PIML 96062005 / Forwarded to Patriot Information Mailing List: From: "Steve Wingate" Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 19:51:16 -0700 Subject: Dead Men Tell No Tales (fwd) (2/3) Reply-To: snetnews@alterzone.com -> SearchNet's snetnews Mailing List o Bridge Housing Corporation o Bechtel Europe [ Editor note: Involved in underground facility construction] o Interguard Corporation o Insearch International o AT&T Submarine Systems o Foster-Wheeler Energy JJ: Any of these companies reach out and ring any bells with you? PK: Yes, a couple of them certainly do, and I'll talk about you privately about them. NR: Peter said that there were traces of thermite on the bodies recovered from the Ron Brown aircraft, and that attendant Shelley Kelly was alive and fairly well going into the helicopter. Is that correct? JJ: That's correct. That's the information I got. NR: From a good source? JJ: A source that has been reliable in the past. NR: Are you saying that Ron Brown's place was blown up and that Shelley Kelly knew what happened, and that she was subsequently killed on the helicopter flight? JJ: The information that I acquired was from someone that was present at the autopsies, and who cannot be identified. My source related that there was a three to four hour difference between the original bruises, cuts and scratches and the 3" incision wound. This indicates that she was deliberately cut where she would subsequently bleed to death. Someone who was alive and conscious on that aircraft would have been aware of the circumstances as the plane was crashing. For example, she would have been able to say, "we were on normal approach, and all of a sudden there was an explosion, and then all of a sudden I was on the ground." Of course, the story that they want is that the airplane simply crashed -- and dead men tell no tales. PK: Dr. Resnick, you need to know that Mr. Jordan is former NSA and has ties. I trust his information and his sources. There are many suspicious things about this airplane crash. NR: Joe, what have you done with your information? JJ: We have several fax networks that we utilize, as well as a good computer network. NR: Have you contacted any government agencies? JJ: Many times I do, but they get it anyway because my phone is heavily tapped by no less than 18 federal agencies. That's all part of the game. NR: Is there any way for people to get in touch with you? JJ: Sure. They can call me at 713-680-3181. NR: Peter, where shall we go from here? PK: The balance of what I will talk about is not conjecture. For those of you who have not heard from me, I will say that my information is not from some second-hand investigation; it was not passed on to me. I am not a federal agent, not have I ever been one. However, I did operate on behalf of the U.S. government under a code name. My background is in security: 28 years in telephonics and in data acquisition and control. I have ties with the law enforcement community and with the U.S. military. PK: The "Gulf War Syndrome" is a continuation of the biological warfare which has been tested not only on civilian populations over the years, but is an extension of Agent Orange and other types of testing. It shouldn't come as a surprise to the public that testing, research and engineering has been conducted for the ultimate "super weapon". You can look ar this from either of two sides. On one hand, you can justify the development of biological warfare if you think that there are nations who are going to do it anyway, in defiance of the Geneva Convention and other laws. On the other hand, my investigation proves that biological agents were not only developed and used in the Persian Gulf war, but that they are in fact part of the Global 2000 population downsizing program. I can speak with authority on this, because of the evidence I have obtained. No one gave me the "spy handbook". I used my 28 years in security. I trained many of the agents and sold some of the spooks a lot of high-tech "toys" in the days of vector counter-intelligence and Ben Jamil. I go back many years with some of the players. PK: I got involved with a project called "Product Ingredient Technology" in Boca Raton, Florida. I was also involved throughout the United States with IBI (Ishan Barbouti International), the builder of Pharma 150, the chemical and biological weapons complex in Rabta, Libya. From my investigation, I found a lot of things that were not legitimate, and I ran. I was green about a lot of these things upon going in. I went to the CIA and FBI, and operated for the U.S. government under a code name, because they said these people were international terrorists and that they were going to prosecute them. However, they did not count on me bugging telephone lines, buildings, and certain other locations throughout the United States. I intercepted the Commodity Credit Corporation, the Banca Nazionale del Lavorro (CCC-BNL), Anomalous Images and UFO Files http://www.linex.com/ufo -> Send "subscribe snetnews " to majordomo@alterzone.com -> Posted by: "Steve Wingate" ================================================================== * Patriot Information Mailing List * http://constitution.famguardian.org/piml/piml.htm * A service to help inform those who have an active interest in * returning our federal and state governments to limited, * constitutional government * Send messages for consideration and possible posting to * butterb@sagenet.net (Bill Utterback). * To subscribe or unsubscribe, send message with subject line * "subscribe patriot" or "unsubscribe patriot" * Forwarded messages sent on this mailing list are NOT verified. * See World's Smallest Political Quiz: www.self-gov.org/quiz.html * Libertarian is to LIBERTY as librarian is to library (DePena) * PIML grants permission to copy and repost this message * in its entirety with headers and trailers left intact.