SA News is published in San Antonio, Texas and is distributed through various local markets. Although every effort is made to be exact, we assume no liability in advertising beyond the correction and reinsertion of a like-sized ad at no cost to the advertiser. SA News assumes no liability or responsibility for claims made by paid advertisers. Opinions expressed by contributing writers, or material printed from other sources, do not necessarily represent those of the publisher or advertisers, and no liability is assumed by them. Articles or photographs may be submitted to the above address, and will be used at the sole discretion of the publisher. Please enclose a SASE if you want materials returned. Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited materials.

© Copyright 1993, SA News


PUBLISHER ........ Lynn M. Stokes

EDITOR ...............Karl Morrison

.....Richard Diaz de Leon, Michael Wood, Silvia Brewster, James Harvey

DELIVERY .........George Aldridge, James Harvey, Pauline Martinez

.. Monte Adams, Michael Barrett, C.J. Berkman, Brett Campbell, Richard Diaz de Leon, Lisa Gutierrez, Dean Jones, Pal Jones, Benedict D. LaRosa, Denise Scortia, Ansen Seale, Hal Stanford, Chito de la Torre, Darlene Trasherwhite, Ron Young

6900 San Pedro, Ste 147-325
San Antonio, Texas 78216
210-699-8831 - fax 210-699-0550