It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather
an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of
freedom in the minds of men.
Attributed to Samuel Adams, but there is no evidence he
wrote it, and the terms "irate" and "brushfire" are
anachronistic. However, it is still a good saying, whoever
wrote it. |
Rights don't defend themselves. People have only those
rights they are willing and able to unite to defend, with
armed force if necessary. If you don't defend others when
their rights are violated, don't expect anyone to defend
yours , and those rights will be violated if they are not
Jon Roland, 1994 |
Meetup Groups
Focus on Rights in General
- We The People
Foundation for Constitutional Education Exists to
Protect and Defend The Constitution of The United States of
America. Currently focused on Continental Congress 2009.
- Campaign for
Liberty Outgrowth of the Ron Paul movement.
- Tenth Amendment
Center Serves Tenth Amendment movement.
- The American Civil Liberties
Union Defender of constitutional rights, except the
right to keep and bear arms and to assemble as independent
militias. We're working on bringing them around.
- Institute for Justice
Litigating for liberty. Libertarian alternative to the ACLU.
- Bill of Rights
Institute Advocate compliance with the Bill of Rights.
- Bill of Rights
Defense Committee Oppose civil liberties infringements
of the "war on terrorism".
- Downsize DC Seek to
reduce the size of the federal government to within its
constitutional limits.
- James Madison
Center for Free Speech Defends the rights of citizens to
participate in our democracy.
- Center for Individual Freedom
Focuses attention on individual freedoms and rights guaranteed
by the U.S. Constitution.
- Center for Constitutional
Rights Active in litigation on civil liberties.
- Eagle Forum
Litigate with a pro-family focus. Founded and headed by Phyllis
- A Matter of Justice
(AMOJ) Investigates various kinds of official abuse,
with a focus on judicial misconduct.
- Oath Keepers Dedicated
to taking seriously the oath to defend the Constitution.
- Restore the
Republic Dedicated to continuing the mission of Aaron
- America Again!
Enforcing constitutionally limited government.
- Committee for
Justice Promotes constitutionalist judicial nominees.
- American
Freedom Agenda Defends rights involved with national
security matters.
- Code Pink
Protest national security violations of constitutional rights.
Name is parody of alert codes issued by Department of Homeland
- Freedom Forum
Emphasizes First Amendment issues, especially freedom of the
- International Action Center
Information, activism and resistance to U.S. militarism, war,
and corporate greed. Founded by Ramsey Clark, former U.S.
Attorney General.
- California First Amendment
Coalition Focus on first amendment issues, based in but
not necessarily limited to California.
- Future of Freedom Foundation
Publishes Freedom
- Due Process Focus on
enforcing the right of due process.
- National Center for
Constitutional Studies Public education on
constitutional issues.
- Constitutional
Foundation Dedicated to preserving and enforcing the
written Constitution.
- Equal Justice Foundation
Works to restore due process and reverse the loss of our civil
- Wallbuilders
Rebuilding the foundations of constitutional liberty.
- Original Intent
Seek to return to strict constitutional construction.
- Redress, Inc.
Organize efforts to correct abuses in the legal system.
- Transparency
(International Global coalition against corruption.
- Citizens Against Corruption
Fight corruption and abuse, especially by police and
- Citizens for Constitutional
Government Founded by Gary McLeod, based in South
- Free Range Patriots
Defend Constitution, with focus on Alaska.
Seeks to demonstrate similarities of Christianity and
libertarian philosophy.
The only thing we have to decide is what to do with the
time that has been given us. Gandalf, Fellowship of
the Ring |
Focus on Second Amendment Rights Also
see Constitutional Defense
- Militia Units Directories and
Web sites
- Gun Owners of America,
8001 Forbes Place #102, Springfield, VA 22151, 703/321-8585
The no-compromise poltical action group on firearm and militia
- National Rifle Association
Defender of the Second Amendment, but a little weak on the rest
of the Constitution.
- Citizens Committee for the
Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) Another strong
force for the RKBA.
- The Lawyer's Second
Amendment Society Unites constitutionalist lawyers.
- Second Amendment Foundation
(SAF) Tax-deductible companion to the CCRKBA.
- Jews for
the Preservation of Firearms Ownership Defend Second
Amendment from a Jewish perspective. But non-Jews are welcome to
join, too.
Promotes open carry legislation.
- Concerned Citizens Opposed to
Police States (CCOPS) Oppose abuses of power.
- The Law Enforcement
Alliance of America Unites law enforcement
professionals, opposes gun control.
- Law Enforcement for
the Preservation of the Second Amendment Unites law
enforcement professionals against gun control.
- Citizens Of
America Oppose compromise on firearm rights.
- Women Against Gun
Control Unites women who refuse to be helpless victims.
- Madison Society
Focus on Second Amendment compliance through litigation.
- Task Force Two Firearms and
militia rights political action group.
- Law Enforcement for
the Preservation of the Second Amendment Unites law
enforcement professionals.
- Knife Rights
Defend right to keep and bear knives and other non-firearm
- National Firearms
Association Canadian RKBA organization.
No one can be truly free who has not first said goodbye
to life.
Jon Roland, 1994 |
Focus on Jury Reform Also see Jurisdiction and Due Process
- Fully Informed Jury Association
(FIJA) Advocate jury nullification of unconstitutional
statutes and law enforcement practices. Also see
- Common Sense
Justice for South Dakotans Got an amendment to the North
Dakota Constitution on the November, 2002 ballot.
- Fully Informed
Grand Jurors Alliance (FIGJA) Works to help grand juries
do their duty.
- American Grand
Jury Foundation (AGJF) Encourages responsible and
effective interventions by grand jurors and other citizens into
local government affairs.
- Jury Power
Working for jury reform at the state level.
Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human
freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of
slaves. William Pitt |
Focus on Public Education Also see Public Education
- National Heritage Center for
Constitutional Studies Educates people on constitutional
- Committee to Restore the Constitution Emphasis
on return to original understanding.
- American Patriot Friends Network
Important clearinghouse for patriot information and alerts.
- American Patriot
Network Support collabotation among different patriot
- Center for the American
Founding Sponsored by The Potomac Foundation.
- The Constitution
Project Working for judicial independence, prevention of
wrongful executions, election reform, restraint on amendments,
and securing liberty in time of war.
- Fund for Constitutional
Government Activist group, based in Washington, DC.
- Free Congress
Foundation Public education on constitutional issues.
- Declaration Foundation
Seeks education on founding documents in schools.
- Law and Liberty
Foundation Advocate the principles of self-governance.
- National Reform
Association Seek to maintain and promote in national
life the Christian principles of civil government.
- LEXREX Dedicated to the
Rule of Law.
- Americans
Constitutional Integrity Activist group, based in
- Committee to
Restore the Constitution Activist group, based in
- Conservative Caucus
"Conservative activist's toolbox for restoring constitutional
- Ben Franklin
Foundation Public education for constitutional
- Conservative Forum
Organized in Canada, but mainly address reform issues in the
U.S. Many good links.
- Council
on Domestic Relations Constitutionalist group.
- Sovereign
Group Activist group.
- Citizens for a Sound Economy
Seek economic liberty by limiting government.
- Citizens
Investigative Commission (CIC) Expose official
wrongdoing from a conservative position.
- Educate America
Foundation (EAF) Home of The Third Mechanized
Information Militia.
- The Alliance to
Expose Government Corruption Site published by Paul
Franklin. Good material on Inslaw, Iran-Contra, BCCI, and other
elements of the network of high-level criminal activities.
- Center for the Study
of Popular Culture Despite their name, an activist
reform group, with focus on public education.
- Media Research Center
Exposes bias in news reporting.
- Accuracy in Media
Tries to correct bias and inaccuracy in mainstream news
- Libertarianism
Page Presently mostly devoted to excerpts from David
Boaz' books, but expanding.
- International Association of
Constitutional Law Unites constitutionalists worldwide.
- John Birch Society Opposes
socialism and threats to constitutional liberties.
- Rochester L.A.W.
Legal study group, focus on New York State.
- Centre for
Constitutional Studies Focus on Canada.
- Boy Scouts of America
and Girl Scouts of America
These two organizations are engaged in what amounts to militia
training of young people, although they are not aware that that
is what they are doing. This training needs to be further
developed to put more emphasis on military, law enforcement, and
disaster preparedness, and scouts need to be taught to interpret
their constitutions.
The good men may do separately is small compared with what
they may do collectively. Benjamin Franklin |
Focus on Litigation Also see Legal Reform page.
- Judicial
Watch Monitors abuses in the judicial system.
- Pacific Legal
Foundation Litigates with a libertarian agenda.
- Landmark Legal
Foundation Working to reform government.
- Rutherford Institute
Libertarian civil rights litigation.
- Southeastern Legal
Foundation Defend civil rights. Helped Gary Aldritch
publish his book, Unlimited Access.
- Center for the
Original Intent of the Constitution At Patrick Henry
College, has filed amicus briefs in several important
- Civil Liberties
Defense Foundation Litigates in defense of civil
- Center for Individual Rights
Public-interest law firm that seeks reform through litigation.
- American Liberties Institute
Seek reform through litigation.
- Wallace Institute
Legal reform through strategic litigation.
- LawfulGov.Org
Implementing political and legal interventions against
overreaching government.
- United States Justice
Foundation Fighting for your rights in court.
- Landmark
Legal Foundation Seek reform through litigation.
- Center for American Unity
National non-profit educational organization dedicated to
preserving the historical unity of Americans.
Focus on Research and Publication
- Independence Institute Good
source for books.
- Independent Institute
Publish scholarly journal, The Independent Review, and
operate a bookstore with some excellent selections. Based in
Oakland, California.
- The Locke
Institute Provides resources on legal and constitutional
- Heritage Foundation
Publishes the Policy Review.
- Policy Experts
Directory of individuals and organizations published by the
Heritage Foundation.
- Cato Institute
Conservative-Libertarian think tank.
- Hoover
Institution on War, Revolution and Peace Conservative
think tank.
- State Policy Network
Service organization for America's state-based, free market
think tank movement.
- Ethan Allen Institute
Vermont's independent, nonpartisan, free-market-oriented
public policy think tank.
- Reason Foundation (Los
- Intl
for Individual Liberty (San Francisco)
- Georgia Public Policy Foundation
- American Enterprise Institute
(Washington DC)
- James Madison Institute
- Hudson Institute
- Heartland Institute
- Mackinac Center for Public
Policy (Michigan)
- Montreal Economic Institute
(Montreal, Canada)
- Vermonters for
Educational Choice (Vermont)
- Atlas Economic Research
Foundation (Fairfax, VA)
- Alliance for
Redesigning Government (Washington DC)
- Center for Education Reform
(Washington DC)
- Competitive Enterprise Institute
(Washington DC)
- Institute for
Justice (Washington DC)
- Institute for Humane Studies
Support scholars on liberty topics.
- Free Market.Net
- School Choice Works
- The Evergreen Freedom
Foundation (Washington)
- Goldwater
Institute (Arizona)
- Texas Public Policy Foundation
(San Antonio)
- Pioneer Institute for
Public Policy Research (Boston)
- National Legal Center for the
Public Interest Publications on various topics.
- Clare Boothe Luce
Policy Institute Focus on women's issues from a more
conservative position.
- National Center for Policy
Analysis A think tank. See especially the article"Nationalizing
- Potomac Institute
for Policy Studies Focus on defense acquisition
reform, dual use technology, space commercialization, and
threats from terrorism.
- Claremont
Institute Seeks to restore the principles of the
American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our
national life.
- Center for Public
Integrity Does investigative reports on the influence of
money on the political process.
- Ludwig von Mises Institute
Supports a free-market, private-property order, and opposes
government power as economically and morally destructive.
- Foundation for Economic Education
Promotes the principles of sound economics, including
individual freedom, private property, limited government and
free trade.
- Manhattan
Institute for Policy Research A think tank whose mission
is to develop and disseminate new ideas that foster greater
economic choice and individual responsibility.
- Promotes
individual freedom, private property rights, free markets, and
national sovereignty.
Focus on
Voting, Elections and Campaign Finance Also see Electoral Process
Narrow-Focus Groups
- National Inflation
Association (NIA) Opposes unsound fiscal and monetary
- Forfeiture Endangers
American Rights (FEAR) Opposes civil forfeiture
- Oklahoma
Bombing Investigation Committee Trying to do the job the
government isn't.
- Help Abolish Legal Tyranny
(HALT) Seeks to reduce the influence of a corrupt legal
- United Citizens for Legal
Reform (UCLR) Fight corruption in the judical and legal
- Center for Judicial
Accountability (CJA) Seek reform of the for Judicial
Accountability (CJA) Seek reform of the judicial system.
- Citizens
Judicial Accountability (CJA) Seek reform of the
judicial system.
- J.A.I.L.
4 Judges One approach to holding judges accountable for
their conduct..
- The Liberty Alliance
Project Advancing an alternative to a national ID system
to avoid identity theft but preserve liberty.
- Justice at Stake
Campaign Concerned about threats to judicial
independence and the influence of money in judicial campaigns.
- Alliance for the
Separation of School and State The solution for
education is getting the government out of it.
- We the People
Foundation Focus on unlawful income tax and IRS
- American Freedom
Coalition Much material on Emergency Rule.
- Coalition for
Local Sovereignty (CLS) Educational public policy group
dedicated to the restoration of local self-government on the
principle that the supreme authority with respect to a given
issue is the most local authority that can resolve the issue.
- Constitutional Law Foundation
Seeks to advance the intergenerational concern for posterity
stated in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution.
- Rule
Law Committee Montana-based activist group dedicated to
legal reform, with an emphasis on common law grand juries. Has
much material on the Montana Freemen.
- RestoreDemocracy
Seek democratic accountability for corporations.
- Papers, Please!
Raise constitutional objections to "war on drugs".
- November Coalition The
Identity Project, a division of the First Amendment Project.
Resists demands for identification documents.
- Coalition to
Abolish Slavery and Trafficking Work to eliminate human
slavery and trafficking of people.
- Constitutional Patriots Opposing
Prohibition Oppose drug laws as ineffective,
counterproductive, and at the federal level, unconstitutional.
- Foundation for Individual
Rights in Education (FIRE) For free speech, individual
liberty, religious freedom, the rights of conscience, legal
equality, due process, and academic freedom on our nation's
- Council for the National
Interest Focus on avoiding undue foreign influences on
U.S. policy.
- Online
progressive activists, pro-Democrat.
- TrueMajority
Some campaigning for honest elections.
- Conflict Solutions
International Seek to resolve conflicts at the
international level.
- Americans for a
Society Free from Age Restrictions, also known as ASFAR Youth
Liberation Dedicated to increasing the rights of youth
under American law.
- National Youth
Rights Association (NYRA) Advocates lessening and
removing various legal restrictions that are imposed on young
people but not adults.
Money Matters
Separate page for groups involving these.
Tax Matters
Separate page for groups involving these.
Umbrella Groups and Forums
- Operation
Unification Umbrella/coalition of libertarian reform
groups and sites.
- Freedom
Force International Encourages freedom seekers to seek
power in every power center of society.
- Young Americans for Freedom
Unites youth in defense of the Constitution.
- Free Republic
Umbrella group for many reform organizations.
- United Citizens for Legal
Reform (UCLR) Umbrella network for legal reform groups.
- Constitution Club
Umbrella network for constitutionalist study and action
Directories of Advocacy Groups
Advocacy Find groups with similar interests to your own.
Legal Associations
- Federalist Society (FS)
Coalition of conservative and libertarian lawyers and legal
- American Constitution
Society (ACS) Formerly the Madison Society. Coalition of
statist lawyers, in opposition to the Federalist Society.
- National Association
of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) Involved in reform
of the criminal justice system.
- Association Of Federal
Defense Attorneys (AFDA) Links to court opinions and
chat forums organized by federal district.
- Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers
Association (TCDLA) Defend rights of Texans.
- Freedom
Lawyers of America (FLA) An association for libertarian
- Lawyers Committee for Human
Rights (LCHR) Recently focused on executive branch
usurpations in connection with "war on terrorism".
- The Lawyer's Second
Amendment Society (LSAS) Lawyers who defend the RKBA tend
to be strong on other constitutional issues.
- American Judicature Society
(AJS) Works for independence and integrity of the courts.
- American Judges Association
(AJA) Judges have their lobbying organization, too.
- Conference of Chief Justices
(CCJ) Have regular conferences where judicial policy
decisions are made.
- American
Association (ABA), List of State Bar Associations The
Legal Establishment.
- American College of Trial
Lawyers (ACTL) More about winning and making large fees
than justice or ethics.
- American Trial Lawyers
Association (ATLA) Lobbying organization that supports
legislation that benefits trial lawyers.
- State
Lawyer Associations Function as lobbying arms and
sometimes counters to the State Bars.
Academic Associations
- Benjamin Rush
Society Medical students with political concerns.
- Alexander Hamilton Society
Students who seek vital, constructive debate on foreign,
economic and national security policy.
- Adam Smith Society
Business students with political concerns.
Congressional Caucuses
- Liberty
Committee Nationwide grassroot organization centered on
a caucus of members of Congress dedicated to seek a
strict-constitutional approach to legislation.
Republican Movements
There are enough to justify their own page.
Separatist and
Independence Movements There are enough to
justify their own page.
Freedom Movements
There are enough to justify their own page.
Political Parties
- United States
- Libertarian Party One
of the more important parties emphasizing constitutional
- Libertarian Party of
- Libertarian
of Travis County (Austin)
- Libertarian
(University of Texas at Austin)
- Libertarian
Party of Dallas County
- Constitution
Party, formerly the U.S. Taxpayers Party
Focused on constitutional compliance.
- American
Party of Colorado Colorado affiliate.
- American Constitution
Party of Texas Texas affiliate.
- America
Fathers Party Focused on constitutional compliance.
- United We Stand -
America (Reform Party) Promote cleaner government.
Founded by Ross Perot.
- American
Party Advocates clean government and various
socially conservative positions.
- Independent American Party
To promote respect for life, liberty and property; strong
traditional families; patriotism; and individual, state and
national sovereignty.
- Constitutionalist Party Founded by James
- Natural Law Party
Seek to base public policy on scientific principles.
- Green Party Devoted
to protecting the ecosystem. International, with many
national affiliates.
- Republican National
Committee Parent organization of the Republican
- Republican Liberty Caucus
(RLC) Libertarian-constitutionalist wing.
- Republican
Liberty Caucus of Texas
- Republican
Caucus of Massachusetts
- Republican
Caucus Alternate site.
- National Republican
Senatorial Committee Campaign resource for
senatorial candidates.
- National Federation of
Republican Assemblies Grass roots, conservative
wing, anti-abortion.
- Democratic National
Committee Parent organization of the Democratic
- Democratic
Freedom Caucus Libertarian wing.
- Democratic
Council (DLC) "Moderate" wing.
- Progressive
Institute (PPI) "Defining the third way". Alter
ego of the DLC.
- New Democrat Network
(NDN) PAC for the DLC.
- Progressive
Challenge project of the Institute for Policy
Studies Strategic planning arm.
- Progressive
Caucus Statist wing of the Democrats in the U.S.
House of Representatives.
- Democratic
Socialists of America (DSA) Seek patronage and
paternal government.
- Social
Democrats Allied with similar parties across the
world, and with the Democrat Party in the United States.
Non-partisan Policy Groups
- American Conservative
Union (ACU) Rate members of Congress.
- Americans for Democratic
Action (ADA) Rate members of Congress.
- League of Conservation Voters
(LCV) Rate members of Congress.
Minority Rights
- American
Indian Movement Organized to protect the rights of
Native Americans. Was targeted by the FBI COINTELPRO program.
- Native
American Links One collection, mostly to various
- Native
Links Another collection, including most the same links
as the previous one, but it doesn't hurt to have another.
- Spirits of the Land
Foundation Has a directory of National Indian
- LatinoLink Home
Page Links to most organizations working for the rights
of Latinos and Native Americans.
- Afro Americ@ Home Page
Many links to organizations for rights of Afro-Americans.
- Black Panther Party No official home page yet, but
until they do, Bobby
Seale's Homepage will do.
- National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) One of the oldest.
- League of United Latin
American Citizens (LULAC) Another of the older
- American
Indian Foundation For Law And Justice Dedicated to the
prevention of civil and human rights violations against American
Indians,and to secure self determination for all American Indian
Defense Committees for Persecuted Individuals
Also see Abuses and
Usurpations page.
- Red
Leonard Peltier Defense Committee Native American
activist convicted of a crime he didn't commit.
Privacy & Security
- Electronic Privacy
Information Center Resist use of social security number
as national identification number.
- Privacy Coalition
Combined effort to fight government attempts to control private
- Public Citizen Litigation
Group Have recently defended anonymous speech.
- Privacy Foundation
Seek to protect the right of privacy against government and
corporate intrusion.
- Association to Stop
Unconstitutional Fingerprinting (ASUF) Oppose mandatory
biometric identification.
- National Organization for
Non-Enumeration Opposes national identification system,
based on social security number, and other usurpations. Also see
our Citizen Action page section on Privacy.
Computers & Internet
- Center for Democracy and
Technology Active in defense of rights of Internet users
and others.
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
Defends Internet users against abuses by government. Has much
valuable material on activism.
- Internet Users
Consortium Defends rights of Internet users.
- Free Software
Foundation Advocate open source.
- Global Internet Liberty Campagn
International effort. Temporary site here.
- Amnesty International
Defend rights of political prisoners and oppressed dissidents
throughout the world.
- International
Society for Individual Liberty (ISIL) Members in over 80
countries dedicated to building a free and peaceful world,
respect for individual rights and liberties, and an open and
competitive economic system based on voluntary exchange and free
- The Constitution
Society British organization focused on the traditional,
unwritten constitution of the U.K.
- ‘Ya Basta! EZLN The
Zapatistas, a Mexican branch of the worldwide militia movement.
- One Nation Australian reform party.
- Global Exchange
Lead role in organizing protests against several world
organizations that threaten human rights.
- International Bundesbrief
Association To celebrate the Swiss Federal Charter of
Other Non-Profit Organizations
- Lancasterian
Society Support private schools using the
Lancasterian Monitorial System, a method that uses more advanced
students to teach less advanced students, and teach each at his
or her own best rate.
- Evergreen State
Society A Center for Civic Initiative.
- The Society of Former
Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation It
once appeared that they were dominated by people with enough
integrity to quit, indicated by the list of FBI
Books they had, which was similar to the US
Agency FBI Books list. But they sent an email message
saying they were "loyal" to their former organization, and took
the page down. No mention about being loyal to the Constitution.
- Greenpeace International
(Amsterdam) An eco-militia.
- League
of Conservation Voters Try to defeat legislative abusers
of our environment and resources.
Heritage Groups
- National Society Sons of the
American Revolution Descendents of those involved in the
- National Society Daughters of
the American Revolution Descendents of those involved in
the Revolution.
- Sons of the Revolution
Second oldest Revolutionary War hereditary group in the United
- American Sons
of Liberty Seeks to revive the spirit of the historical
Sons of Liberty.
- American
of Liberty Women fought in the Revolution, too!
- Sons and Daughters
of Liberty Carrying on the tradition.
- Friends of
Montpelier Home of James Madison, now a museum.
- Acton Institute
Dedicated to the study religion and liberty, with a focus on the
thought of Lord Acton (1834-1902), famous for the 1887 quote: "Power
and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
- American
Antiquarian Society (AAS) Repository of documents from
early America.
- Society of American
Archivists (SAA) Association for preservation of
original documents.
- National Society of
Colonial Families in America (NSCFA) Genealogical
resource, with many links to other genealogical resources.
Property and Privacy
Rights We have a separate subsite for this large