Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to the Constitution
      (Seventy-fourth Amendment) Bill, 1991 which was enacted as
          THE CONSTITUTION (Sixty-ninth Amendment) Act, 1991


The  question  of re-organisation of the Administrative set-up in  the
Union  territory  of  Delhi has been under the  consideration  of   the
Government  for  some  time.   The Government of  India   appointed  on
24-12-1987  a  Committee to go into the various issues connected  with
the  administration of Delhi and to recommend measures inter alia  for
the  streamlining  of the administrative set-up.  The  Committee   went
into  the  matter  in  great detail and considered  the   issues  after
holding  discussions with various individuals, associations, political
parties  and other experts and taking into account the arrangements in
the  national  Capitals of other countries with a federal  set-up  and
also  the  debates in the Constituent Assembly as also the reports  by
earlier  Committees and Commissions.  After such detailed inquiry  and
examination,  it recommended that Delhi should continue to be a  Union
territory  and  provided with a Legislative Assembly and a Council  of
Ministers responsible to such Assembly with appropriate powers to deal
with  matters  of  concern  to the common  man.   The   Committee  also
recommended  that  with a view to ensure stability and permanence  the
arrangements  should  be incorporated in the Constitution to give  the
National Capital a special status among the Union territories.

2. The Bill seeks to give effect to the above proposals.

NEW DELHI;                                       S. B. CHAVAN.

The 12th December, 1991.


                              ACT, 1991

                                        [21st December, 1991.]

An Act further to amend the Constitution of India.

BE  it enacted by Parliament in the Forty-second Year of the  Republic
of India as follows:-

1.   Short  title  and commencement.- (1) This Act may be  called  the
Constitution (Sixty-ninth Amendment) Act, 1991.

(2)  It  shall  come  into  force on  such  date_678  as  the  Central
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.

2.   Insertion of new articles 239AA and 239AB.- After article 239A of
the Constitution, the following articles shall be inserted, namely:-

`239AA.   Special  provisions with respect to Delhi.-(1) As  from  the
date  of commencement of THE CONSTITUTION (Sixty-ninth Amendment) Act,
1991,  the  Union  territory  of Delhi shall be  called  the   National
Capital  Territory of Delhi (hereafter in this Part referred to as the
National  Capital  Territory) and the administrator thereof  appointed
under article 239 shall be designated as the Lieutenant Governor.

(2) (a) There shall be a Legislative Assembly for the National Capital
Territory  and  the seats in such Assembly shall be filled by  members
chosen  by  direct  election from territorial  constituencies  in   the
National Capital Territory.

(b)  The total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly, the number
of  seats  reserved for Sceduled Castes, the division of the  National
Capital Territory into territorial constituencies (including the basis
for  such division) and all other matters relating to the  functioning
of  the  Legislative  Assembly  shall  be regulated  by   law  made  by

(c)  The  provisions  of articles 324 to 327 and 329  shall  apply  in
relation to the National Capital Territory, the Leislative Assembly of
the  National Capital Territory and the members thereof as they apply,
in  relation  to a State, the Legislative Assembly of a State and  the
members  thereof respectively;  and any reference in articles 326  and
329  to "appropriate Legislature" shall be deemed to be a reference to

(3)   (a)  Subject  to  the    provisions  of  this  Constitution,  the
Legislative  Assembly  shall have power to make laws for the whole  or
any  part of the National Capital Territory with respect to any of the
matters  enumerated in the State List or in the Concurrent List in  so
far  as  any  such matter is applicable to  Union  territories   except
matters  with  respect  to Entries 1, 2 and 18 of the State  List   and
Entries  64,  65 and 66 of that List in so far as they relate  to  the
said Entries 1, 2 and 18.

(b)  Nothing  in  sub-clause  (a) shall derogate from  the  powers  of
Parliament  under  this Constitution to make laws with respect to  any
matter for a Union territory or any part thereof.

(c)  If  any provision of a law made by the Legislative Assembly  with
respect  to any matter is repugnant to any provision of a law made  by
Parliament with respect to that matter, whether passed before or after
the  law made by the Legislative Assembly, or of an earlier law, other
than a law made by the Legislative Assembly, then, in either case, the
law  made  by  Parliament, or, as the case may be, such  earlier   law,
shall  prevail and the law made by the Legislative Assembly shall,  to
the extent of the repugnancy, be void:

Provided  that  if any such law made by the Legislative  Assembly  has
been  reserved for the consideration of the President and has received
his assent, such law shall prevail in the National Capital Territory:

Provided  further  that  nothing  in   this  sub-clause  shall  prevent
Parliament  from enacting at any time any law with respect to the same
matter  including a law adding to, amending, varying or repealing  the
law so made by the Legislative Assembly.

(4)  There shall be a Council of Ministers consisting of not more than
ten  per  cent.   of the total number of members  in  the   Legislative
Assembly,  with  the Chief Minister at the head to aid and advise  the
Lieutenant  Governor  in the exercise of his functions in relation  to
matters  with  respect to which the Legislative Assembly has power  to
make laws, except in so far as he is, by or under any law, required to
act in his discretion:

Provided  that  in  the  case of difference  of  opinion  between  the
Lieutenant  Governor  and his Ministers on any matter, the  Lieutenant
Governor  shall  refer  it  to  the President  for   decision  and  act
according  to the decision given thereon by the President and  pending
such decision it shall be competent for the Lieutenant Governor in any
case  where  the  matter,  in his opinion, is so  urgent   that  it  is
necessary  for him to take immediate action, to take such action or to
give such direction in the matter as he deems necessary.

(5)  The  Chief Minister shall be appointed by the President  and  the
other  Ministers shall be appointed by the President on the advice  of
the  Chief  Minister  and the Ministers shall hold office  during   the
pleasure of the President.

(6) The Council of Ministers shall be collectively responsible to the
Legislative Assembly.

(7)  Parliament may, by law, make provisions for giving effect to,  or
supplementing  the  provisions contained in the foregoing clauses  and
for all matters incidental or consequential thereto.

(8)  The Provisions of article 239B shall, so far as may be, apply  in
relation  to  the National Capital Territory, the Lieutenant  Governor
and  the Legislative Assembly, as they apply in relation to the  Union
territory  of  Pondicerry,  the  administrator  and  its   Legislature,
respectively;   and  any reference in that article to "clause   (1)  of
article  239A"  shall be deemed to be a reference to this  article   or
article 239AB, as the case may be.

239AB.   Provision in case of failure of constitutional  machinery.-If
the  President, on receipt of a report from the Lieutenant Governor or
otherwise, is satisfied-

(a)  that  a Situation has arisen in which the administration  of  the
National Capital Territory cannot be carried on in accordance with the
provisions  of article 239AA or of any law made in pursuance of  that
article;  or

(b)  that  for  the  proper administration  of  the  National  Capital
Territory it is necessary or expedient so to do,

the  President may by order suspend the operation of any provision  of
article  239AA  or of all or any of the provisions of any law made  in
pursuance  of  that  article  for  such period  and   subject  to  such
conditions  as  may be specified in such law and make such  incidental
and  consequential provisions as may appear to him to be necessary  or
expedient   for  administering  the   National  Capital   Territory  in
accordance with the provisions of article 239 and article 239AA.'.