Dear Editor:
This is in response to the article by Tracey Eaton in the Sunday, March 19, 1995, issue of the Dallas Morning News, entitled "Malignant growth". The portrait of Mexico presented in that article could also be applied, with some changes of names, to the United States as well. Too many Americans persist in the belief that the kind of corruption we see as endemic in our neighbors to the South cannot happen here, but in fact such corruption is, in many ways, far worse in this country. It has not yet infected the daily affairs of most middle-class Americans to the same degree, but it is well-entrenched at higher levels, and it is beginning to affect the lives of everyone in ways that can no longer be denied.
It is estimated that the market for illegal, addictive, mind-altering drugs in the United States is about $50-100 billion a year, and has been growing over the course of four decades now. Almost every piece of paper currency that has been in circulation for more than a few weeks is tainted with measurable traces of cocaine. Worldwide, people are spending more for illegal drugs than they are for food, while more and more people go hungry. It doesn't take a degree in mathematics to calculate that that amount of money is not being used by drug lords to buy consumer goods and services. Much of it is being used to buy assets in key sectors of the economy, but much of it is also being used to buy influence over the political and legal process. It should also be clear that most of that money is not winding up in the accounts of a few drug lords in Columbia and the Far East, but that the real drug lords are the international financial institutions that return the cash to the economy.
Ever so often we get a news report of drugs being smuggled into the United States by government officials, often using Air Force planes. Can anyone doubt that if such things sometimes make the news, there must be a lot more that does not? What doesn't make the news are the stories of the many people who are coming forward, at the risk of their lives, telling of the magnitude of this activity, estimated by most such insiders to be about 60-80% of all the cocaine and heroin being imported. The only "War Against Drugs" is suppression of the remaining 20-40% that is competition for the government-sponsored channels. Those drugs are what are causing the rise in violent crime that threatens us and our children, and provides the excuse for further unconstitutional intrusion of federal involvement in "law enforcement" and for the drive to disarm the population.
As a leader of the modern militia movement, I am sometimes asked what the militia movement is about, bottom-line. At some risk of simplifying, what the militia movement is about is decent citizens against the drug lords who have seized control of government, at all levels.
Jon Roland
Director, Constitution Research