Under the Editorship of
Guy Stanton Ford
Sources of English Constitutional History
Cornell University
New York, Evanston, and London
Copyright, 1937, by Harper & Row,
Publishers, Incorporated
Printed in the United Slates of America
with permission
for Fair Use purposes under the U.S. Copyright Code
To the memory of
Introductory Note ........... 1
1. Dooms of Aethelberht (601-04) ....... 2
2. Dooms of Hlothaere and Eadric (685-86) .... 4
3. Dooms of Wihtraed (695-96) ........ 5
4. Dooms of Ine (688-95) .......... 6
5. Dooms of Alfred (871-901) ........ 10
6. Dooms of Edward the Elder (901-24) .... 12
7. Dooms of Aethelstan (925-40) ....... 13
(A) Concerning Incendiaries and Murderers ... 15
(B) Concerning Ordeals ......... 16
9. Dooms of Edmund (942-46) ........ 17
10. Coronation Oath of Edgar ........ 18
11. Dooms of Edgar (946-63) ......... 18
12. Dooms of Aethelred (980-1016) ....... 20
13. Dooms of Canute (1020-34) ........ 22
(A) Oath of a Man to His Lord ...... 25
(B) Oath of an Accuser ......... 25
(C) Oath of One Thus Accused ...... 25
(D) Oath of One Seizing Property ...... 25
(E) Oath in Reply to Such Seizure ...... 25
(F) Oath of an Oath-Helper ........ 25
(A) Offa, King of Mercia: Grant to Worcester Cathedral (741-96) .......... 25
(B) Aethelred, Alderman of Mercia: Grant to the Monastery of Berkeley (883) ...... 26
(C) Aethelred, Alderman of Mercia, and His Witan: Confirmation of a Title to Land (896) ... 28
(D) Edgar: Grant to the Bishop of Winchester (963) ... 29
(E) Canute: Grant to St. Paul's, London (1036) ... 30
(F) Confirmation of a Title to Land in the Shire Court of Hereford (1036) ......... 30
(G) Edward the Confessor: Grant to Westminster Abbey (1056) .......... 31
Introductory Note ............ 33
16. William I: Ordinance Concerning Trials ... 35
17. William I: Ordinance on Church Courts ... 35
18. William I: Ten (attributed) Articles .... 36
19. Records concerning a suit (1079-86)
(A) Writ of William I (1079-83) ...... 38
(B) Writ of Geoffrey, Bishop of Coutances (1086) ... 38
(C) Writ of William I (1086) ....... 38
20. William I: Writs Concerning Inquests at Ely
(A) Confirmation of Liberties for the Abbot of Ely (c. 1080) ............ 39
(B) Mandate for a Renewed Inquest (1082) ... 39
21. Return from the Domesday Inquest (1086) ... 40
22. Excerpts from Domesday Book
(A) Herefordshire .......... 41
(B) Cheshire ............ 44
(C) Berkshire ............ 45
(D) Worcestershire .......... 45
(E) Nottinghamshire .......... 46
23. Henry I: Coronation Charter (1100) ..... 46
24. Henry I: Ordinance on Local Courts ..... 49
25. Pipe Roll of 31 Henry I (1130)
(A) Warwickshire Account ........ 49
(B) Miscellaneous Entries ........ 52
26. Excerpts from the "Laws of Henry I" ..... 54
27. Writs Concerning Feudal Tenures
(A) William I: Grant in Free Alms (1070-71) ... 58
(B) William I: Summons for Military Service (1072) ............ 58
(C) William II: Writ for the Collection of Relief (1095-96) ........... 59
(D) Henry I: Grant Concerning Scutage (1127) ... 59
(E) Henry I: Grant of an Heiress with Lands (1121) ............ 59
(F) Subinfeudation by Charter (1121-22) .... 60
(G) Exchange and. Enfeoffment of Dower Land (c. 1123) ............ 60
(H) Stephen: Confirmation of a Serjeanty ... 61
(A) William I: Charter to London ...... 61
(B) Henry I: Charter to London ...... 61
(C) Henry I: Charter to Beverley ...... 63
(D) The Liberties of Newcastle ....... 64
29. The Constitution of the King's Household ... 65
Introductory Note ............ 71
30. The Constitutions of Clarendon (1164) .... 73
31. The Assize of Clarendon (1166) ...... 76
32. The Assize of Northampton (1176) ..... 80
33. Forms of Original Writs in Glanville
(A) Assize of Mort d'Ancestor ...... 82
(B) Assize of Novel Disseisin ....... 83
(C) Assize Utrum .......... 83
(D) Assize of Darrein Presentment ...... 83
(E) Writ of Right .......... 84
(F) Praecipe ............ 84
(G) De Nativo ........... 84
(H) Pone ............. 84
(I) Prohibe ............ 85
34. The Assize of Arms (1181) ........ 85
35. The Assize of the Forest (1184) ...... 87
(A) From the Archbishop of York ..... 89
(B) From the Abbot of St. Albans ..... 90
(C) From the Earl of Essex ....... 90
(D) From Baderon of Monmouth ...... 91
(E) From Gilbert of Pinkney ....... 91
(F) From Peter de La Mare ....... 91
(G) From William of London ....... 91
37. Pipe Roll of 33 Henry II (1187)
(A) Entries Concerning Scutage ...... 91
(B) Entries Concerning Tallage ...... 92
(C) Entries Concerning Profits of Justice .... 93
38. Ordinance of the Saladin Tithe (1188) .... 95
39. Borough Charters and Records
(A) John: Charter to Ipswich (1200) ..... 96
(B) Record of Proceedings at Ipswich (1200) ... 97
(C) Communal Oath of the Londoners ..... 101
(D) Levy of a Municipal Tax at London (1199) ... 101
(E) Ordinance for the Defense of London ... 103
(F) John: Charter to London (1215) ..... 104
(A) Articles for the General Eyre ...... 104
(B) Excerpts from a Court Roll of 6 Richard I ... 107
41. Letters Close and Patent (1205-13)
(A) Summons to a Great Council (1205) .... 109
(B) Summons of Service from the Cinque Ports (1206) ............ 110
(C) Levy of a Tax on Chattels and Rents (1207) ... 110
(D) Military and Naval Preparations (1212) ... 111
(E) Summons to a Great Council (1213) .... 112
42. Household Expense Roll (1210) ...... 113
43. John: Charter to the Church (1214) ..... 114
44. Magna Carta (1215) .......... 115
Introductory Note ............ 127
45. Henry III: Charter of the Forest (1217) . .. 129
46. Letters Close and Patent (1218-54)
(A) Collection of Scutage (1218) ...... 133
(B) Summons before the Itinerant Justices (1219) ... 133
(C) Collection of Carucage (1220) ...... 134
(D) Collection of a Fifteenth (1225) ..... 135
(E) Election of County Representatives (1227) ... 136
(F) Collection of Tallage and Levy of Ships (1227) ... 137
(G) Collection of a Fortieth (1232) ..... 138
(H) Ordinance for the Preservation of the Peace (1242) ............ 139
(I) Naval Levies (1242) ........ 140
(J) Writs of Summons (1253-54) ...... 141
47. Records of the Baronial Crisis (1258-66)
(A) Henry III: Letters Agreeing to Reform (1258) ... 142
(B) The Provisions of Oxford (1258) ..... 143
(C) The Provisions of Westminster (1259) ... 146
(D) The Decision of Louis IX (1264) ..... 148
(E) The Dictum of Kenilworth (1266) .... 149
48. Henry III: Later Writs of Summons
(A) Meeting with Knights of the Shire at Windsor (1261) ............ 150
(B) First Parliament of Simon de Montfort (1264) ... 150
(C) Second Parliament of Simon de Montfort (1265) ............ 151
(D) Council of 1268 .......... 152
49. Parliamentary and other Writs (1275-95)
(A) Parliament of 1275 ......... 153
(B) The New Customs (1275) ....... 154
(C) Subsidy of 1282 .......... 155
(D) Parliaments of 1283 ......... 155
(E) Subsidies of 1294 ......... 158
(F) Parliaments of 1295 ......... 159
50. Military and Naval Records (1278-97)
(A) Distraint of Knighthood (1278) ..... 161
(B) Commissions of Array ........ 161
(C) Memorandum of Service from the Cinque Ports (1293) ............ 162
(D) General Levy for Service in France (1297) ... 163
51. Records concerning Parliament (1297-1306)
(A) Confirmation of the Charters (1297) .... 164
(B) Parliamentary Bill of 1301 ....... 165
(C) Maltote of 1303 .......... 166
(D) Memorandum of Parliament (1306) .... 167
52. Edward I: Statutes and Ordinances
(A) Statute of Gloucester (1278) ...... 169
(B) Statute of Mortmain (1279) ...... 169
(C) Ordinance for the Household (1279) .... 170
(D) Statute of Merchants (1283) ...... 172
(E) Statute of Winchester (1285) ...... 173
(F) Statute of Quia Emptores (1290) ..... 174
(G) Ordinance Concerning Judicial Circuits (1293) ... 175
(H) Articles of 1300 .......... 175
53. Royal Councillors' Oaths of Office
(A) Oath of 1257 ........... 176
(B) Oath of 1307 ........... 176
54. Judicial Records (1220-83)
(A) Excerpts from the de Banco Roll of 1220 ... 177
(B) Excerpts from Assize Rolls of 1221 .... 179
(C) Excerpts from Exchequer Plea Rolls of 1236-37 ... 180
(D) Excerpts from Coroners' Rolls of 1266-67 ... 181
(E) Memorandum of Judicial Appointments (1278) ... 183
(F) Excerpts from the Coram Rege Rolls of 1281 ... 184
(G) Excerpts from the Parliament Roll of 1283 ... 186
(H) Excerpts from Manorial Court Rolls (1246-49) ... 187
Introductory Note ............ 190
55. Edward II: Coronation Oath (1308) ..... 192
56. Ordinances of 1311 ........... 193
57. Edward II: Household Ordinance (1318) ... 199
58. Edward II: Statute of York (1322) ..... 204
59. Edward II's Abdication (1327) ....... 205
60. Edward III: Writs of Summons
(A) Parliament of 1337 ......... 205
(B) Great Council of 1353 ........ 206
61. Parliament Rolls of Edward III
(A) Parliament of 1330 ......... 207
(B) Parliament of 1332 ......... 209
(C) Parliament of 1339 ......... 210
(D) First Parliament of 1340 .... 212
(E) Parliament of 1341 ......... 213
(F) Parliament of 1343 ......... 217
(G) Parliament of 1348 ......... 217
(H) Parliament of 1372 ......... 218
(I) Parliament of 1376 ......... 219
62. Edward III: Statutes and Ordinances
(A) Second Statute of I Edward III: Restriction of Military Levies, Improvement of Justice, etc. (1327) ............ 223
(B) Second Statute of 14 Edward III: Parliamentary Control of Direct Taxes (1340) ..... 223
(C) Annulment of the Statute of 1341 (1342) .... 224
(D) Statute of Labourers (1351) ...... 225
(E) Statute of Provisors (1351) ...... 226
(F) Statute of Treasons (1352) ...... 227
(G) Ordinance and Statute of Praemunire (1353) .... 227
(H) Ordinance and Statute of the Staple (1353) .... 228
(I) Statute of 34 Edward III: On Justices of the Peace (1361) ............ 230
(J) Statute of 36 Edward III: Regarding Purveyance, Customs, etc. (1362) ....... 231
63. Parliament Rolls of Richard II
(A) Parliament of 1377 ......... 232
(B) Parliament of 1378 ......... 234
(C) Parliament of 1379 ......... 235
(D) Parliament of 1380 ......... 236
(E) Parliament of 1381 ......... 237
(F) Parliament of 1386 ......... 237
(G) Parliament of 1388 ......... 239
(H) Parliament of 1397 ......... 240
(I) Parliament of 1398 ......... 241
64. Richard II: Statutes and Ordinances
(A) Appointment of Councillors (1377) .... 242
(B) Statute of 7 Richard II: For the Improvement of Justice (1384) .......... 242
(C) Ordinance Concerning Livery and Maintenance (1390) ............ 243
(D) Ordinance Concerning the King's Council (1390) .... 244
(E) Statute of 15 Richard II: Restriction of Uses (1391) ............ 245
(F) Second Statute of Praemunire (1393) ... 246
65. Durham Halmote Rolls (1375) ....... 246
Introductory Note ............ 249
66. Parliament Rolls of Henry IV and Henry V
(A) Parliament of 1399 ......... 250
(B) Parliament of 1401 ......... 257
(C) Parliament of 1404 ......... 259
(D) Parliament of 1406 ......... 262
(E) Parliament of 1407 ......... 263
(F) Parliament of 1414 ......... 265
67. Parliament Rolls of Henry VI
(A) Parliament of 1422 ......... 265
(B) Parliament of 1427 ......... 267
(C) Parliament of 1429 ......... 269
(D) Parliament of 1439 ......... 270
(E) Parliament of 1451 ......... 270
(F) Parliament of 1455 ......... 271
68. Parliament Roll of Richard III (1483) .... 272
(A) 1 Henry IV: Restriction of Appeals (1399) ... 273
(B) 3 Henry IV: For the Burning of Heretics (1401) ............ 274
(C) 7 Henry IV: On the Succession to the Throne and Elections to Parliament (1406) .... 275
(D) 1 Henry V: On Elections to Parliament (1413) ... 276
(E) 8 Henry VI: On Elections to Parliament (1429) ... 276
(F) 23 Henry VI: On Elections to Parliament (1445) ... 277
(G) 1 Edward IV: Validation of Lancastrian Acts (1461) ............ 277
(H) I Richard III: Abolition of Benevolences (1483) ... 278
70. Records of the Privy Council
(A) Petition and Judgment (1401) ...... 279
(B) Minutes of December 8, 1406 ...... 279
(C) Minutes of August 18, 1409 ...... 280
(D) Memorandum of May 6, 1421 ..... 281
(E) Minutes, March to June, 1422 ...... 282
(F) Minutes of November 12, 1437 ..... 284
(G) Judgment in the Star Chamber (1482) ... 284
(A) Petition for General Relief (1399) .... 285
(B) Petition for Injunction ........ 286
(C) Petition with Regard to a Trust ..... 286
(D) Petition and Judgment Regarding a Mortgage (1456) ............ 287
(A) Extracts from the London Liber Albus ... 288
(B) Henry VI: Charter to Nottingham (1448) ... 290
(C) Municipal Ordinances at Leicester (1466-67) ... 291
(D) Returns of Borough Elections (1437) .... 294
Introductory Note ............ 296
(A) Act of Succession (1485) ....... 298
(B) Star Chamber Act (1487) ....... 299
(C) Act Concerning Justices of the Peace (1489) ... 299
(D) Poyning's Law (1494) ........ 301
(E) Statute of Treason (1495) ....... 301
(F) Statute of Liveries (1504) ...... 302
(A) Act Concerning the Court of Star Chamber (1529) ............ 303
(B) Act in Restraint of Appeals (1533) .... 304
(C) Act for the Submission of the Clergy and Restraint of Appeals (1534) ....... 306
(D) Act Concerning Ecclesiastical Appointments and Absolute Restraint of Annates (1534) .... 307
(E) Act Concerning Peter's Pence and Dispensations (1534) ............ 308
(F) First Act of Succession (1534) ..... 310
(G) Supremacy Act (1534) ........ 311
(H) Statute of Uses (1536) ........ 312
(I) Beggars Act (1536) ......... 313
(J) Act for the Government of Wales (1536) ... 314
(K) Statute of Proclamations (1539) ..... 316
(L) Act Dissolving the Greater Monasteries (1539) .... 317
(M) Statute of the Six Articles (1539) .... 319
(N) Third Act of Succession (1543) ..... 320
75. Order for the Council of the North (1545) .... 321
76. Will of Henry VIII (1546) ........ 323
(A) First Act of Uniformity (1549) ..... 325
(B) Second Act of Uniformity (1552) .... 326
(A) First Statute of Repeal (1553) ..... 328
(B) Act Concerning the Regal Power (1554) .... 328
(C) Second Statute of Repeal (1555) ..... 329
(D) Highways Act (1555) ........ 330
79. Proceedings of the Privy Council (1526-57)
(A) Regulations for the Council (1526) .... 331
(B) Letters of the Council (1547) ...... 332
(C) Minutes of 28-29 April, 1550 ...... 333
(D) Report to the Council on Princess Mary (1551) .... 334
(E) Letters of the Council (1552-53) ..... 335
(F) Committees of the Council (1554) .... 335
(G) Letters of the Council (1555-57) ..... 336
80. Records of Cases in Star Chamber (1505-53)
(A) The Bishop of Worcester v. Thomasyn and Others (1505) ........... 337
(B) Mulsho v. the Inhabitants of Thingden (1529) ... 338
(C) Broke v. Spyttul (1534) ....... 340
(D) Petyt v. Jobber and Others (1540-41) .... 341
(E) Gerard v. Dodd (1547-53) ....... 342
(F) The King v. a Jury of Lichfield (1551-53) .... 343
(A) Act of Supremacy (1559) ...... 344
(B) Act of Uniformity (1559) ....... 346
(C) Statute of Artificers (1563) ...... 348
(D) Treasons Act (1571) ...... 351
(E) Act Prohibiting Bulls from Rome (1571) .... 352
(F) Act against Sectaries (1593) ...... 354
(G) Act against Papists (1593) ....... 355
(H) Poor Relief Act (1598) ....... 356
82. Proceedings in Parliament (1559-1601)
(A) Opening of Parliament (1559) ..... 358
(B) Procedure on a Bill (1559) ...... 360
(C) Speech of the Lord Keeper on the Administration of Justice (1559) ......... 361
(D) A Day's Business in the Commons (1563) ... 363
(E) Procedure on a Request for Supply (1566) ... 363
(F) Debate on Freedom of Speech (1566) ... 363
(G) Speech of the Queen (1567) ...... 364
(H) Debate on Freedom of Speech (1571) ... 365
(I) Intervention by the Queen (1572) .... 366
(J) The Case of Peter Wentworth (1576) ... 367
(K) The Case of Arthur Hall (1581) ..... 370
(L) Peter Wentworth's Questions on Free Speech (1587) ............ 372
(M) Speech of the Lord Keeper on the Privileges of the Commons (1593) ........ 372
(N) Speech of Serjeant Heyle (1601) ..... 373
(O) Speeches by Sir Robert Cecil (1601) .... 374
(P) Speech of the Queen (1601) ...... 375
83. Records concerning the council (1558-1600)
(A) Proceedings on a Case in London (1558-59) ... 376
(B) Committees of the Council (1558) .... 377
(C) Letters on Judicial Matters (1559-66) ... 377
(D) Memorandum on the Statute of Artificers (1565) ... 378
(E) Memorandum on Appeals from Jersey (1572) ... 379
(F) Oath of the Clerk of the Council (1572) ... 379
(G) Miscellaneous Letters (1573-93) ..... 380
(H) Instructions to Local Government Officials (1598) ............ 382
(I) John Herbert's Memorandum (1600) .... 383
84. Commission for Ecclesiastical Causes (1559) ... 384
85. Acts Concerning Printing (1530-85)
(A) Proclamation Against Erroneous Books (1530) ... 387
(B) Decree in Star Chamber Concerning Books (1566) ............ 388
(C) Decree in Star Chamber Concerning Printers (1585) ............ 389
86. Local Judicial Records (1553-96)
(A) Oath of Office of a Justice of the Peace .... 390
(B) Persons Summoned to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions (October, 1585) ..... 391
(C) Staffordshire Quarter Sessions Rolls (1587-96) .... 392
(D) Rolls of Borough Sessions at Nottingham (1553-88) ........... 394
87. Records Concerning the Militia (1539-77)
(A) Commission of a Lord Lieutenant (1576) .... 396
(B) Instructions for General Musters (1572) .... 397
(C) Certificate of Muster Masters (1539) .... 399
(D) Instructions for Training Men in Lancashire (1577) ............ 399
88. Grants for Trade and Colonies (1578-1601)
(A) Letters Patent to Sir Humphrey Gilbert (1578) ... 400
(B) Charter to the East India Company (1601) .... 401
Introductory Note ............ 404
89. Records of Parliament and Taxes (1604-22)
(A) James I: Proclamation Concerning Elections (1604) ............ 406
(B) Early Proceedings of the Commons (1604) .... 407
(C) The Case of Sir Francis Goodwin (1604) .... 410
(D) The Case of Sir Thomas Shirley (1604) .... 414
(E) Notes Concerning Procedure in the Commons (1604-07) ........... 415
(F) Message of James I to the Commons (5 June 1604) ............. 418
(G) The Apology of the Commons (20 June 1604) ... 418
(H) James I: Levy of Impositions (1608) ... 424
(I) Address of the Commons to James I (1610) ... 425
(J) Letter of James I to the Commons (1621) .... 427
(K) Debates in the Commons on Privilege (1621) .... 427
(L) The King's Dissolution of Parliament (1622) .... 429
(A) Succession Act (1604) ........ 431
(B) Act to Explain the Statute of Artificers (1604) .... 432
(C) General Act in Shirley's Case (1604) .... 433
(D) Statute of Monopolies (1624) ...... 434
91. Records of Judicial Cases (1606-21)
(A) Bates' Case (1606) ......... 435
(B) The Question of Prohibitions (1607) .... 437
(C) The Case of the Postnati (1608) ..... 438
(D) The Question of Royal Proclamations (1610) .... 441
(E) Council Proceedings on a Judgment in Chancery (1613) ............ 442
(F) The Question of Commendams (1616) .... 442
(G) Council Proceedings against Sir Edward Coke (1616) ............ 443
(H) Pigg v. Caley (1618) ........ 444
(I) Impeachment of Francis Bacon (1621) ... 444
92. Records Concerning Parliament (1626-29)
(A) Letter of Charles I to the Commons (1626) ... 447
(B) Charles I: Ordinance for Levying Customs (1626) ............ 447
(C) Proceedings on the Arrest of Certain Lords (1626) ............ 448
(D) Petition of Right (1628) ....... 450
(E) Proceedings on the Petition of Right (1628) ... 453
(F) Resolutions of the Commons (1629) .... 454
93. Acts of the Royal Government (1630-35)
(A) Proclamation for Distraint of Knighthood (1630) 455
(B) Writ for the Collection of Ship Money (1634) ... 455
(C) Commission for Levying Fines Under Forest Law (1635) ............ 456
94. Records of Judicial Cases (1627-38)
(A) The Case of the Five Knights (1627) ... 457
(B) The Question of Ship Money (1637) .... 458
(C) The King v. John Hampden (1638) .... 459
(D) Star Chamber Reports (1631) ...... 462
(E) High Commission Reports (1631) ..... 467
95. Records of the Short Parliament (1640)
(A) Speech of the Lord Keeper (13 April) ... 471
(B) Speech of the Lord Keeper (22 April) ... 472
(C) Proceedings in the Commons (23-24 April) ... 473
(D) The King's Speech and Its Results (24 April) ... 473
(E) Dissolution of Parliament (5 May) .... 475
96. Records of the Long Parliament (1640-42)
(A) Triennial Act (1641) ........ 476
(B) Act for the Attainder of Strafford (1641) ... 477
(C) Act to Continue the Existing Parliament ( 1641 ) ... 478
(D) Tunnage and Poundage Act (1641) .... 478
(E) Act Abolishing Arbitrary Courts (1641) ... 479
(F) Act Abolishing the Court of High Commission (1641) ............ 480
(G) Act Abolishing Ship Money (1641) .... 481
(H) Act Defining Forests and Forest Law (1641) ... 482
(I) Act Abolishing Fines for Distraint of Knighthood (1641) ............ 483
(J) Reply of Charles I to the Commons' Petition (1641) ............ 483
(K) Orders of the Commons with Regard to Printing ............ 485
(L) Act Abolishing Temporal Power of the Clergy (1641) ............ 486
(M) The Militia Ordinance (1642) ..... 486
(N) Royal Proclamation (27 May 1642) .... 487
(O) Declaration of the Lords and Commons (27 May 1642) ............. 488
(P) The Nineteen Propositions (1 June 1642) ... 489
97. Decree of the Clergy on Regal Power (1640) ... 491
98. Records of Local Government (1616-37)
(A) Speech of James I to the Judges (1616) ..... 493
(B) The Lord Keeper's Instructions to the Justices (1632) ............ 494
(C) Yorkshire Quarter Sessions Records (1610-12) .... 495
(D) Worcestershire Quarter Sessions Records (1637) .... 497
99. Records Concerning Virginia (1606-25)
(A) James 1: Charter to the Virginia Company (1606) ............ 499
(B) Ordinance of the Virginia Council (1621) ... 500
(C) Charles I: Proclamation Concerning Virginia (1625) ............ 501
Introductory Note ............ 503
100. The Solemn League and Covenant (1643) ..... 504
101. Ordinances of Parliament (1644-45)
(A) Committee for Co-operation with the Scots (1644) ... 505
(B) The Self-Denying Ordinance (1645) .... 506
102. The Heads of the Proposals (1647) ..... 507
103. An Agreement of the People (1649) ..... 511
104. Records of the Trial of Charles I (1649)
(A) Act Erecting a High Court of Justice (6 January) ............. 516
(B) The King's Refusal to Recognize the Court (21 January) ............ 517
(C) The Sentence of the Court (27 January) ... 518
105. Act Establishing a Council of State (1649) ... 519
106. Act Abolishing the Kingship (1649) ..... 521
107. Act Abolishing the House of Lords (1649) ... 522
108. Treasons Act (1649) .......... 522
109. Act Establishing the Commonwealth (1649) ... 523
110. Navigation Act (1651) .......... 524
111. The Instrument of Government (1653) .... 525
112. The Humble Petition and Advice (1657) .... 529
113. The Declaration of Breda (1660) ...... 532
Introductory Note ............ 534
(A) Act Legalizing the Convention Parliament (1660) .... 535
(B) Act Abolishing Feudal Tenures (1660) ... 536
(C) Post Office Act (1660) ........ 537
(D) Navigation Act (1660) ........ 538
(E) Treasons Act (1661) ........ 538
(F) Act Restoring the Temporal Power of the Clergy (1661) ............ 540
(G) Act Against Tumultuous Petitioning ( 1661 ) ... 540
(H) Militia Act (1661) ......... 541
(I) Ecclesiastical Commission Act (1661) .... 541
(J) Corporation Act (1661) ........ 542
(K) Act of Uniformity (1662) ....... 543
(L) Act to Relieve the Poor (1662) ..... 546
(M) Licensing Act (1662) ........ 548
(N) Act Regulating Commerce (1663) ..... 551
(O) Triennial Act (1664) ........ 552
(P) Conventicle Act (1664) ......... 553
(Q) Five-Mile Act (1665) ........ 554
(R) First Test Act (1673) ........ 555
(S) Act Repealing the Statute for the Burning of Heretics (1678) .......... 556
(T) Second Test Act (1678) ....... 556
(U) Habeas Corpus Act (1679) ....... 557
115. Royal Declaration of Indulgence (1672) .... 559
116. Proceedings in Parliament (1668-81)
(A) On Skinner v. the East India Company (1668-70) ............. 560
(B) On the Right of the Lords to Amend Money Bills (1671) ............ 563
(C) On the Declaration of Indulgence (1673) ... 567
(D) On Shirley v. Fagg (1675) ...... 569
(E) On the Right of the Lords to Amend Money Bills (1678) ............ 572
(F) On the Impeachment of Danby (1679) ... 572
(G) On the Printing of Votes in the Commons (1681) ... 576
117. Records of Judicial Cases (1670-88)
(A) Bushell's Case (1670) ........ 577
(B) The King v. Henry Carr (1680) ..... 579
(C) The King v. the City of London (1682) ... 581
(D) Godden v. Hales (1686) ....... 582
(E) The Case of the Seven Bishops (1688) ... 583
118. Records Concerning Colonies (1660-81)
(A) Appointment of Committees of the Council (1660) ............ 586
(B) Instructions for the Council of Trade ( 1660) ... 587
(C) Establishment of a Single Committee on Trade and Plantations (1675) ......... 588
(D) Charles II: Charter to Connecticut (1662) ... 589
(E) Charles II: Grant to William Penn (1681) ... 590
119. Records of Leicester (1660-88)
(A) Petition of Nathaniel Hasselwood for the Freedom of the Borough ......... 592
(B) Letter Concerning a New Municipal Charter (1664) ............ 592
(C) Disputed Election to the Corporation (1665-66) ... 593
(D) Memorandum Concerning Conventicles (1671) ... 594
(E) Petition of the Stocking-Makers ..... 594
(F) Letter Concerning Elections to Parliament (1677) ... 596
(G) Chamberlain's Account (1682-83) ..... 597
Introductory Note ............ 598
(A) Bill of Rights (1689) ........ 599
(B) Mutiny Act (1689) ......... 605
(C) Coronation Oath Act (1689) ...... 606
(D) Toleration Act (1689) ........ 607
(E) Triennial Act (1694) ........ 608
(F) Trials for Treason Act (1696) ...... 609
(G) Civil List Act (1698) ........ 610
(H) Act of Settlement (1701) ....... 610
(A) Act of Union with Scotland (1707) .... 612
(B) Place Act (1707) ......... 615
(A) Riot Act (1715) .......... 617
(B) Septennial Act (1716) ........ 618
(C) Irish Parliament Act (1719) ...... 618
123. Proceedings in Parliament (1695-1745)
(A) Commons' Resolutions on the Licensing Bill (1695) ............ 619
(B) Resolutions on the Case of Ashby v. White (1704) ............ 621
(C) Minority Protest in the Lords against the Septennial Act (1716) .......... 623
(D) Commons' Debate on the Printing of Speeches (1738) ............ 624
(E) Discussion of Cabinet Councils (1738-40) ... 627
(F) Debate on the Removal of Walpole from Office (1741) ........... 629
(G) Sir William Yonge on Annual Parliaments (1745) ... 634
124. Records of Judicial Cases (1691-1710)
(A) The Case of John Ashton (1691) ..... 637
(B) Blankard v. Galdy (1693) ....... 638
(C) Ashby v. White and Others (1702-03) ... 639
(D) The Queen v. Paty and Others (1704) ... 640
(E) The Queen v. Tutchin (1704) ...... 640
(F) Impeachment of Sacheverell (1710) .... 641
125. Records Concerning Colonies (1692-1718)
(A) Instructions to the Governor of New York (1692) ... 646
(B) Order in Council on Colonial Appeals (1696) ... 648
(C) Order on an Appeal from Connecticut (1698) ... 648
(D) Report on Trade and Plantations (1700) ... 650
(E) Council Proceedings on Colonial Trade (1705-18) ... 654
Introductory Note ............ 657
(A) Stamp Act (1765) ......... 658
(B) Declaratory Act (1766) ........ 659
(C) Townshend's Revenue Act (1767) ..... 660
(D) Quebec Act (1774) ......... 661
(E) Colonial Tax Repeal Act (1778) ..... 663
(F) Burke's Place Act (1782) ....... 664
(G) Irish Appeals Act (1783) ....... 664
(H) Canadian Constitution Act (1791) ... 664
(I) Fox's Libel Act (1792) ....... 666
(J) Act Suspending Habeas Corpus in Certain Cases (1794) ............ 667
(K) Treasonable and Seditious Practices Act (1795) ... 668
(L) Seditious Assemblies Act (1795) ..... 668
(M) Poor Relief Act (1795) ....... 670
(N) Act of Union with Ireland (1800) .... 671
(O) Cotton Industry Arbitration Act (1800) .... 673
(P) Combination Act (1800) ....... 674
(Q) Factory Act (1802) ......... 675
(A) Repeal of the Combination Acts (1825) .... 676
(B) Repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts (1828) .... 677
(C) Roman Catholic Emancipation Act (1829) .... 678
128. Proceedings in Parliament (1763-84)
(A) Proceedings in the Case of John Wilkes (1763) .... 679
(B) Minority Protest in the Lords on the Repeal of the Stamp Act (1766) ......... 681
(C) Proceedings on the Middlesex Election (1769) .... 682
(D) Commons' Debate on the Reporting of Speeches (1778) ............ 685
(E) Commons' Debate on North's Government (1779) .... 687
(F) Commons' Debate on Dunning's Resolutions (1780) ............ 690
(G) Pitt's Proposals for Reform of Parliament (1783) ... 692
(H) Commons' Debate on the Influence of the Crown (1783) ............ 696
(I) Debates on the Continuance of Pitt's Ministry (1784) ............ 699
129. Records of Judicial Cases (1763-1820)
(A) Habeas Corpus Proceedings in Wilkes' Case (1763) ............ 704
(B) Entick v. Carrington (1765) ...... 705
(C) Somersett's Case (1772) ....... 710
(D) Campbell v. Hall (1774) ....... 711
(E) The Case of the Dean of St. Asaph (1784) ... 713
(F) Grant v. Gould (1792) ........ 715
(G) The Case of Wolfe Tone (1798) ..... 716
(H) Wright v. Fitzgerald (1799) ...... 717
(I) The King v. Burdett (1820) ...... 718
Introductory Note ............ 721
(A) Reform Act (1832) ......... 723
(B) Privy Council Appeals Act (1833) ..... 725
(C) Act Abolishing Slavery (1833) ..... 726
(D) Factory Act (1833) ......... 726
(E) Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) .... 728
(F) Municipal Corporations Act (1835) .... 729
131. Victoria: Statutes (1839-76)
(A) Constables Act (1839) ........ 733
(B) Defence Act (1842) ......... 734
(C) Repeal of the Navigation Acts (1849) .... 735
(D) County and Borough Police Act (1856) .... 735
(E) Petitions of Right Act (1860) ...... 736
(F) Colonial Laws Validity Act (1865) .... 737
(G) British North America Act (1867) .... 738
(H) Representation of the People Act (1867) ... 744
(I) Education Act (1870) ........ 747
(J) Ballot Act (1872) ......... 749
(K) Judicature Act (1873) ........ 750
(L) Appellate Jurisdiction Act (1876) .... 752
132. Proceedings in Parliament (1831-66)
(A) Debates on the Reform Bill (1831) .... 755
(B) Debate on Melbourne's Government (1841) .... 762
(C) Disraeli on the Work of the Commons (1848) .... 767
(D) Debate on the Rebellion Losses Bill of Canada (1849) ............ 768
(E) Lord John Russell on Palmerston's Dismissal (1852) ............ 772
(F) Gladstone on the Advance of the Working Class (1866) ............ 775
133. Records Concerning Canada (1839-59)
(A) The Durham Report (1839) ...... 776
(B) Letter of Howe to Russell (18 September 1839) .... 779
(C) Dispatches of Russell to Poulett Thomson (1839) .... 780
(D) Dispatch of Stanley to Bagot (8 October 1841 ) .... 783
(E) Dispatch of Metcalfe to Stanley (5 August 1843) .... 785
(F) Dispatches of Grey to Harvey (1846-47) .... 786
(G) Dispatch of Elgin to Grey (1847) .... 789
(H) Letter of Grey to Elgin (22 February 1848) ... 790
(I) Dispatch of Elgin to Newcastle (26 March 1853) .... 790
(J) The Galt Memorandum (1859) ..... 791
134. Records of Judicial Cases (1832-76)
(A) Charge to the Bristol Grand Jury (1832) ... 792
(B) Stockdale v. Hansard (1839) ...... 794
(C) The Case of the Sheriff of Middlesex (1840) ... 797
(D) Wason v. Walter (1868) ....... 798
(E) Rustomjee v. the Queen (1876) ..... 801
Introductory Note ............ 803
135. Victoria: Statutes (1884-1900)
(A) Representation of the People Act (1884) ... 805
(B) Redistribution of Seats Act (1885) .... 805
(C) Allotments Act (1887) ........ 806
(D) Local Government Act (1888) ...... 808
(E) Workmen's Compensation Act (1897) ... 810
(F) Commonwealth of Australia Act (1900) ... 811
(A) Trade Disputes Act (1906) ...... 817
(B) Union of South Africa Act (1909) .... 817
(A) Parliament Act (1911) ........ 822
(B) National Insurance Act (1911) ..... 824
(C) Defence of the Realm Consolidation Act (1914) .... 826
(D) Representation of the People Act (1918) .... 827
(E) Re-election of Ministers Act (1919) .... 829
(F) Sex-Disqualification Removal Act (1919) .... 830
(G) Church of England Assembly Act (1919) .... 830
(H) Emergency Powers Act (1920) ..... 832
(I) Irish Free State Agreement Act (1922) .... 833
(J) Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Act (1927) .... 835
(K) Equal Franchise Act (1928) ...... 837
(L) Local Government Act (1929) ...... 837
(M) Statute of Westminster (1931) ..... 839
138. Proceedings in Parliament (1909-32)
(A) Debate on the Budget (1909) ...... 841
(B) Debate on Reform of the House of Lords (1910) .... 846
(C) Resolutions of the House of Lords (1910) .... 850
(D) Debate in the Commons on Cabinet Responsibility (1932) ........... 851
139. Records of Judicial Cases (1884-1935)
(A) Bradlaugh v. Gossett (1884) ...... 857
(B) Kruse v. Johnson (1898) ....... 861
(C) Local Government Board v. Arlidge (1915) ... 864
(D) The King v. Halliday (1917) ...... 867
(E) Attorney General v. De Keyset's Royal Hotel (1920) ............ 871
(F) Moore and Others v. the Attorney General of the Irish Free State (1935) ....... 875
140. Records of the Imperial Conference (1926) ... 878
141. His Majesty's Government (1936) ...... 883
142. Records of Edward VIII's Abdication (1936)
(A) Speech by Prime Minister Baldwin .... 885
(B) Declaration of Abdication Act ...... 890
143. George VI: Coronation Oath (1937) ..... 891
Saints' Days and Other Festivals Mentioned in the Foregoing Documents ......... 892
General Bibliography ........... 894
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