George Washington Let us raise a standard to which the Wise and the Honest can repair.
— George Washington, Constitutional Convention, 1787

Tennessee Constitutional Militia

Militia Contacts by County

Anderson Crockett Hamilton Lauderdale Morgan Stewart
Bedford Cumberland Hancock Lawrence Obion Sullivan
Benton Davidson Hardeman Lewis Overton Sumner
Bledsoe Decatur Hardin Lincoln Perry Tipton
Blount De Kalb Hawkins Loudon Pickett Trousdale
Bradley Dickson Haywood McMinn Polk Unicoi
Campbell Dyer Henderson McNairy Putnam Union
Cannon Fayette Henry Macon Rhea Van Buren
Carroll Fentress Hickman Madison Roane Warren
Carter Franklin Houston Marion Robertson Washington
Cheatham Gibson Humphreys Marshall Rutherford Wayne
Chester Giles Jackson Maury Scott Weakley
Claiborne Grainger Jefferson Meigs Sequatchie White
Clay Greene Johnson Monroe Sevier Williamson
Cocke Grundy Knox Montgomery Shelby Wilson
Coffee Hamblen Lake Moore Smith

A link-free version of the above Tennessee Counties Table is available here.

Purposes execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; — U.S. Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 16.


Militia of East Tennessee, 3rd Brigade

Tennessee Militia
7634 Chapman Hwy
Knoxville, TN 37920


The Battle of Athens — On August 2, 1946, the militia of Athens, Tennessee, resorted to arms against corrupt officials to restore the rule of law in McMinn County. This is their story.

Press reports on the Battle of Athens and Chronology — From contemporary sources.


  1. Who We Are — Statement from Tennessee Volunteer Militia
  2. Tennessee Volunteer Militia - Newsletter - February 1996

Other Tennessee Patriot Groups


Reformers are known by their adversaries, and it is appropriate that those adversaries be identified and what is known about them be told. They include corrupt and abusive officials, corporations, groups, and individuals.

Adversaries common to all militias everywhere

These are some based in the state:

State of Tennessee

Constitution Research

Militias Page

National Militia Directory