
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W |



FACTORIES.                                         Sch. VII,List III-36. 
      Population control and...                    Sch. VII,List III-20A. 
      definition of..                                         366(11). 
      provisions as to Judges of....                          374(1). 
      provisions as to suits, etc., pending in                374(2). 
      in respect of matters in Concurrent 
      List excepting court fees                    Sch. VII,List III-47. 
      in respect of matters in State List
       excepting court fees                        Sch. VII,List II-66. 
      in respect of matters in Union List 
      excepting court fees                         Sch. VII,List I-96. 
      taken in courts other than Supreme Court     Sch. VII,List II-3. 
      taken in Supreme Court...                    Sch. VII,List I-77. 
      adjustment in respect of certain expenses 
      and pensions between
      Union and States....                                    290. 
      annual financial statement-See ANNUAL FINANCIAL
      annual payments to Devaswom Funds..                     290A. 
      Bills, financial-
      in Parliament..                                         117. 
      in State Legislature.....                               207. 
      Bills, regarding taxation affecting States              274. 
See also BILLS. 
      constitution of.....                                    280(1). 
      duty of...                                              280(3). 
      powers of-, Parliament to determine                     280(4). 
      qualifications for membership of...                     280(2). 
      recommendations of-to be laid before each House of
      Parliament.....                                         281. 
      Consolidated Fund of India....                          266. 
      borrowing on the security of..                          292. 
      custody, etc., of...                                    283(1). 
      definition of..                                         266(1). 
      expenditure charged on...                               112(3). 
      not subject to vote of Parliament..                     113(1). 
      Consolidated Fund of the States....                     266. 
      borrowing on the security of..                          293. 
      custody, etc., of...                                    283(2). 
      definition of..                                         266(1). 
      expenditure charged on...                               202(3). 
      not subject to vote of Legislature                      203(1). 
      Contingency Fund of India.....                          267(1). 
      custody, etc., of...                                    283(1). 
      Contingency Fund of States....                          267(2). 
      custody, etc., of...                                    283(2). 
      collected by Union and may be distributed between 
Union and States.....                                         272. 
      collected by Union but assigned to States               269. 
      in  respect of succession to agricultural land Sch. VII.List II-47. 
      in respect of succession to property other 
      than agricultural land...                      Sch. VII,List I-88. 
      levied by Union and collected and appropriated
      by States.                                              268. 
      of customs including export duties             Sch. VII,List I-83. 
      of excise, on alcoholic liquors, opium, 
      Indian hemp, etc                               Sch. VII,List II-51. 
      of excise, on tobacco, etc....                 Sch. VII,List I-84. 
      stamp,   other  than  duties  or  fees  
      collected by judicial stamp..                  Sch. VII,List III-44. 
      stamp,  rates of, in respect of bills 
      of exchange, etc                               Sch.  VII,List I-91. 
      surcharge on certain, for purposes 
      of Union                                                271. 
      grants by the Union or States for public 
      purposes                                                282. 
      grants by Union to certain States                       275. 
      grants to certain States in lieu of export 
      duty on jute and jute products.....                     273. 
      Interpretation of, for the purposes of Part XII,
      "Finance Commission"                                    264. 
      "net proceeds", etc., calculation of                    279. 
      public account of India and the States                  266(2). 
      custody, etc., of money credited to                     283. 
      suitors' deposits and other moneys received 
      by the public servants and courts to be paid 
      into                                                    284. 
      revenues, distribution of, between the Union and the
      duties and taxes, etc., collected by the Union and
      assigned to States..                                    269. 
      levied by the Union and shared with the States          270 & 272. 
      levied by the Union but collected and appropriated by
      the States.....                                         268. 
      on   export  of  jute,  etc.,  grant  in  lieu 
      of, to certain States..                                 273. 
      surcharge on, for purposes of Union, Parliament may
      impose....                                              271. 
      sales tax, restriction as to imposition of              286. 
      State taxation -
      exemption from-in respect of water or electricity 
      in certain cases....                                    287-288. 
      exemption of Union property from...                     285. 
      Supplementary grants-See SUPPLEMENTARY GRANTS. 
      capitation.....                                Sch. VII,List II-61. 
      corporation....                                Sch.  VII,List I-85. 
      on advertisements in newspapers....            Sch.  VII,List I-92. 
      on other advertisements..                      Sch.  VII,List II-55. 
      on agricultural income...                      Sch. VII,List II-46. 
      on animals and boats.....                      Sch.  VII,List II-58. 
      on capital value of assets, exclusive 
      of agricultural land, of individuals 
      and companies and on capital of 
      companies..                                    Sch. VII,List I-86. 
      on consignment of goods..                      Sch. VII.List I-92B. 
      on consumption or sale of electricity          Sch. VII,List II-53. 
      on entry of goods into local areas             Sch. VII,List II-52. 
      on goods and passengers carried by 
      road or on inland waterways...                 Sch. VII,List II-56. 
      on income, definition of                               366(29). 
      on income, other than agricultural income      Sch. VII,List I-82. 
      on lands and buildings                         Sch. VII,List II-49. 
      on luxuries, including taxes on entertainments, 
      amusements, betting and gambling...            Sch. VII,List II-62. 
      on mineral rights...                           Sch. VII,List II-50. 
      on  professions,  trades, callings 
      and employments                           276, Sch.VII,List II-60. 
      on railway fares and freights.                 Sch. VII,List I-89. 
      on sale or purchase of goods..                 Sch.VII List II-54,286,
      .....                                          Sch. VII,List I-92A. 
      on sale or purchase of newspaper...            Sch. VII,List I-92. 
      on transactions in stock exchanges 
      and futures markets, other than 
      stamp duties...                                Sch. VII,List I-90. 
      on  vehicles, suitable for use on 
      roads, including tramcars                      Sch. VII,List II-57,
      recovery of-in a State for claims 
      arising outside that State                     Sch. VII,List III-43. 
      terminal-on goods or passengers....            Sch. VII,List I-89. 
      taxation, definition of..                               366(28). 
      taxes, etc., existing, levied by 
      State Governments or local
      authorities to continue notwi-
      thstanding that they are
      mentioned in the Union List...                          277. 
      taxes not to be levied except by authority
       of law                                                 265. 
      Union taxation, exemption of State property 
      and income from.....                                    289. 

FISHERIES.                                           Sch. VII,List II-21. 
FISHING AND FISHERIES beyond territorial 
      waters                                         Sch.  VII,List I-57. 
      exchange..                                     Sch.  VII,List I-36. 
      jurisdiction...                                Sch.  VII,List I-16. 
      loans.....                                     Sch. VII,List I-37. 
FOREIGN AFFAIRS.....                                 Sch.  VII,List I-10. 
      Preventive detention for reasons
       connected with                                Sch. VII,List I-9. 
FOREIGN STATE, definition of..                                367(3). 
FORESTS...                                      48A, Sch. VII,List III-17A. 
FRATERNITY, promotion of.                            Preamble
      equal justice and-State to provide.                     39A. 
FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES..                                          Part IVA. 
FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS..                                          Part III. 
      Cultural and educational rights-
      protection of interests of minorities                   29. 
      right of minorities to establish and 
      administer educational institutions.....                30. 
      kirpans, wearing and carrying of, by Sikhs              25. 
      laws inconsistent with, or in derogation of-
      State not to make                                       13(2). 
      to be void                                              13(1). 
      legislation to give effect to                           35. 
      power of Parliament to modify, in their 
      application to Armed
      Forces                                                  33. 
      protection against arrest and detention                 22. 
      protection in respect of-
      (i)  conviction for offences; (ii) being tried 
      more  than  once for the same offence; and (iii)
      appearing as a witness against himself..                20. 
      protection of life and personal liberty                 21. 
      restriction on-while Martial Law is in force            34. 
      right against exploitation-
      power of State to impose compulsory service 
      for public purposes.                                    23(2). 
      prohibition of employment of children in 
      factories, etc                                          24. 
      prohibition of traffic in human beings and
       forced labour                                          23(1). 
      right of citizens-
      to assemble peaceably....                               19(1)(b) & (3). 
      to form associations.....                               19(1)(c) & (4). 
      to freedom of speech.....                               19(1)(a) & (2). 
      to move throughout India.                               19(1)(d) & (5). 
      to practise any profession....                          19(1)(g) & (6). 
      to reside and settle anywhere in India                  19(10(e) & (5). 
      right to constitutional remedies...                     32-35. 
      remedies for enforcement of-
      by moving Supreme Court by appropriate proceedings..    32. 
      suspension of, during emergency....                     359. 
See also under EMERGENCY. 
      right to equality-
      abolition of titles.                                    18. 
See also under TITLES. 
      abolition of untouchability...                          17. 
      equality before law.                                    14. 
      equality of opportunity in matters of public 
      employment                                              16. 
      power of State to make special provision for-
      backward classes Scheduled Castes and Scheduled 
      Tribes ..                                               15(4). 
      women and children..                                    15(3). 
      prohibition of discrimination against any 
      citizen on grounds
      of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth         15(1). 
      right of citizen as to access to, and use of, 
      public place                                            15(2). 
      right to freedom of religion-
      freedom as to attendance at religious instruction 
      or religious worship in certain educational 
      institutions                                            28. 
      freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion 
      of any particular religion....                          27. 
      freedom of conscience and free profession,
      practice and propagation of religion....                25. 
      freedom to manage religious affairs                     26. 
      the State, definition of, for purposes of 
      Part III                                                12.