PIML 96062004 / Forwarded to Patriot Information Mailing List: From: "Steve Wingate" Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 19:51:16 -0700 Subject: Dead Men Tell No Tales (fwd) (1/3) Reply-To: snetnews@alterzone.com -> SearchNet's snetnews Mailing List The Resnick Interview with Peter Kawaja and Ex-NSA Agent Joe Jordan "Dead Men Tell No Tales" Transcribed by Leading Edge Research Group - http://www.cco.net/~trufax Legend: PK (Peter Kawaja) NR: (Dr.Norm Resnick) JJ: (Joe Jordan) C: (Caller) NR: My guest this hour is Mr. Peter Kawaja, who will be talking about the Gulf War Illness and terrorism. Pete, you're a big name in the country now, so take off in any direction. PK: The terms "Gulf War Illness" and "Gulf War Syndrome" are misleading, in that they affect everyone in the United States, not just our veterans. This is a communicable disease that is affecting the civilian population as well. The first point I would like to make is that these are warfare agents that were used in the Persian Gulf war, and it affects your freedom, whether you will live or die. Whether it involves the "chip", the new national medical ID card, the constitutional issues that are going around, the Montana Freemen issue, or the recent downing of the aircraft carrying Ron Brown; it's everything and it's all tied together. We hear Terry Reed; we hear Mark Phillips and Kathy O'Brian; we hear everyone out there talking and saying basically the same thing: that we have one gigantic octopus and everything is connected! There is no such thing as coincidence, and all these things are tied to each other. This is tyranny and terrorism right here in the United States, and these crimes are being perpetrated against the American people. For anyone waiting for the fellow at the starting gate to fire his pistol and declare that the war is on, let me say that we are the enemies of certain individuals who have seized control of the American government. NR: Peter, what's your take on the suicide of the Chief Medical Inspector of the airplane that Ron Brown was aboard, which just occured on April 7th? PK: It's interesting, isn't it? I'm sure that you are aware of the information that is being disseminated by the National Vietnam POW Strike Force? NR: No. PK: Well, let me say that the cadavers from the Ron Brown aircraft arrived at Dover AFB, Delaware, and they had traces of the chemical "thermite" on them. This is a chemical in bombs that are used to blow safes and bunker doors. NR: How do you know this? PK: That information was passed to me through Joe Jordan of the National Vietnam POW Strike Force, out of Houston, Texas. Joe Joran is a former National Security Agency (NSA) agent. In addition to that, Shelley Kelly, the flight attendant on the aircraft, walked onto the rescue helicopter with minor cuts and bruises. However, upon arrival at the hospital, it was found that she had bled to death on the way. They found a 3 inch incision over the femoral artery. I accept this information as solid, due to its source. Those listeners who know of Mr.Jordan and his organization understand that he has very reliable sources within the government. Perhaps we could conference Mr. Jordan in. NR: We'll do that. PK: I want to talk about the terrorism that is being perpetrated against people such as the Freemen of Montana, as well as others like myself. I may not make it to Thursday, as there may be a raid on my home. NR: Why? PK: Because of incidents that are taking place. I was almost charged with contempt by the judge in a court case recently. They tried to put me behind bars, and chances are that I would not have come out alive again. NR: Joe Jordan is with us. Mr. Jordan, who are you? JJ: I'm a Vietnam veteran, active in the Vietnam POW issue, and as a knee-jerk reaction, I'm interested in anything that exposes government wrong-doing and corruption. By the way, Pete, have you seen the list of companies that were represented on the Ron Brown plane? This should have been in the newspapers, this list of corporate leaders and the businesses they represented. I'm told that some of these companies are involved in the Tulley lawsuit in Texas, which involves the Gulf War illness issue. JJ: Let me run some of the names by you to seeis any of them jump out at you, as far as having anything to do with biological warfare: o Riggs International Banking o Asea, Brown and Bovert (ABB) o Air and Water Technologies o Parsons Corporation [Editor note: Involved in underground facility construction] o Harza Engineering Anomalous Images and UFO Files http://www.linex.com/ufo -> Send "subscribe snetnews " to majordomo@alterzone.com -> Posted by: "Steve Wingate" ================================================================== * Patriot Information Mailing List * http://constitution.famguardian.org/piml/piml.htm * A service to help inform those who have an active interest in * returning our federal and state governments to limited, * constitutional government * Send messages for consideration and possible posting to * butterb@sagenet.net (Bill Utterback). * To subscribe or unsubscribe, send message with subject line * "subscribe patriot" or "unsubscribe patriot" * Forwarded messages sent on this mailing list are NOT verified. * See World's Smallest Political Quiz: www.self-gov.org/quiz.html * Libertarian is to LIBERTY as librarian is to library (DePena) * PIML grants permission to copy and repost this message * in its entirety with headers and trailers left intact.