Thomas Hobbes

De Cive

(The Citizen)

Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society

by Thomas Hobbes



Introduction by the Editor

Table of Contents

Dedication and Preface

Of Liberty.
I. Of the state of men without Civill Society
II. Of the Law of Nature concerning Contracts
III. Of the other Lawes of Nature
IV. That the Law of Nature is a Divine Law
Of Dominion.
V. Of the causes, and first begining of civill Government
VI. Of the right of him, whether Counsell, or one Man onely, who hath the supreme power in the City
VII. Of the three kindes of Government, Democracy, Aristocracy, Monarchie
VIII. Of the Rights of Lords over their Servant
IX. Of the right of Parents over their children and of hereditary Government
X. A comparison between three kinds of government, according to their severall inconveniences
XI. Places and Examples of Scripture of the Rights of Government agreeable to what hath been said before
XII. Of the internal causes, tending to the dissolution of any Government
XIII. Concerning the duties of them who bear Rule
XIV. Of Lawes and Trespasses
Of Religion
XV. Of the Kingdome of God, by Nature
XVI. Of the Kingdome of God under the Old Covenant
XVII. Of the Kingdome of God by the new Covenant
XVIII. Concerning those things which are necessary for our entrance into the Kingdome of Heaven
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