PIML 96062502 / Forwarded to Patriot Information Mailing List: [But Morris Dees told me that all patriots were racist hate-mongers. . . ] PIML =================================================================== Date: 24 Jun 96 16:34:33 EDT From: Mike Johnson <102052.3716@CompuServe.COM> Subject: MJN: B&W Churches Commentary by Patty about "black" and "white" churches. - Mike/North Central Florida Regional Militia It is safe to assume that any traffic going to or from this address is being recorded, stored and analyzed somewhere by government employees. Any other assumption is *not* *safe*. 24-Jun-96 13:41 EDT Sb: Black and White Churches, a few thoughts Fm: Patricia Neill > INTERNET:pnpj@db1.cc.rochester.edu This is kind of stream of consciousness thinking here .... doesn't really go anyway. Just some things I've been thinking about. This weekend, June 20th, the media was finally beginning to fess up that white churches were burning too -- but they phrased it as "60%" black and left it at that. And they only interviewed black church members about the burnings and put a heavy emphasis on the "racist" element of this. You know, I doubt there are many liberal media reporters who actually live in a mixed neighborhood -- it would be interesting to see how many of them live in the cities and how many in the suburbs -- I know quite a few white liberals who would *never* think themselves racist, but they also wouldn't live where I live -- in a mixed neighborhood. To them, you see, black skin = crime. To me, black skin = neighbors, but I'm keeping a wary eye on the young ruffians (black and oriental, for the most part) down the street ... :) And I was thinking about something that I didn't even think about at first, and I haven't heard anyone else mention it, so I thought I'd throw it out there. Why are there black churches and white churches in the first place? Are we all Christians? Isn't that "racist"? Don't you'd think the liberal media would say something about that? Are there any truly mixed churches? I've been in a few that had a fairly mixed congregation, but it is true that there are black and white churches. I wonder if people in other countries noticed this about our churches when they heard this story and the reporting, or if their churches are the same way. Now, I know for a fact that folks are more comfy with their own kind, and there is nothing abnormal about that. I think we can all accept that as a fact of life. I remember a while back when I used to go to a black Baptist church because I loved the wonderful gospel singing and the general spiritual richness of the worship. I'm white, but after a few odd glances, I was more or less accepted or at least ignored by some members, welcomed by other members. I liked it. And there've been some white churches I've been in where I got even odder looks and less welcome. Congress, of course, is once again busy passing an unconstitutional law to "deal with this crime." Seems these days evey time I turn around Congress is passing some totally intrusive, unconstitutional law or another. Clinton and Reno, needless to say, hypocritically hopped on the "church-burning" wagon right off the bat. Of course, if the CIA would quit smuggling guns out of and drugs into this country and the FBI and BATF would quit terrorizing people and shooting, burning, and killing them, and bombing various buildings like the World Trade Center and probably OKC, then we wouldn't need all these unconstitutional laws. We could leave well enough alone. Maybe even visit each others' churches once in a while. Patty Distribution: To: INTERNET:JAD1@VILLAGE.IOS.COM =================================================================== * Patriot Information Mailing List * http://constitution.famguardian.org/piml/piml.htm * A service to help inform those who have an active interest in * returning our federal and state governments to limited, * constitutional government * Send messages for consideration and possible posting to * butterb@sagenet.net (Bill Utterback). * To subscribe or unsubscribe, send message with subject line * "subscribe patriot" or "unsubscribe patriot" * Forwarded messages sent on this mailing list are NOT verified. * See World's Smallest Political Quiz: www.self-gov.org/quiz.html * Libertarian is to LIBERTY as librarian is to library (DePena) * PIML grants permission to copy and repost this message * in its entirety with headers and trailers left intact.