PIML 96052304 / Posted to Patriot Information Mailing List: From: PawlRevere@aol.com Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 21:21:07 -0400 To: butterb@sagenet.net Subject: As Nation's Ills Grow, Solutions Present Themselves Media Bypass Magazine Nov 95, to subscribe call 1-800-4BY- PASS As Nation's Ills Grow, Solutions Present Themselves By State Senator Charles R. Duke (R-Colo) It is the best of times; it is the worst of times. As the government further damages its own dismal credibility with the Waco and Whitewater hearings, more people are using the time to read and understand the precise actions that have led to the sorry mess in Washington, D.C., today. The work to define exactly which actions have allowed our Constitution to be effectively suspended has been time -- consuming and laborious. Many people have sacrificed self and family in order to provide the truth. For solutions to our national crisis to be meaningful, they must be based on and directed at the true causes of the problems. Stated differently, only those solutions that come from a true and factual understanding of the problem can be presented as effective solutions. It is essential that you who read this column understand that the solutions, like the problems, are painful. The most thorough of us involved in understanding the problem will find it is easy to get discouraged. The overall magnitude of the problem is so gargantuan, it will seem too great a challenge and too intimidating. It will seem there are no peaceful solutions to our national government. The good news is we have had the peaceful solution before us all along. The space of a single column does not permit even a simple statement of the overall problem. We can, however, at least begin to introduce those ideas that have most contributed to the loss of our freedoms. The subjects range from the abolishment of gold as a basis for our currency, to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, which is neither federal nor reserve, nor for that matter, a bank. In future columns we will deal with the "Trading with the Enemy Act of 1911" and the actions of the l933 Congress which declared the American people to be subject to the same suspicion as our nation's enemies. In effect, it declared the American people to be enemies of the government. The real truth will be so astonishing, we will not want to believe at first. But every action can be documented from official government documents and statutes. How did our Constitution, which most of us regard so highly, come to not provide the protection it promises? What is the nature of money and why is bankruptcy of the United States imminent without decisive, immediate action? What is the difference between the corporate United States and the geographic United States? Why is the Tenth Amendment, and the various resolutions calling for its reinstatement, absolutely crucial? In capsule form, our nation is in a state of emergency and has been since March 9, 1933. This is the date that newly elected President Franklin Delano Roosevelt placed the nation in a state of emergency which every president since, both Democrat and Republican, has refused to rescind. The purpose of the emergency was to deal with our nation's economic woes by moving from a gold -- based currency to the Federal Reserve Note used today. It is generally, legally acknowledged that, in a state of emergency, the president may suspend the Constitution in order to efficiently deal with the emergency. The problem is, no president since FDR has taken the action necessary to end said emergency. Those days are changing. As the awareness of our nation's ills grows, solutions will begin to present themselves. In Resolution No. 5, adopted unanimously by the Republican Party Executive Committee of the State of Texas on June 17, some of these ideas are addressed. The important part of any resolution is the 'Be it resolved" parts, of course. Resolution No. 5 states those paragraphs as follows, after many "whereas" clauses: "Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Republican Party of Texas being duly apprised of the continuing emergency declared on March 9, 1933, demands that the Gold and Silver Coin be fully reinstated and maintained as the lawful money and tender of payment of debts with the United States of America, and that any and all notes and obligations heretofore or hereinafter issued be brought back to and maintained at par value with the said Coin; and, be it further resolved, that the Republican Party of Texas hereby demands the rescinding of the Emergency Banking Relief Act of March 9, 1933, and all subsequent related acts thereunder and demands a Presidential proclamation declaring the related state of national emergency declared on March 9, 1933 terminated, thereby returning the United States of America to its original peacetime Constitutional Republic." This action by the Executive Committee of the Texas Republican Party is very encouraging. Not from the standpoint of legal precedence, of which it has none, but from the standpoint that it demonstrates a level of understanding at state party leadership levels that is accurate and a willingness by party leadership to take courageous stands. Will it result in a level of understanding by candidates who run under that party's banner? It can only help. The race is on. Can we get our Constitutional Republic restored before our Constitution is destroyed by tyranny? Only time will tell. There is a light just ahead in this tunnel. The only question is whether it is the way out or an oncoming train. * Patriot Information Mailing List * http://constitution.famguardian.org/piml/piml.htm * A service to help inform those who have an active interest in * returning our federal and state governments to limited, * constitutional government * Send messages for consideration and possible posting to * butterb@sagenet.net (Bill Utterback). * To subscribe or unsubscribe, send message with subject line * "subscribe patriot" or "unsubscribe patriot" * Forwarded messages sent on this mailing list are NOT verified. * See World's Smallest Political Quiz: www.self-gov.org/quiz.html * Libertarian is to LIBERTY as librarian is to library (DePena) * PIML grants permission to copy and repost this message * in its entirety with headers and trailers left intact.