About Constitution Research

1. Mission

This website was founded in response to the growing concern that noncompliance with the Constitution for the United States of America and most state constitutions is creating a crisis of legitimacy that threatens freedom and civil rights. Although the focus here is on government in the United States, coverage also includes the rest of the world, and private as well as public organizations. We maintain that the principles of constitutional republicanism are universal, and applicable to all nations, although not well understood or upheld by most. We also examine the related principles of federalism and nomocracy, the rule of law, of nomology, the science of law, and show how those principles are applicable to solving the fundamental problem of avoiding excessive or unbalanced concentrations of power.

This is a non-profit site. We do not:

  1. Sell any of the content offered herein
  2. Make any money from advertising or guest posts.
  3. Participate in any referral or affiliate program of any third party site.
  4. Have licensed attorneys on staff who might compromise the completeness or accuracy of the information offered herein. So long as attorneys are licensed by the state and worried about losing that license and putting their own risk management and revenues ahead of telling the truth, they will inevitably censor the WHOLE truth about their own misdeeds and those of their benefactors in the government. Click here for a dramatization of this fact from Satan, the CHIEF lawyer himself.

We believe doing any of the above would compromise the objectivity of this site and any other site desiring to present a COMPLETE exposition of all the corruption and problems with the government and the legal profession documented here. We also believe that advertising would distract attention away for the important issues on this site and shrink the important audience of people interested in our content. We hate advertisements and censorship.

2. About the Content on This Site

Content on this site derives from:

  1. Original content created by famguardian.org.
  2. Original content created by sedm.org.
  3. Public domain content outside the current copyright window of 75 years..
  4. Content from third party sources that either:
    4.1 Does not indicate that is is copyrighted.
    4.2 Gives permission to repost either with or without attribution.
    4.3 Does not indicate the author or have a copyright notice.
  5. Governmental sources that cannot be copyrighted under the Copyright Act.
  6. Lists of links to content on and off this site that cannot be copyrighted.

The copyright protecting this site does not protect any of content listed under items 3 through 6 in the above list.

We gratefully acknowledge the significant contributions of Jon Roland and of Constitution.org to some of the above type of content posted on this site. The original publisher Jon Roland gave us his permission to share this content before his death, even though such permission was not legally necessary to our knowledge in order to post it here. We deliberately do not mention them elsewhere on this site as the source because we don't want to connect their name or credibility to the political views expressed in the content on this site that they are not the origin of.

The web master of this site did at one time donate his time and services as a trustee and a web master of the Constitution Society website since its founder died. That period lasted for about three years and began at the invitation of the founder, Jon Roland, after the founder was on his deathbed and the web master rescued the content of Constitution.org after it went down so that it would not be lost forever. He resigned as of August 18, 2023 out of:

  1. Differences in the best future direction of that effort.
  2. A desire to much more directly appeal to the individual legal interests and needs of the audience rather than offering nothing but a purely theoretical ivory tower coverage of the subjects they cover. People need solutions, not edutainment.
  3. A desire to increase the size and scope of the site to include important subjects that were not covered by that site but are of more broad interest and application to the public.

For details on my resignation as former Web master and Trustee of Constitution.org, see:

  1. Resignation letter dated 20230818
  2. Farewell Message dated 20230831

The revenues of the society are limited to the point where they cannot afford to give their site the Tender Loving Care (TLC) that it deserves. And, even with people like us, the former web master on their staff, are so paralyzed by distrust, apathy, and micromanagement that they wouldn't even allow us to do it when we were on their staff and volunteered for free. Hence, we volunteer our time here to do things they aren't doing, whether because they can't afford it, choose not to, or because of indifference. Our favorite saying on this subject is:

"Even when you are on the right track, you will still get run over by the train if you just sit there."

In fairness, it is tempting to evade responsibility for the long term decline in their advertising revenue by blaming us for it while we were web master. This may form part of the reason we had to part ways. The fact of the matter is, however:

  1. The significant long-term decline in their advertising revenue began long before we came along as their webmaster.
  2. The decline in advertising revenue we believe is caused by:
    2.1 Static content that is not being updated or improved as it must be to remain relevant and engaging.
    2.2 Thousands of links that are broken and are not being fixed.
  3. The decline in their revenue was not caused by this site. Our level of traffic is truly insignificant.
  4. We did the absolute best we knew how to do to maximize their revenue and would never deliberately sabotage their success or revenue. This is NOT and never has been a competition between us and them. The Bible says to love your neighbor and we treated them just like we would expect them to treat us at all times: respectfully, lawfully, and diligently without even being paid to help them.
  5. This site has never solicited or received any kind of revenue, so there can be no motive to divert their revenue to us. We maintain this site on our own dime exclusively.
  6. In our Resignation Letter, we did suggest ways they could optimize or improve their revenue that they wouldn't allow to be implemented while we served as their web master.

A business model like the Constitution Society designed around selling advertising using content that only 3% is original and owned by the Society seems doomed to fail. As such, a site like ours provides an important backup source when or if it does fail. If the Society trustees intend to fulfill their mandate from founder Jon Roland in their Bylaws to make sure their site content continues to be available and they at any point lose their financial ability to do so, our site is the only way we know of going forward to ensure that this primary goal of the Society can be satisfied in the absence of sufficient revenue or interested volunteer trustees or web masters. Thus, they would be violating their prime directive and the wishes of the Founder to try to censor, persecute, or take down this site or any part of this site through any kind of vexatious legal action which might compromise its financial ability to continue. The fact that we have a desire to even volunteer to help them as we are here and improve on what they are trying to do without compensation ought to be enough to earn their respect, if not blessing and admiration. Their intentions in this area are dubious and are what lead the web master of this site and their now former trustee to part ways.

Should the Constitution Society desire to post anything on this site on their site, they are encouraged to do so with proper attribution to us and a link to us within each item reposted and the original author notice remains intact. We do this as a way of thanking them for their contribution of the above type of content to this site and of saving them the time and expense of of having to pay someone to do the work they can get from us for free. However, any decision to do so shall constitute consent to waive the right to litigate against us for the content posted on this site.

This site contains thousands of links to third party sites which are difficult to keep updated and are prone to breaking. We do our best to keep these links up to date but we apologize for the inconvenience that might result from any links remaining that do not work.

If you identify copyrighted content on this site that you own the rights to, please use our DMCA page to let us know so that we can take it down promptly.

If you identify errors in the content of this site, you may submit errata for this site to:

Family Guardian Contact Page

3. Site statistics

4. New content to add solicited

If you want to help us with scanning books to add to this library, we recommend the following tools:

  1. Plustek Opticbook 4800-Specialized scanner for scanning ONLY books. Uses an LED sensor so that it takes no warmup time. $700 on Amazon
  2. PDF Software-consolidates the images from the scanner into a single PDF, deskews the pages, and does OCR on the text.
    1. Adobe Pro DC
    2. Kofax Power PDF Advanced

Please be advised that we cannot post books to this site that are newer than 75 years old, because they fall within the copyright protection window. For details on books that are outside the copyright window, see:

  1. U.S. Copyright History 1923-1964
  2. Stanford Copyright Renewals Database

5. Websites containing higher quality versions of some of the constitutional and legal content posted herein

  1. Online Library of Liberty (OLL)
  2. The Library of Economics and Liberty
  3. Law and Liberty
  4. Adam Smith Works
  5. The Mises Institute

Please see our DMCA page.