PIML 96062603 / Forwarded to Patriot Information Mailing List: [This is fine for an information network. However, it will not of itself get patriots elected, nor will it act to restore limited, constitutional government. Spreading information is necessary and we should continue, but NOW is the time for positive action.] PIML =================================================================== Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 13:34:38 -0700 To: David M Sampson , lmuller@iquest.com (USTP), lphq@digex.net, donal@lightspeed.net, confrd01@panix.com From: Tom Clark Subject: Re: Band Together Cc: Bill Utterback , buffalo@dfw.net, fjgu66d@prodigy.com, republic-of-texas@colossus.net David, In response to your eloquent post. I concur with your opinion that we must band together. The problem is that we have no conduit for advocacy. I notice in your CC: you have the USTP, and the ROT. They, I believe, have already committed to a special cause. What we need to do, IMHO, is backup and put together A CREDIBLE network that will represent the general Liberty/Patriot/Constitution Movement. That is a network WITHOUT a special agenda. See my proposal below for more info. If anyone would like to work on this idea with me, just let me know. - STATUS - A general treatise on the state of the patriot movement is in order before traversing upon the subject of Freedom Points. As a minor player in some patriot efforts I have been witness to many opinions that what the patriot movement needs is organization and cohesion. Upon considering the matter, one can easily see that these points are the only points that stand against us. It has been said that only three percent of the colonial population had the guts to stand up against the English. By my unscientific math, I believe it can be said that modern day patriots far and away exceed the per capita watermark. Working against us today is the incredible mobility of the adversary. Whether we are talking about actual soldiery or just the long arm of the Department of Justice, the Aristocracy can move into our community at lightening speed and overwhelm the few that are making a stand. Case in point: Waco, Ruby Ridge, Justus Township. Also, working against us is the science that the adversary possesses. The most formidable is their ability to track virtually anyone they select. The cold hard truth is that most of us can be tracked quite easily. As time goes on the Aristocracy ability to keep tabs on us will be improved. It is quite obvious to technology watchers that time is closing in. Today, however, we also have some technology that the Colonists did not. Many patriots have fax machines or Internet access. Now then comes the question on how to use these technologies to help build an organized and cohesive patriot movement. - A NERVOUS SYSTEM - The human body has a nervous system, the patriot body lacks a nervous system. The idea behind Freedom Points is to lay in the nervous system for any part of the patriot movement to tell the entire patriot movement about ways to counter the adversary. Unlike most patriot organizations that have a particular cross to bear, and usually have a top down structure, the idea behind Freedom Points is radically different. Freedom Points are dedicated to the restoration of the constitutional Republic, and as a whole, have no specific cross to bear. An individual Freedom Point might be United States Tax Party volunteer, a Fully Informed Jury Association contact, a Militia Headquarters, a Committee of Safety, a Jural Society, a Patriot Newsletter, or even the otherwise unaffiliated concerned citizen, etc. Freedom Points are Republican in nature. Each Freedom Point has an equal say as to what the network would be willing to work on. Upon a simple majority, the Network announces that the Freedom Points are going to be involved in this or that, but at all times each Freedom Point retains the authority to pass on any particular advocacy. All that we ask is if the Freedom Point is not going to support the majority in a task that they forward all inquiries to an appointed Freedom Point that has agreed to handle the traffic. The function of a Freedom Point can be different in each cause, but generally, the Freedom Point will accept suggestions from the general public (or come up with an idea on its own). If the Freedom Point thinks it is a good idea, that Point can forward it to all the other Freedom Points for discussion, a vote, and then action by the entire Freedom Point Network. The Freedom Points would then serve their local area in servicing inquiries from the public, etc. Generally, someone will have put together a general proposal that the Freedom Point can distribute via fax (if not long distance), by U.S. mail (if the inquirer sends a SASE), or by Email. Additionally, some proposals will ask for the Freedom Points to tabulate pledges or volunteers or other data critical for the task at hand. This information will be forwarded to Freedom Point Headquarters for compilation of the data. - FREEDOM POINT NETWORK ORGANIZATION - The Freedom Point Network will be republican in nature. Each state will appoint their own Freedom Point HQ for the state. Each state will decide for itself how to handle the appointment. The national HQ will assume that the first Freedom Point to emerge in each state is the appointed HQ for the state in question. The Freedom Points may at a later time wish to create districts and appoint regional HQs for these districts. They may want to do this to relieve stress on the national HQ. Corresponding with 50 Freedom Points could become a burden in a hurry. - QUALIFICATIONS - The current qualifications to become a Freedom Point are: 1. A desire to see the constitutional Republic restored. 2. A mailing address 3. A voice phone 4. A fax machine or email 5. A willingness to work with other Freedom Points It is strongly recommended that a Freedom Point have an answering machine, and that the contact is generally available to discuss Freedom Point proposals, etc. - FORSEEABLE PROJECTS - We have been in contact with some of the leading non-barred counselors at law over the internet. There is a general willingness of many of these counselors to fly off to a local community and help in a cause that would further the patriot movement. The Freedom Point Network could organized a pledge drive to cover the efforts and expenses of a team of counselors. If we had more Freedom Points we could have counselors look into the alleged abuses surrounding the treatment of Bob Starr and Jim McCranie. A current effort is ongoing that is designed to form Grand Juries independent of the established government. Freedom Points are currently supporting a proposal for such an Independent Grand Jury to investigate allegations concerning the Freemen of Justus Township Montana and related government activities. The main goal of this proposal is to establish a method for calling a People's Grand Jury. - PRAYER - I hope that you can see the potential of the Freedom Point idea. Basically, the goal is to pool the patriot movements resources to counter landmark actions of the Aristocracy. I pray that God will move your heart, and that you will want to become a part of the Freedom Point Nervous System. If you do, please just let me know. Tom Clark Response Coordinator =================================================================== * Patriot Information Mailing List * http://constitution.famguardian.org/piml/piml.htm * A service to help inform those who have an active interest in * returning our federal and state governments to limited, * constitutional government * Send messages for consideration and possible posting to * butterb@sagenet.net (Bill Utterback). * To subscribe or unsubscribe, send message with subject line * "subscribe patriot" or "unsubscribe patriot" * Forwarded messages sent on this mailing list are NOT verified. * See World's Smallest Political Quiz: www.self-gov.org/quiz.html * Libertarian is to LIBERTY as librarian is to library (DePena) * PIML grants permission to copy and repost this message * in its entirety with headers and trailers left intact.