PIML 96052305 / Forwarded to Patriot Information Mailing List: Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 13:55:32 -0400 (EDT) From: Carol Moore Subject: FBI to Label L.P. Terrorist Group (?) Reply-To: libernet-d@listserv.rmii.com On May 21 I attended part of the National Assoc. of Criminal Defense Lawyers two day D.C. conference and lobbying session whose introductory overview panel was entitled "From Waco to *Where* in the 104th Congress?" Since I have not read an analysis of the final terrorism bill as signed (as opposed to many analysis of what it might mean if such and such language included) I had been hoping the new law was not as bad as we had feared. According to several panelists it is as bad and worse. (Unfortunately, haven't been able to find Congress web site where can get text of laws, assuming it exists and law is posted there by now.) Also, unfortunately, I didn't pick up any written material going into all the details, so some innaccurate information or interpretation may have slipped into my notes, from which the following comes. (I'm sending copy to Harry Browne campaign. Heard him speak couple weeks ago and while he's doing good job overall, lacks certain passion and ability to scare the be-jesus out of Americans about our rapidly erroding liberty. They are not just after druggies anymore, kids, they are after **dissidents.** And Harry's just about to make himself our leading terrorist! :-) Definition of Terrorist Group Looks like it is broad enough to include any domestic group that has a radical political agenda and not just ones that have any contact with/ make any contribution to any foreign group or individuals the U.S./President labels as terrorists. (The group gets 30 days notice to appeal, may not see evidence against it for "National Security reasons" and there really is no effective judicial review, so once you are on, you are on til they take you off.) According to Laura Murphy of the ACLU the law does apply domestically since it applies to any group that the govt. considers a threat to national security. David Kopel of the Independence Institute held that it applies if any part of the alleged crime takes place outside of U.S. But Professor David Cole of Georgetown Law Center felt the broadest interpretation will be used. (Remember in this internet world any "terrorist" can read or post to e-mail lists of any group, or ask for and receive funds from members of that group.) Punishments: Banks will be required to freeze the assets of any group or individual that it suspects, or the govt. encourages it to suspect, are agents of or aiding a foreign terrorist group. Individiauls can be sentenced to 10 years for contributing to "terrorist" groups--plus big fines I'm sure. Rep. Henry Hyde has declared that there are already 1500 individuals and groups the FBI is investigating and intends to put on the terrorist list. We can be sure the first go round will not contain too many purely domestic groups with radical but non-violent agendas; they'll wait for court challenges and do that as they see how far they can go. Why would anyone think the LP is a terrorist group? Hmm, let's start with that right to secession in the platform. (Sure hope no scared nellies move to take it out now.) And how many Libetarian Parties in another nations has the party/members given support to? And how many of our members are members of the International Society for Individual Liberty, a radical international group with contacts with all sorts of "terrorists" who want to break up their nation states for liberty's sake. Gosh, has the party ever given that group money, free ads, free space at a conference? And what about all those pro-militia libertarians? And what about individual libertarians who have been prosecuted/jailed for terrorism, like the Scarboroughs in Michigan who were in the wrong place/wrong time when someone threw an incendiary device in a mailbox during a tax day protest. And NatCom voted for a resolution supporting them. (Gosh, am I giving the feds ammo to put the LP on the terrorism list?) I wonder if the Committee for Waco Justice will be on the *first* round of groups labeled as terrorist--that might stop our doing all those pesky demos outside of ATF, FBI, Janet Reno's office and Clinton's house. After all, Judge Walter Smith at sentencing declared that the Davidians were terrorists and we have raised some money on behalf of the Davidians and the prisoners and sent it to them. Gosh, hope this note doesn't hurt our fundraising efforts in the future! (Send contributions to: Carol Moore (no CWJ bank account) c/o CWJ, box 65518 Washington DC 20035 202/635-3739) It's time to get serious about freedom, guys, before we don't have the freedom to do so. ** >From Carol Moore in D.C., belly of the beast cmoore@upx.net * Patriot Information Mailing List * http://constitution.famguardian.org/piml/piml.htm * A service to help inform those who have an active interest in * returning our federal and state governments to limited, * constitutional government * Send messages for consideration and possible posting to * butterb@sagenet.net (Bill Utterback). * To subscribe or unsubscribe, send message with subject line * "subscribe patriot" or "unsubscribe patriot" * Forwarded messages sent on this mailing list are NOT verified. * See World's Smallest Political Quiz: www.self-gov.org/quiz.html * Libertarian is to LIBERTY as librarian is to library (DePena) * PIML grants permission to copy and repost this message * in its entirety with headers and trailers left intact.