Wikipedia Articles of Interest
Wikipedia and its associated sites and imitators has emerged as an important resource, even if subject to biased or incompetent editing by anonymous editors. Its articles tend to be indexed high by most web search engines. Here we offer a selected list of articles that should be watched and if necessary properly maintained by visitors to this site. When multiple articles are linked from a higher-level article we usually only include that higher-level article, so be sure to follow the internal links to related articles.
- American civil religion — A temporal, secular, nonsectarian religious faith of the United States with sacred symbols and scriptures drawn from national history, especially the Constitution. Other countries have had their own civil religions. See Constitutionalism.
- Bill of rights — List of rights against the actions of officials.
- Brainstorming — Technique for generating creative solutions to problems.
- Citizenship — The status of having a voice in public decisionmaking.
- Commerce Clause — The provision in the U.S. Constitution that has been interpreted to delegate broad criminal and other powers to the central government.
- Committee of Safety (American Revolution) — The governing bodies set up to organize resistance to British usurpation and rule.
- Common law — The unwritten law arising from court decisions.
- Common law offence — The unwritten crimes that preceded constitutiional and statutory law making them illegal.
- Constitution — Supreme law prescribing the structures, procedures, rights, powers, and duties of officials and citizens.
- Constitution Research — This organization.
- Constitutional militia movement — Resistance to usurpation.
- Constitutionalism — Doctrine that there must be a supreme law prescribing the structures, procedures, rights, powers, and duties of officials and citizens.
- Contumacy — Failure to comply with judicial order, which judges have asserted an inherent power to punish.
- Demarchy — Also known as klerostocracy, rule by lot, from the Greek kleros, casting lots.
- Direct tax — A tax that cannot be passed on to an ultimate consumer in a higher price.
- Ethics — The branch of philosophy which addresses questions about morality.
- False arrest — Your choices when the police become the criminal.
- Game theory — The science of strategic decisionmaking.
- Grand Jury — Citizens empaneled to investigate public complaints.
- Habeas corpus — Right to release if authority to hold is not proved.
- Judicial activism — Usurpation by judges.
- Judicial misconduct — Misconduct by judges.
- International law — Legal practice among multiple nation-states.
- Jury — Citizens empaneled to render a verdict in a trial.
- Jury nullification — Refusal of a jury to apply what they are told is the law in a case.
- Law — Rules usually enforced through institutions.
- Law of nations — This article needs some work.
- Legal practice — What legal players do and how they do it.
- Legal realism — Doctrine that "the law" is whatever judges say it is.
- Linguistics — Scientific study of natural language.
- List of forms of government — All the kinds someone has named.
- Militia — Defense of the rights of members of the community and those who do so.
- Militia movement — Movement to defend constitutional rights against government usurpation.
- Natural and legal rights — Differences between kinds of rights and their sources.
- Natural-born-citizen clause — Much confusion here.
- Necessary and Proper Clause — The provision of the U.S. Constitution that has beeen interpreted to delegate broad powers to the central government.
- Nondelegation doctrine — The position that it is unconstitutional to delegate lawmaking powers to executive or judicial officials.
- Originalism — Legal construction according to original understanding of the lawmakers.
- Person — Individual actor is to be distinguished from the roles he may play, each of which is a different "person".
- Piracy — Warlike acts by a unauthorized nonstate actor against assets not of his own nation.
- Police misconduct — Usurpation and abuse by law enforcement agents.
- Politics — The process by which groups of people make decisions.
- Polysemy — Words with multiple related meanings.
- Presumption of constitutionality — Does the citizen or the government bear the burden of proof?
- Principal-agent problem — How to get agents to do what their principals want.
- Prisoner's dilemma — How what is rational for each may be irrational for the group.
- Private attorney general — Private attorney representing the public.
- Private prosecution — Criminal prosecution by private parties representing the public.
- Privileges or Immunities — Clause in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
- Prosecutorial misconduct — Violation of due process rights of defendants committed by prosecutors.
- Public choice — How those most affected by public decisions try, and tend to succeed, in investing the most to influence those decisions.
- Qualified immunity — How public officials are protected from being held accountable for their public misconduct.
- Quo warranto — Right to require official to prove his authority before he can exercise it.
- Regime — De facto but not necessarily legitimate government.
- Scottish Enlightenment — Source of many constitutional ideas.
- Self-help (law) — Taking the law into one's own hands.
- Semiotics — Science of conveying information using signs.
- Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution — Much wrong with this article.
- Sortition — Selection of decisionmakers at random.
- Standing (law) — The status of having a court accept one's petition.
- State bar — This article needs some work.
- Tax protester Sixteenth Amendment arguments — Highly biased presentation that needs a neutral editing.
- Testilying — Prosecution witnesses giving false testimony against a defendant in a criminal trial.
- Theory of mind — How people communicate by having mental models of one anothers' minds.
- Tyranny — Exercising authority unconstitutionally.
- Unenumerated rights — Rights referenced but not made explicit in the Ninth Amendment.
- Usurpation — Exercising authority without having it.