITLE II. Concerning attorneys and agents .............................. 259
TITLE III. Concerning agents ............................................. 260
TITLE IV. Concerning the transaction of business ........................ 260
TITLE V. Concerning calumniators ....................................... 261
TITLE VI. A. Concerning fugitive slaves ..................................... 261
TITLE VI. B. Concerning the accusation of defendants ...................... 261
TITLE VII. Concerning complete restitution ............................... 262
TITLE VIII. Concerning fraud .............................................. 262
TITLE IX. Concerning minors under the age of twenty-five years ........ 263
TITLE X. Concerning one who loses his case by claiming more than he is entitled to .............................................. 263
TITLE XI. Concerning the giving of security .............................. 263
TITLE XII. Concerning all criminal cases ................................. 264
TITLE XIII. Concerning judgment ........................................... 264
TITLE XIII. A. where an estate, or any other property is claimed ............ 264
TITLE XIV. Concerning the public highway ................................ 265
TITLE XV. Where a quadruped commits damage ............................ 265
TITLE XVI. Concerning the establishment of boundaries ................... 265
TITLE XVII. Concerning servitudes .......................................... 265
TITLE XVIII. The partition of estates ....................................... 266
TITLE XIX. In what way actions may be doubled by the denial of the defendant .................................................... 266
TITLE XX. Concerning sureties and sponsors .............................. 266
TITLE XXI. Concerning sepulchres and mourning ........................... 266
TITLE I. Concerning property loaned, and oaths ........................ 268
TITLE II. Concerning pre-existing pecuniary debts ....................... 268
TITLE III. Concerning contracts .......................................... 268
TITLE IV. Concerning loans for use and deposit, and also pledges and trusts ...................................................... 268
TITLE V. Concerning pledges ............................................. 269
TITLE VI. Concerning shipmasters ........................................ 270
TITLE VII. On the Lex Rhodia ............................................. 270
TITLE VIII. Concerning agents ............................................. 271
TITLE IX. Concerning property employed for the benefit of another ..... 272
TITLE X. Concerning the Macedonian decree of the senate .............. 272
TITLE XI. On the Velleian decree of the senate .......................... 272
TITLE XII. Concerning deposit ............................................. 272
TITLE XIII. Concerning the Lex Commissoria ................................ 273
TITLE XIV. Concerning interest ............................................ 274
TITLE XV. Concerning mandates ........................................... 274
TITLE XVI. On partnership ................................................. 274
TITLE XVII. Concerning purchase and sale .................................. 275
TITLE XVIII. Concerning leasing and hiring ................................. 276
TITLE XIX. Concerning marriage ........................................... 276
TITLE XX. Concerning concubines ......................................... 277
TITLE XXI. Concerning women who form unions with the slaves of others, and on the claudian decree of the senate .................. 277
TITLE XXI. A. Concerning dowries ............................................ 278
TITLE XXII. Concerning agreements entered into between husband and wife. 279
TITLE XXIII. Concerning donations between husband and wife .............. 279
TITLE XXIV. Concerning the birth of children ............................. 279
TITLE XXV. In what way children become their own masters .............. 280
TITLE XXVI. Concerning adultery ........................................... 281
TITLE XXVII. Concerning the excuses of guardians .......................... 282
TITLE XXVIII. Concerning the appointment of persons of superior power ...... 282
TITLE XXIX. Who cannot appoint persons of superior authority ............ 283
TITLE XXX. On the rescript of the divine Severus .......................... 283
TITLE XXXI. Concerning thefts ............................................. 283
TITLE XXXII. Concerning the services of freedmen ........................... 286
TITLE I. Concerning the carbonian edict ............................... 286
TITLE II. Concerning the estates of freedmen ........................... 286
TITLE III. Concerning the Fabian formula ................................ 286
TITLE IV. A. Concerning wills .............................................. 286
TITLE IV. B. Concerning the appointment of heirs ......... ................. 288
TITLE V. On the Silanian Decree of the Senate .......................... 289
TITLE VI. Concerning legacies ............................................ 291
TITLE VII. Concerning donations mortis causa ............................ 297
TITLE VIII. On the Lex Falcidia ............................................ 297
TITLE I. Concerning trusts .............................................. 298
TITLE II. Concerning the Trebellian decree of the senate ............... 299
TITLE III. Concerning the Pegasian decree of the senate ................. 299
TITLE IV. Concerning the rejection of an estate ......................... 300
TITLE V. Concerning the complaint that a will is inofficious ........... 300
TITLE VI. Concerning the tax of the twentieth .......................... 302
TITLE VII. Concerning the Lex Cornelia ................................... 302
TITLE VIII. Concerning the succession of persons dying intestate .......... 303
TITLE IX. On the Trebellian decree of the senate ........................ 305
TITLE X. On the Orphitian decree of the senate ........................ 306
TITLE XI. Concerning degrees ............................................. 306
TITLE XII. Concerning manumissions ....................................... 307
TITLE XIII. Concerning grants of freedom under a trust ................... 308
TITLE XIV. On the Lex Fufia Caninia ...................................... 309
TITLE I. Concerning cases involving freedom ............................ 310
TITLE II. Concerning usucaption ......................................... 310
TITLE III. Concerning acts committed by a crowd ......................... 311
TITLE IV. Concerning injuries ............................................ 312
TITLE V. Concerning the effect of decisions and the termination of actions at law ............................................... 314
TITLE V.B. Concerning the possession of property granted by the authority of a judge .................................................. 315
TITLE VI. Concerning interdicts .......................................... 315
TITLE VII. Concerning verbal obligations ................................. 317
TITLE VIII. Concerning novations .......................................... 317
TITLE IX. Concerning stipulations ........................................ 318
TITLE X. Concerning authority for making contracts .................... 319
TITLE XI. Concerning donations .......................................... 319
TITLE XII. Concerning the right of the treasury and the people ........... 319
TITLE XIII. Concerning informers .......................................... 320
TITLE XIV. Concerning the infliction of torture ........................... 321
TITLE XV. Concerning witnesses .......................................... 321
TITLE XVI. Concerning the torture of slaves .............................. 322
TITLE XVII. Concerning acquittals .......................................... 323
TITLE XVIII. Concerning cattle thieves ..................................... 323
TITLE XIX. Concerning sacrilege ........................................... 323
TITLE XX. Concerning incendiaries ........................................ 323
TITLE XXI. Concerning soothsayers and astrologers ........................ 324
TITLE XXII. Concerning seditious persons ................................... 325
TITLE XXIII. On the lex cornelia having reference to assassins and poisoners .... 325
TITLE XXIV. On the Lex Pompeia relating to parricides ...................... 327
TITLE XXV. On the Lex Cornelia having reference to wills ................. 327
TITLE XXVI. On the Lex Julia relating to public and private violence ....... 329
TITLE XXVII. On the Lex Julia relating to peculation ....................... 330
TITLE XXVIII. On the Lex Julia relating to extortion ......................... 330
TITLE XXIX. On the Lex Julia relating to treason ........................... 330
TITLE XXX. A. On the Lex Julia relating to corrupt intriguing for office ...... 330
TITLE XXX. B. On the Lex Favia ............................................... 330
TITLE XXXI. Concerning military punishments .............................. 331
TITLE XXXII. When an appeal can be taken ................................. 331
TITLE XXXIII. Concerning the securities and the penalties of appeals ........ 331
TITLE XXXIV. Concerning proceedings sent up on appeal ..................... 332
TITLE XXXV. Concerning the return of cases which have been appealed .... 332
TITLE XXXVI. What should be observed after an appeal ..................... 332
TITLE XXXVII. Concerning the merits of appeals .............................. 332