Purchase Links
Liberty Library
The following is the Liberty Library list with links to purchase hard copy editions, often later editions than were used in rendering the Liberty Library. Just click on the green A for the amazon.com offering, and the green K for our Kindle version.
If the book cannot be found, this is indicated with a red A, and if one had once been printed but it is now out of print or unavailable on the used market, this is indicated by a yellow A.
Visitors are encouraged to seek better print editions for these works and suggest them to the webmaster.
- Library Guides
— No link, placeholder to maintain numbering.
- A K Code of Hammurabi (~1760 BCE) — Analysis by translator C.H.W. Johns.
- Ancient Greek
and Latin Library — This goes to a submenu with its own link to a page for purchasing.
- A The [Roman] Civil
Law, tr. & ed. Samuel Parsons Scott (1932) — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A "Constitution" of Medina (Dustur
al-Madinah), Mohammed (622) — Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam, Vol. 23.
- A Policraticus, John of Salisbury
(1159) — Good scholarly edition, well annotated.
- A Constitutions of
Clarendon (1164) — Book containing it with other documents.
- A Assize of Clarendon
(1166) — Book containing it with other documents.
- A Assize of Arms
(1181) — Book containing it with other documents.
- A Magna Carta (1215) — Readable analysis and commentary.
- A Britton, (written ~1290, printed ~1530) — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A Confirmatio Cartarum (1297) — Book containing it with other documents.
- A The Declaration of Arbroath (1320) — Scholarly treatise on the document and its background.
- A The Prince,
Niccolò Machiavelli (1513) — Translation we rendered.
- A Utopia,
Thomas More (1516) — Good student edition.
- A Discourses on Livy, Niccolò
Machiavelli (1517 tr. Henry Neville 1675) — Translation we rendered.
- A Art of War, Niccolò
Machiavelli (1520 tr. Henry Neville 1675) — Translation we rendered.
- A Relectiones, Franciscus de Victoria (lect. 1532, first pub. 1557) — The Classics of International Law.
- A Discourse on Voluntary Servitude,
Étienne De La Boétie (1548) — Edited and analysis by Paul Bonnefon.
- A De Republica
Anglorum, Thomas Smith (1565, 1583) — B&N student edition.
- A Vindiciae
Contra Tyrannos (Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants), "Junius Brutus"
(Orig. Fr. 1581, Eng. tr. 1622, 1689) — Annotated Cambridge edition.
- A Six Books of the
Commonwealth, Jean Bodin (~1590 tr. Richard Knolles 1606) — Harvard facsimile edition.
- A Politica,
Johannes Althusius (1614, Abr. & tr. Frederick S. Carney) — Translation we rendered.
- A The Mayflower Compact (1620)
— Treatise of Judith Lloyd Yero.
- A The Law of War and
Peace, Hugo Grotius (1625) — A.C. Campbell edition.
- A A Selected
Works of Francis Bacon (1620-27). Includes Novum Organum and New
Atlantis. Mixed selection.
- A A A A Selected Works of Edward Coke (~1628) — Including the first, second, and third parts of the Institutes and the Reports.
- A The Petition of
Right (1628) — Book containing it with other documents.
- A Fundamental Orders of
Connecticut (1639) — U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Commission of Connecticut.
- A The Elements of Law
Natural and Politic, Thomas Hobbes (1640)
- A Massachusetts Body of
Liberties (1641) — Harvard Classics.
- A A Plea for Religious
Liberty, Roger Williams (1644) — University Of Chicago Press.
- A Lex, Rex
(The Law is King), Samuel Rutherford (1644) — Hess Pubns.
- A On Liberty, John
Winthrop (1645) — Humanity Books.
- A The Constitutional
Documents of the Puritan Revolution: 1625-1660, Samuel Rawson Gardiner,
ed. (1906) — Unable to find.
- A Selected Works of the Levellers and their
Allies (1645-56) — Andrew Sharp collection.
- A De Cive (The
Citizen), Thomas Hobbes (1641-47) — Oxford University Press.
- A Leviathan,
Thomas Hobbes (1651) — Longman Library of Primary Sources.
- A Selected Political Works of John Milton
— The Complete Prose Works, Yale Univ Pr.
- K A Free Commonwealth, John Milton (1660)
- A Selected
Works of James Harrington (~1656) — Greenwood Press Reprint.
- A Selected
Political Works of Baruch de Spinoza (1670-7) — Includes
Theologico-Political Treatise and Political Treatise.
- A On the Duty of Man
and Citizen According to Natural Law, Samuel Pufendorf (1673, 1682) — Cambridge University Press.
- A The Law of Nature and
of Nations, Samuel Pufendorf (1674, tr. Basil Kennett 1703) —
Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A Bacon's Declaration in
the Name of the People (1676) — Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker , Scholar's Bookshelf.
- A Habeas Corpus
Act (1679) — Book containing it with other documents.
- A Patriarcha, Robert Filmer (1680)
— Cambridge University Press.
- A Plato Redivivus, Henry Neville
(1681) — University Press.
- A Frame of Government of
Pennsylvania, William Penn (1682) — Kessinger Publishing reprint.
- Selected Political Works, James Tyrrell (1681-1694) —
three main works:
- A Patriarcha non Monarcha — Scholarly Resources, out of print.
- A A brief disquisition of the law of nature — Fred B Rothman & Co. (merged into William S. Hein & Co.), out of print.
- A Bibliotheca politica — Gerald M. Straka edition, out of print.
- A English Bill of
Rights (1689) — Book containing it with other documents.
- A A Letter Concerning
Toleration, John Locke (1689) — Cambridge University Press.
- A Second Treatise on
Government, John Locke (1690) — Cambridge University Press.
- A A Discourse of Government with Relation to
Militias, Andrew Fletcher (1698) — Cambridge University Press.
- A Discourses
Concerning Government, Algernon Sidney (1698) — Liberty Fund.
- A Constitution of the Iroquois
Confederacy — Kessinger Publishing reprint.
- A Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges, William Penn (1701) — Government Printing Office (1909).
- A Selected Works of
Walter Moyle, (~1696-1721, pub. 1796) — Kessinger Publishing reprint.
- A A Questions of Public
Law, Cornelius van Bynkershoek (1737) — Oxford University Press (1930).
- A The Principles of
Natural and Politic Law, Jean Jacques Burlamaqui (1748, tr. Thomas Nugent 1752)
— Liberty Fund.
- A The Spirit of Laws, Charles de
Montesquieu, (1748, tr. Thomas Nugent 1752) — Prometheus Books.
- A Selected Essays of
David Hume, (1754) — Oxford University Press.
- A Albany Plan of
Union, Benjamin Franklin (1754) — Vantage Press.
- A In Defense of a Plan for
Colonial Union, Benjamin Franklin (1754) — Black's Reader Service (1932).
- A Institutes of natural law, Thomas Rutherforth (1754) — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A Selected
Political Works of Jean Jacques Rousseau, (1754-1772) — University of Wisconsin Press, ed. Frederick Watkins.
- A The Law of Nations, Emmerich de
Vattel (1758) — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved, James Otis (1764) — UMI Books on Demand (2002).
- A Of Crimes and
Punishments, Cesare Beccaria (1764) — Academic Reprints (1953).
- A Virginia Resolves on the Stamp Act, Patrick Henry (1765 May 30) — Ed. Samuel Eliot Morison, Oxford University Press.
- A The Declaration of
Rights of the Stamp Act Congress (1765) — University Of Chicago Press (October 15, 1976).
- A The Declaratory Act
(1766) — University Of Chicago Press (October 15, 1976).
- A An Essay on the
History of Civil Society, Adam Ferguson (1767) — Cambridge University Press.
- A A A Camden, Mansfield and the
English Constitution — Multiple books.
- A Letters of
Junius, Unknown (1767-72) — Kessinger Publishing reprint.
- A The English
Constitution, John Louis De Lolme (1771) — Liberty Fund.
- A The Rights of the Colonists, Samuel Adams
(1772) — Kessinger Publishing reprint.
- A Fairfax County Resolves (1774) —
F.H. Shaw (1982).
- A Declaration of Colonial
Rights, First Continental Congress (1774) — Government Printing Office (1904).
- A Articles of Association (1774) —
Government Printing Office (1905).
- A Charlotte Town Resolves, sometimes called
the Mecklenburg Resolves (May 31, 1775) — Kessinger Publishing reprint.
- A Declaration of Taking Up
Arms, Second Continental Congress (July 6, 1775) — Government Printing Office (1905).
- A On Civil Liberty,
Passive Obedience, and Nonresistance, Jonathan Boucher (1775) — Kessinger Publishing reprint.
- Selected Writings of Thomas Paine.
- A Common Sense — Replica Books.
- A The American Crisis — Replica Books.
- A Rights of Man — Replica Books.
- A The Trial of Thomas Paine for a Libel — Unable to find.
- A Age of Reason — Replica Books.
- A Agrarian Justice — Replica Books.
- A The Virginia Declaration
of Rights (1776) — University of Michigan Library.
- A U.S. Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776) — Cato Institute.
- A Selected Political Works
of Richard Price — Cambridge University Press.
- A Fragment on Government, Jeremy Bentham (1776) — Cambridge University Press.
- A Articles of Confederation (1777) —
University of Wisconsin Press.
- A The Principles of Morals and
Legislation, Jeremy Bentham (1781) — Prometheus Books.
- A Criminal Libel and the Duty of Juries,
Joseph Towers (1764, 1784), Francis Maseres (1792) — Unable to find.
- Selected
Political Works of Immanual Kant (~1785-95).
- A Introduction to the
Metaphysics of Morals, tr. W. Hastie (1785) — Unable to find
- A Fundamental
Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, tr. Thomas Kingsmill Abbott
(1785) — Unable to find
- A On the Relationship
of Theory to Practice in Political Right, (Excerpt) Immanual Kant
(1792) — Unable to find.
- A Perpetual
Peace, Immanual Kant (1795) — Unable to find.
- A Essays and Treatises on Moral, Political, and Various Philosophical Subjects, Emanual Kant (1798) — Unable to find.
- A The Northwest Ordinance (1787) — Indiana Historical Society (1989).
- Constitutional Ratification Debates
- A Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787, James Madison. — W. W. Norton.
- A Constitution for the
United States (1787) — Government Printing Office (January 2006).
- A The Federalist Papers, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay (1787-88) — Signet Classics.
- A Anti-Federalist
Papers (1787-89) — Greenwood Press.
- A The Debates in
the Several Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution,
Jonathan Elliot (1836) — University of Michigan Library.
- A Documentary
History of the Constitution of the United States of America — U.S. State
Department (1894, 1900).
- A Documentary
History of the Bill of Rights — Chelsea House Pub.
- A A A Selected Essays
from the Founding Period — Our collection does not correspond to any one print collection.
- A A Defense
of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America,
John Adams (1787-89) — Da Capo Pr. (1911)
- A Declaration of the Rights of Man and the
Citizen (Marquis de Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson, 1789) — Kessinger Publishing.
- A Selected
Works of Edmund Burke (1788-92) — Oxford University Press.
- A A Vindication of the
Rights of Women, Mary Wollstonecraft (1792) — Modern Library.
- A Tracts on Political and Other Subjects,
Joseph Towers (1796) — Unable to find.
- Federalist-Republican Debates 1792-1800
- A Against the Constitutionality
of the Bank of the United States, Thomas Jefferson — Palgrave Macmillan.
- A For the Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States, Alexander Hamilton — Palgrave Macmillan.
- A Farewell Address, George Washington (1796). Dover Publications
- A The
Virginia Report, J.W. Randolph, ed. (1850) — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A First Inaugural Address, Thomas Jefferson (1801) — Dover Publications.
Writings of Thomas Jefferson — Kessinger Publishing 20 vol. (1853).
U. Chicago Press: (Vol. 1-4 appear to be out of print.)
U. Virginia Press:
Sec. State:
Works of James Madison — Several print collections.
- A Tucker's
Blackstone, St. George Tucker (1803) — The Commentaries on the
Laws of England by William Blackstone (1769), with additional commentaries
by Tucker adapting the common law to the needs of the U.S. Constitution — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A Works of James Wilson
(1804) — Liberty Fund.
- A Dallas,
Cranch and Wheaton — Unable to find.
- A Journal of William Maclay — Kessinger Publishing.
Annals of Congress:
Statutes at Large:
— Records of debates and statutes in the first years of the U.S. Congress.
- A An Inquiry into the
Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States, John
Taylor (1814) — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A Construction Construed and Constitutions
Vindicated, John Taylor (1820) — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A Tyranny
Unmasked, John Taylor (1821) — Cosimo Classics (2005).
- A The
Elements of the Art of Packing, As Applied to Special Juries, Particularly in
Cases of Libel Law, Jeremy Bentham (written 1809, published 1821)
— W. Tait (1843).
- A New Views of
the Constitution of the United States, John Taylor (1823) — Regnery Publishing (2000).
- A Commentaries on American Law,
James Kent (1826) — Fred B Rothman & Co. (merged into William S. Hein & Co.); 12th edition (1989).
- A A View of the
Constitution, William Rawle (1829) — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A Works of Daniel Webster (1782-1852)
— Little, Brown and Co. (1860).
- A Hayne-Webster Debate (1830) — Cornell University Library.
- A Selected
Works of John C. Calhoun, (1831) — Gateway Editions (2003)
- K A Discourse on the Constitution and Government of the United States, John C. Calhoun (1831)
- K A Disquisition on Government, John C. Calhoun (1831)
- A Commentaries on the
Constitution of the United States, Joseph Story (1833) —
Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A K A Brief Enquiry into
the True Nature and Character of our Federal Government, ..., Abel
Parker Upshur (1840, 1868) — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A Seneca Falls
Declaration, Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1848). — Teaching & Learning Co (November 1, 2002).
- A Civil
Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau (1849) — bnpublishing.com (June 2, 2006).
- A The
Law, Frederick Bastiat (1850) — Ludwig von Mises Institute (June 22, 2007).
- A Law
Dictionary, John Bouvier (1856) — William S. Hein & Co..
- A A Selected Political
Works of John Stuart Mill (~1860-9) — Includes On Liberty,
Representative Government, Utilitarianism, and The Subjection
of Women. Different collections.
- I Documents and Commentary on Slavery, the Confederate
States of America, and the 1861-65 War of Secession.
- A The American
Republic: its Constitution, Tendencies, and Destiny, O. A. Brownson
(1866) — Kessinger Publishing.
- A A Treatise on the
Constitutional Limitations Which Rest Upon the Legislative Powers of The States
of the American Union, Thomas M. Cooley (1868, 1883) — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A The General
Principles of Constitutional Law in the United States of America,
Thomas M. Cooley (1891) — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A The Evolution of the
Constitution of the United States, Sydney George Fisher (1897). — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A The Grand
Jury, George J. Edwards (1906) — Lawbook Exchange reprint.
- A Federal Usurpation, Franklin Pierce (1908) — Kessinger Publishing.
- A State Documents on
Federal Relations, Herman V. Ames (1911) — University of Pennsylvania (1906).
- A Robert's Rules of Order
Revised, Henry Robert (1915) — Morrow Quill Paperbacks.
- A Constitutional
Conventions, Roger Sherman Hoar (1917) — Kessinger Publishing.
- A Recent Changes in
American Constitutional Theory, John W. Burgess (1923) —
Ayer Co Pub (June 1972).
- A The Revival of Natural Law Concepts, Charles Grove Haines (1930) — Russell & Russell (1965).
- A Sources of
English Constitutional History: 600-1937, Carl Stephenson &
Frederick George Marcham (1937) — Harper (1937).
- A Union Now, Clarence K. Streit (1939) — Harper & Brothers (1939).
- A Constitutionalism: Ancient and
Modern, Charles Howard McIlwain (1947) — Great Seal Books (1958).
- A The Origins of Modern
Constitutionalism, Francis D. Wormuth (1949) — Harper and Brothers (1949).
- A Jurisdiction over Federal
Areas within the States — Unable to find.
- Militia Treatises, James B. Whisker.
- A The Militia — Edwin Mellen Press (1992).
- A Introduction to the American Colonial Militia — Edwin Mellen Press (1997).
- A The New England Militia, 1606-1785 — Edwin Mellen Press (1997).
- A The Pennsylvania Colonial Militia — Edwin Mellen Press (1997).
- A The Colonial Militias of New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland — Edwin Mellen Press (1997).
- A The Colonial Militia of the Southern States, 1606-1785 — Edwin Mellen Press (1997).
- A The Rise and Decline of the American Militia System — Susquehanna University Press (1999).
- Selected Works on Tyranny — To understand the
principles of constitutional republican government, one must understand the
principles of its opposite.
- Trials of Liberty —
Some of the best expositions of law and constitutional principles are made
during trials.
- Landmark Court Decisions
— Includes commentaries on the rulings and the opinions.
- Constitutional History & Commentary — Books,
anthologies, and essays.
- History & Economics
Background — Books, anthologies, and essays.
- Legal Briefs Collection — Organized by
- Law Review Article Collection — Organized by
- Common Law Writs — Sometimes called Extraordinary Remedies, they are key to understanding the Constitution.
- U.S. State Constitutions and Web
- National Constitutions
— The supreme laws of many of the most important countries, for
comparative analysis.
To get the online editions of these books, go to our Liberty Library page where you can view them.
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