Efforts that can advance constitutional
- Learn what is and is not constitutional and lawful.
- Teach others what is and is not constitutional and lawful.
- Enforce constitutional laws.
- Resist unconstitutional acts.
- Build constituency that puts constitutional compliance first.
- Memorize the Constitution.
- Carry copy of Constitution.
- Organize militias and pressure groups.
- Organize independent media.
- Pressure decision makers and opinion leaders.
- Support constitutionalists for public office.
- Train constitutionalist lawyers.
- Split legal profession into advocacy and compliance.
- Emphasize constitutional education in schools, based on original source
- Make constitutional source documents easily available.
- Train citizens for trial and grand jury service.
- Revive private criminal prosecutions, and let grand juries select who will
- Disperse public prosecution among area lawyers.
- Open public defenders to any one the defendant chooses.
- End occupational licensing, especially of lawyers.
- Reduce caseloads of grand juries, by appointing more of them, up to state
level and down to precinct level.
- Have special grand juries decide whether state or federal courts have
jurisdiction when there is a conflict.
- End undue influence of public prosecutor, judge on grand juries.
- Have grand juries inspect government agencies.
- Allow special grand juries to be called by petition of small number of
citizens, the 23 members of which are to be chosen at random from among voters.
- Require any public official to prove his authority for any public act, upon
demand, to include an unbroken logical chain back to the applicable
constitution, before he can proceed, with penalties for failure to do so.
- Make it a defense against any official act that the official has failed to
prove his authority on demand thereof.
- Give any person standing to seek declaratory or injunctive relief on any
official act without having to become a defendant.
- Forbid disablement of any right based on due process having occurred if the
disablement was not explicit in the final court order.
- Forbid no-knock warrant execution except to protect innocent persons from
imminent injury.
- Require that a way be provided to any person on whom a warrant is being
served to verify the validity of the warrant, before it is executed.
- Require that all persons who participate in a warrant service be
identifiable and identified.
- Forbid asset forfeiture except by sale at public auction, to pay a specific
fine, or unless there is no claimant.
- End "sovereign immunity" and 'vexatious litigant" denials of
petition right.
- Require jury trials in custody and child protection cases.
- Require unanimous jury in competency or nuisance abatement trials.
- Provide that executive orders apply only to government agents and
- Enact legislation requiring clear boundary markings of federal and state
territorial jurisdictions.
- Make it a reversible error in a criminal jury case to:
- Ask jurors more than a few simple questions about their legal
qualifications to serve.
- Exclude any person from jury service for his advanced knowledge of the law.
- Require any oath of jurors except to uphold the constitution and
constitutional laws.
- Fail to make all arguments of law in the presence of the jury.
- Prevent the defense from informing the jury of their right and duty to
judge the law.
- Fail to provide copies of all pleadings, including amicus
pleadings, laws, and constitutions, to the jury.
- Prevent the jury from calling their own witnesses and asking their own
- Not afford the jury access to a good law library and legal documentation
they may request.
- Remove a juror for votes made or announced or objections to the law or
opinions of the bench.
- Give legal opinions from the bench, except as expert testimony subject to
cross-examination and rebuttal.
- Allow testimony by any person promised or given anything of value or any
favorable treatment of himself or others.
- Fail to prove jurisdiction and applicability of the statutes.
- Deny the accused counsel of his choice, not limited to legal professionals.
- Not insure a complete public record has been made of all proceedings, from
initial interrogation to final sentencing, including all discussions by any of
the parties in camara.
- Not permit at least one independent party, upon request, to make his own
- Not allow the accused to argue for less restrictive disablement of any
right or immunity.
- Support variants on Lancastrian Monitorial System of youth education.
- Expand numbers of appeals courts to allow them to handle more cases.
- Reform elections by expanding primaries into elimination debate tournaments
that allow someone to enter and win without spending much money.
- Adopt secure, reliable voting systems.
- Deny vote to persons who receive significant public subsidies, unless they
have sufficient military or militia service.
- Set up militia system as envisioned by Founders, like that of Switzerland.
- Amend Constitution to allow break up of large companies and labor unions
and require full disclosure of their operations.
- Reverse Supreme Court decisions such as Wickard v. Filburn, 317
U.S. 111 (1942) and even McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 (1819).
- Amend Constitution to clarify that "commerce" only includes
transfers of ownership and possession of tangible commodities;
"regulation" only restrictions of some but not all modalities of
something, enforceable only by civil penalties; and "necessary and
proper" powers are only those to administer a power and not to achieve
- Support alternative energy sources, such as solar power satellites.
- Eliminate credit-based currency, restore metal-backed currency.
- Eliminate income tax.
- Accelerate declassification of government documents.
- Fully disclose all human experimentation, including those involving mind
control, environmental spraying, diseases, and other threats to civil
- Fully disclose everything known about UFOs and related phenomena.
- Get governments to divest themselves of all commercial assets, such as
those reflected in CAFR.
- Provide that multi-judge panels must be unanimous to sustain a power of
government or deny a right against the action of government.
- Adopt formal rules requiring that cases involving constitutional issues be
argued forward from original writings of the Founders and not backward from
recent precedents, and rejecting stare decisis.
- Amend Constitution to fix the number of the Supreme Court at 9.
- Get court precedents that government may not make something illegal by
imposing a tax on it then refuse to accept payment of the tax.
- Support open source software and strong cryptography.
- Forbid national identification system or use of any number such as the
social security number for identification by anything but the issuing agency.
- Forbid states from basing any decision concerning rights, privileges or
immunities of their citizens on any act of federal government, including
assignment of any number or other identification, other than naturalization.
- Eliminate federal subsidies such as social security, medicare, for any
purpose except defense-related activities.
- End the "war on drugs" and do more research on methods of ending
addiction and reversing damage.
- Spread all of the above to other countries.
- Renounce treaties requiring undelegated powers.
This document can be found at