PIML 96062108 / Forwarded to Patriot Information Mailing List: [Remember the Alamo and the Mexican government of that time - remember the USS Liberty and the American government of our time.] PIML ================================================================== From: "Linda Muller" Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 23:59:24 +0000 Subject: [Brigade] USS Liberty Reply-To: brigade@iquest.com Dear Brigade, If you havent already, please visit the USS Liberty Home Page: http://www.halcyon.com/jim/ussliberty/ As a mother of a US Marine who is at this moment in a very dangerous situation, I am outraged at the continued refusal by our government to investigate the attack on the USS Liberty. I remember Pat telling me that he wrote an article about it over 20 years ago. I sure would love to get a copy if any of you have it in your files. I copied this from the intro to the USS Liberty Home Page: "The USS Liberty Home Page is a creation of Jim Ennes and Joe Meadors, survivors of the attack, with support and encouragement from other survivors Joe was a signalman on the bridge during the attack and is a former chairman and president of the USS Liberty Veterans Association Jim was an officer on the bridge when the attack started and is author of Assault on the Liberty (Random House 1980; Ballantine 1986) which tells the story. The University of Kansas Military History Department has named this The Top Military History Web Site in the United States. This web site is dedicated to the memory of thirty-four fine young men who gave their lives on June 8, 1967, defending the USS Liberty against a sustained air and sea attack by the armed forces of the State of Israel. During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States, the American intelligence ship USS Liberty was attacked for 75 minutes in international waters by Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats. Thirty-four men died and 171 were wounded. The attack has been a matter of controversy ever since. Survivors and many key government officials including Secretary of State Dean Rusk and former JCS Chairman Admiral Thomas Moorer say it was no accident. Israel and its supporters insist it was a "tragic case of misidentification" and charge that the survivors are either lying or too emotionally involved to see the truth. Israel claims they mistook our ship for the out-of-service Egyptian horse carrier El Quseir and that we brought the attack upon ourselves by operating in a war zone without displaying a flag. Not so. We were in international waters, far from any fighting, and flew a bright, clean, new American flag. The flag we flew is on display at the National Cryptologic Museum, Fort Meade, Maryland and can be seen there, or in the the USS Liberty Images Archive. Our commanding officer, Captain William Loren McGonagle, was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry and intrepedity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty during the attack. The Congressional Medal of Honor is the highest award our country can bestow. To avoid embarrassing our attackers, Captain McGonagle's Medal of Honor was presented in a quiet ceremony in the Washington Navy Yard instead of in the White House by the President as is customary. The USS Liberty Web Page presents part of the story along with some historical information and links to other sources...." Friends, take a moment to check out their site. Not only is it filled with lots of info but it is very well designed. My personal thanks to Jim Ennes and Joe Meadors for all their work and dedication and for reminding all of us to never forget the USS Liberty. Linda ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 17:37:00 -0500 To: "Linda Muller" , From: Joe Meadors Subject: Re: Cc: info@gramm96.org, senator@bumpers.senate.gov, info@k >Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 12:45:35 -0500 >To: Senator Frist >From: Joe Meadors >Subject: Re: Cc: info@gramm96.org, senator@bumpers.senate.gov, info@k >At 07:56 PM 6/18/96 -0400, you wrote: >Good evening, >With the second session of the 104th Congress half over, and the 1996 >elections fast approaching, I'm interested in your views on important >issues facing the electorate today. Your previous e-mail to my >office assures me that you are concerned about the future of our >country and that you pay close attention to what is going on in >Washington, D.C. and how it affects the rest of the nation. I would >greatly appreciate your response to the following questions, which >will help me to determine the direction Congress should take in the >coming months. Thank you for your participation. > Sincerely, > Bill Frist, M.D. > United States Senator >Please Type an "X" next to the appropriate answer in each of the >following six questions. >1. Do you (a) approve or (b) disapprove of the way Congress is >handling its job? (a) (b) ----------------------------------------- My God, Bill! My USS Liberty shipmates and I have lobbied you and your colleagues in both Houses of Congress literally for decades with a simple request to investigate the USS Liberty incident - with included war crimes - only to have our pleadings totally ignored. The result is that you and your colleagues have placed your tacit stamp of approval upon the deliberate machine gunning of American life rafts in the water - among other war crimes that you have allowed to be committed against the United States with impunity - during the pre-planned and deliberate attack upon our ship. And you've got the balls to ask me how I think Congress is doing its job? If you were in our position, and elected officials - such as yourself - told us to take a flying leap every time we asked them to show just a modicum of concern about the war crimes that were committed against us how would you characterize the way Congress is doing it's job? I suspect this note - along with every other bit of correspondence from USS Liberty survivors - is received with peals of laughter reverbrating within the Halls of Congress just prior to being unceremoniously placed in the "O" file. Am I right in concluding that it will be a cold day in Hell before you or any of your colleagues give us the courtesy of explaining to us - USS Liberty victims of war crimes - why you have decided to allow those war crimes to be committed against the United States with impunity? Sincerely, Joe Meadors Past President and Past Chairman USS Liberty Veterans Association P.O. Box 260822 Corpus Christi, TX 78426-0822 Tel: (512)387-6699 ==========end======== *****{{{{{{{{{*****************}}}}}}}}}***** Un-Official News and Opinion from Linda Muller Web Author lmuller@iquest.com Member Northern Alabama Kitchen Militia Use the Ballot Box - Not the Cartridge Box! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Pat Buchanan Internet Campaign Headquarters http://www.buchanan.org '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' US Taxpayers Party Internet Headquarters http://www.ustaxpayers.org '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' GO PAT....GO BRIGADES....GO USTP!!!!!!!! *****{{{{{{{{{*****************}}}}}}}}}***** ================================================================== GO HARRY....GO GO LP!!!!!!!!!! ================================================================== * Patriot Information Mailing List * http://constitution.famguardian.org/piml/piml.htm * A service to help inform those who have an active interest in * returning our federal and state governments to limited, * constitutional government * Send messages for consideration and possible posting to * butterb@sagenet.net (Bill Utterback). * To subscribe or unsubscribe, send message with subject line * "subscribe patriot" or "unsubscribe patriot" * Forwarded messages sent on this mailing list are NOT verified. * See World's Smallest Political Quiz: www.self-gov.org/quiz.html * Libertarian is to LIBERTY as librarian is to library (DePena) * PIML grants permission to copy and repost this message * in its entirety with headers and trailers left intact.