PIML 96061203 / Forwarded to Patriot Information Mailing List: [Speaking as a currently certificated FAA flight instructor with 2500 hours flight time and 1250 hours instruction given time, and with two years experience as a civilian contract instructor pilot for the Air Force and eleven years search and rescue flying with Civil Air Patrol, plus four years Air Force air operations experience and three years FAA air traffic controller experience, the official Ron Brown crash story stinks. The fact that the Air Force decided not to do a safety crash investigation should be enough to cause the odor, but there is more: The Air Force revealed that the aircraft's landing gear and flaps were retracted when ground impact occurred. The procedure is to lower the gear and flaps after crossing the final approach fix. The final approach fix was a non-directional radio beacon (NDB) on the flight path in front of the airport. The fact that the gear and flaps were not lowered is a clear indication that the pilot never received radio indication of crossing the NDB. This could have been caused by turning off the NDB and turning on another, located to guide the aircraft slightly off course into the hill where it crashed. In this scenario, the pilot would crash into the hill before he crossed the false NDB and never receive the crossing indication that would prompt the lowering of the gear and flaps. Mobile NDB radio transmitters are obsolescent military equipment. It is a fact that there is no reason for the aircraft to be down at approach altitude with the gear and flaps still retracted after crossing the NDB -- unless he received no crossing indication. It is also a fact that the Bosnian radio navigational aid supervisor responsible for the final approach fix NDB "committed suicide" shortly after the crash occurred. How obvious can it get?] PIML ================================================================== Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 13:16:20 -0400 (EDT) From: jwhitley@inforamp.net (John K. Whitley) Subject: RON BROWN'S DEATH: The questions remain... Apparently-To: A few days ago, the U.S. Air Force released the results of its investigation into the "crash" of U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown's plane as it approached Dubrovnik airpost in the fabled "worst storm in ten years." One week after the crash, THE NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE released its own detailed report and, quite frankly, we prefer ours to theirs. In fact, we think that they could have saved quite a bit of money by just taking out a subscription. We're assuming, of course, that they were actually after the *truth*. The entire article from our May issue is far too long and detailed to reproduce in full, so we'll tease you with some extracts from the beginning and the end of it. We think that that will be sufficient to indicate why we and the U.S. Air Force came to different conclusions. We looked at the evidence they looked at - and then we looked at some key, non-technical factors too. And, try as we might, we've had the hardest time finding metreological evidence of that "worst storm of the decade", which they are still touting as the prime culprit..... ************************************************** from the MAY 1996 issue of THE NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE... ************************************************** THE SUSPICIOUSLY-CONVENIENT "ACCIDENTAL" DEATH OF COMMERCE SECRETARY RON BROWN: When the U.S. Air Force Boeing 737 carrying U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown crashed, "in the midst of a blinding rain storm", into a rocky peak just outside Dubrovnik, Croatia, on April 4th, killing all but one aboard [and that lone survivor to die on the evacuation helicopter later], no one could have anticipated the sequence of strange events and the storm of suspicious question which would almost immediately follow. But, first, some background. The 54-year-old Washington lawyer had been described by some as "flamboyant", by others as "a super salesman", by admirers as oozing a"smooth charm", by colleagues as "dynamic, aggressive, imaginative and flexible", by President Clinton as "a magnificent life force", and by Charles Lewis, Director of the Centre for Public Integrity, as "an operator", who used his political connections to maintain a lavish lifestyle and to make some questionable business deals. Clinton was indebted to him for rebuilding the Democratic party after Dukakis' defeat; James Carville, Clinton's election strategist, said that Ron Brown had been "extremely influential" in Clinton's winning the 1992 election: "he raised more money [for the Democratic party] than we had ever raised before." Businessmen competed for places on his world-girdling "trade tours", which seemed to effortlessly result in major business deals and invaluable high-level contacts. But Brown's ebullient taste for high-living and emphasis on the business as well as the political aspects of his role raised queries regarding his ethics, which inevitably sullied his reputation. U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT made a number of revealing comments in its epitaph on Brown: "He also had a taste for the good life, and when he built bridges between people or companies, he sometimes took his commission." ..."He was a deal maker and proud of it, a man who traded in choices and not absolutes. Says Mark Steitz, a former aide: "He had no particular truck for what he used to call the 'feel good' politics of losers"." Brown learned the inside workings of the Washington power structure early and well. He was in many ways an expression of the corrupting influence of the high-powered, highly- paid legal and lobbyist circuit, where influence and money push ethics, often permanently, out of mind. In a city where appearances, connections, power, influence and money are everything, Brown applied his drive, creativity and energy to gaining them. Sometimes, it appears, he wasn't too particular about the means employed or the moral constraints that had to be suspended. He was a particularly talented and successful hustler. Be that as it may, he was a symbol of success for many black Americans and, whatever his shortcomings may have been, was widely liked. In 1981, he joined Patton, Boggs and Blow, a law firm which has variously been described as "one of Washington's most powerful and unprincipled lobbying firms" and as "the consummate insider firm." Patton, Boggs was his springboard to connections, power and success and he made full use of the opportunities it offered to him. After his stunning success in revitalizing and re-financing the Democratic party, Brown was appointed Commerce Secretary in the new Clinton Administration. He threw his energies into reinvigorating a department of government that had become bureaucratic to excess, hidebound and unsure of its own purpose or objectives. He favoured, supported and tirelessly promoted American business, and was frequently accompanied on his trips by some of the CEO's of America's most powerful corporations. He flew out on 19 trade missions in three years, to 25 countries, which resulted in an estimated $80 billion dollars worth of new contracts for American business. But a string of eyebrow-raising and increasingly- questioned business deals and financial arrangements - his Chemfix connection, his association with Texas wheeler-dealer Noland Hill, Corridor Communications, the First International Communications Corporation affair - were drawing renewed attention. Pursued by Pennsylvania Congressman William Clinger, newly- appointed in 1995 to the Chairmanship of the Government Operations Committee, the denials and stonewalling tactics adopted by Brown and his lawyers began, for the first time, to prove insufficient. His connections were unable or unwilling to shield him and his own blustering threats were probably beginning to turn the thoughts of some of his erstwhile and current partners and associates more toward self-preservation than to Ron Brown's preservation. The man who had previously been under investigation by the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Commerce Department's Inspector General, the Justice Department, the FDIC, and the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee was within two weeks of possibly being indicted for an bribe allegedly paid by Dynamic Energy Resources in Oklahoma. The string of near-scandals and near-escapes is impressive. AP reported on February 3, 1995, that 22 Republicans in the House had written to Clinton and, citing Brown's financial dealings, had demanded that he be dismissed. The WASHINGTON TIMES National Weekly Edition reported four weeks later that Clinger had announced that his Brown probe had "developed a large body of information and documentation that seems to indicate Secretary Brown may have violated federal law in several instances." Finally, in early July, 1995, Daniel S. Pearson, a former appeals court judge, was appointed to investigate Brown. He was directed, according to the NEW YORK TIMES, "to investigate whether Mr. Brown improperly accepted nearly $500,000 from a business partner and filed inaccurate financial disclosure statements." A few years ago, a Vietnamese official accused him of asking for a $700,000 or so bribe in exchange for using his influence with Clinton to get sanctions against Vietnam lifted and to open the country up to U.S. trade and investment. After apparently stalling on the issue, the Justice Department convened a grand jury to hear evidence, which could have resulted in a possible criminal indictment. Veteran investigative journalist Sherman Skolnick, whose connections inside the Beltway are remarkable, commented that "There was jury-tampering by President Clinton and his Justice Department. The grand jury proceedings were supposed to be kept secret, yet Brown and his confederates were day by day illegally kept informed, so they could obstruct justice by bribing or terrorizing grand jury witnesses. Brown was not indicted."..... This time, escape would not prove so easy. Brown made sure that Democratic leaders got the message: "I'm too old to go to jail. If I go down, I'll take everyone else down with me." That, of course, would include the Clintons. Brown's oft-repeated warning was clearly heard; but it resulted in a response that he hadn't allowed for. Given his knowledge of inner circle amorality perhaps, in hindsight, he might be considered naive in not expecting it. The April 1996 issue of the AMERICAN SPECTATOR contained an article - written before these events - entitled, ironically, "Why Ron Brown Won't Go Down." We say "ironically" because, shortly thereafter, that's exactly what he did do. Brown's threats may have become his own death warrant. Contrary to the widely-publicized media accounts of the tragic "crash" of Ron Brown's plane due to stormy weather, a number of other unsavoury possible scenarios are now beginning to emerge. The truth appears to lie in one, or some combination, of them.... [substance of article, detailing facts and lengthy background and analysis, deleted to save space] Anyone who prefers to think that agencies of the U.S. government and the U.S. Special Forces are above assassinating U.S. citizens, not to mention senior U.S. officials, where expedient may wish to bear in mind the following testimony given by a retired U.S. Green Beret in a telephone interview on Texxe Marrs' Saturday, April 20th, 1996, program on WWCR shortwave. This Colonel confessed that he had been so moved by the death of President Kennedy that he determined to join the Green Berets, a unit the President had apparently regarded highly. While going through Green Beret training at Fort Bragg in 1963, he stated that his trainee group was asked if any members would like to volunteer to take special assassination training to work with the CIA on the eliminating of U.S. citizens who had become "national security risks." About 6 people, himself included, volunteered. One of the operational scenarios employed in their assassination training was the killing of Kennedy [he said there were four shooters, including two -each with a spotter - who were positioned on the two routes which could be employed to take the wounded President to hospital; if the spotter determined he was still alive, the accompanying shooter would finish him off]. He heard his CIA instructors saying at the time that "we sure got him![the President]." He assumed that Kennedy himself must therefore have been a national security risk for some reason [Kennedy had vowed to break up the CIA and wind down the U.S. intelligence community, which might explain the CIA's animosity to him]. As he continued with his Fort Bragg training, he was approached by a CIA operative who asked if he was ready to "do a job" for them. He answered that he was, and asked who the target was. "Lt. Com. Bruce Pitcher, at Bethesda Naval Hospital," he was told. He backed off quickly, and declined: he explained that the "arrangement" was that they would "take out" U.S. citizens overseas, as there was no statute of limitations on murder in the U.S. and they could be denied as "deserters" if they were caught. He said that it was left to the individual assassin to decide when, where and how he would eliminate his victim. He saw the same CIA operative go over to another Green Beret in the CIA program and talk to him. He never saw that Green Beret again. Years later he saw Dr. Bruce Pitcher's name among those who had died violently or mysteriously subsequent to the Kennedy assassination. Shaken, he made enquiries and discovered he'd been found with a pistol in his hand at the base of a ladder; his death had been ruled "a suicide". He discovered that Pitcher had been responsible for the audio/visual records of the President's autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital, and for photographically recording those present. He had kept a set of the actual autopsy results, which he'd shown to a close friend. What they revealed terrified him, and he had hidden them. The Colonel surmised that the CIA's Green Beret assassin had killed him just as he was in the process of retrieving these hidden records. He also mentioned that a later President, who he named, had reactivated two FBI assassination teams, until stopped by a Congressional Committee. However, he personally felt that they were probably still operational. He has since become a Christian, has confessed to his wife what is was he was involved in, and has spent a considerable amount of time and effort since trying to get Congress to investigate the death of Lt. Com. Pritchard; he feels that this is the key which will open up to public scrutiny the entire Kennedy assassination and the coverup which followed. It's in the light of this alarming history and this amazing series of events that the death of Ron Brown is raising questions. Was he just one more potential embarrassment to Bill Clinton and his elite establishment backers, intent as they were on winning the 1996 election, completing their transformation of America and furthering their globalist agenda? Or have the same globalist-minded elite decided, as some sources indicate, that an Al Gore-Jay Rockefeller combination will better serve their future purposes in the White House - until, that is, they "unseat" President Gore to permit Vice President Jay Rockefeller to slide effortlessly and unelected into the ultimate seat of power in the Oval Office? If so, the death of Ron Brown may be a chilling and public warning from the elite to those on their payroll who step out of line. And the ouster of President Clinton, if it comes to pass, may then - ironically - be a second one. AS A POSTSCRIPT TO THIS STORY: we reproduce, without comment [other than for our emphasis of certain passages], the following interesting insights volunteered concerning his own personality by President Clinton. We leave the reader to assess their relevance: DAILY TELEGRAPH, Friday, 6 October, 1995 UNHAPPY CHILDHOOD SHAPED ME, SAYS CLINTON By Stephen Robinson PRESIDENT Clinton believes his unhappy childhood is to blame for his inability to convince America's enemies that they should heed his warnings. He says in a magazine interview that growing up in a home dominated by his alcoholic stepfather made him into a man who always wanted to please people. Having watched his mother's marriage, Mr Clinton said he once doubted that he could ever be happy with his wife. "When I was 21, I put down the things I really wanted in my life, and having a good family life and a child was one of them," he said. But he feared he could not achieve it "because if your model of a marriage has been bad, it has a subconscious drag on you". During the interview, he indulges in introspection about how the loss of his mother affected him. When she died last year, Mr Clinton had to go straight from her funeral in Arkansas to a summit meeting in Moscow. "Boris Yeltsin and I have a good relationship, and one of the reasons is that we both loved our mothers. "He lost his mother after he became the President of Russia, so he understood what I was going through. It was very touching." The story of how a teenage Bill Clinton stood up to his drunken stepfather and warned him never to touch his mother again became an essential part of his biography in the 1992 election. He believes that his "dysfunctional home" affected him deeply and causes him, as an adult, to send mixed signals to friends and enemies. "In Haiti, *I pretty much had to invade the country because people didn't believe me*. When I finally had planes in the air, *they [the junta leaders] believed me* and got out of there. "That's happened all my life, from the time I was in school. People underestimate your resolve because you go out of your way to accommodate them *before you drop the hammer*," Mr Clinton told Good Housekeeping magazine. ********************************************* Abstracted from an article in the May, 1996 issue of THE NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE, an analytical monthly which provides up-to-date news, comment and geopolitical forecasts on issues relating to liberty, world events and the New World Order. Visit our Web site at http://www.inforamp.net/~jwhitley for subscription and review copy information, and for a comprehensive listing of books and videos on the New World Order. 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