This is the first of several volumes on the Oklahoma City Bombing. At least two more are currently being written. It is primarily a sourcebook on available evidence, with some analysis and tying together of that evidence. The author deliberately avoids speculation in the main body of the book, and tries to let the evidence speak for itself. And speak for itself it does. Time after time we find witnesses and analysts resisting the conclusion that the bombing was the result of a government conspiracy, emphasizing that available evidence only points to gross negligence. But the suspicion that it was more than negligence is impossible to avoid as the evidence mounts.
This is not a complete story of the event. Its scope is best explained in the Epilogue:
Some might find it strange to read this first volume and find no mention of Timothy MvVeigh, Terry Nichols, Michael Fortier, or John Doe Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. There are several reasons for this deliberate omission.
In keeping with the chronology of events, this volume deals only with April 19, 1995, and the subsequent situations that developed directly from issues that arose on that day. The suspects in the Oklahoma City bombing were not known by name publicly until Friday, April 21, 1995 -- the same day that the media began their smear campaign against the legitimately organized miltias and patriots of this country.
The circumstances that brought about that situation and the conditions under which it could be made palatable for, and believable by, an uninformed and essentially sleeping public were still, on April 19, two days into the future.
In Volume Two, the chronology and details of the investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing -- both official and independent -- will be moved forward considerably in time. In that volume I hope to set before the reader the information and evidence that lead me to believe firmly that:
- Terry Nichols played no direct role in the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building;
- there is no independent overseas connection -- whether Middle Eastern or neo-Nazi -- that is not first and foremost intimately connected to the highest circles of power in our own country;
- there are no Middle Eastern terrorists involved in the event, but rather Arabic-speaking members of the American military operating under a command that originates in this country;
- militia groups -- no matter how extremist they may be portrayed by the media -- played no direct part in the bombing; "evidence" against them has been, and will continue to be, deliberately fabricated in order to achieve a political agenda;
- many alternative plans were simultaneously being played out that day;
- there were definitely two and possibly three yellow Ryder rental trucks involved in the plan to bomb the Murrah Federal Building observed by independent witnesses at the scene;
- the plan to ultimately lay the blame for the bombing at the feet of patriot groups in America was a long-standing objective, the specific groundwork for which was laid as early as autumn of the previous year by government-affiliated operatives;
- conditions exist to suggest that the plan to bomb the Murrah Federal Building was in place as early as 1988 or 1989, and involved foreknowledge at that time on the part of Governor Keating and political power brokers then living in the western half of the State of Oklahoma;
- there are in fact several "McVeighs" who participated in the bombing -- but none as the true planners or brains behind the operation; and
- members of the United States intelligence community are operating in and through the media to preserve and protect the official story, which is at once both the most complex and the most transparent of any deception ever perpetrated against the American people.
To deal comprehensively and conclusively with these issues -- regardless of the outcome of any trial (should the accused be allowed to live to stand trial) -- is an assignment demanding its own volume.
For far too long we have been completely oversaturated with supposed "facts" and "conclusions" regarding this case, and these are so endlessly repeated that we are in danger of accepting them without question. This volume gives the reader enough details to think about for the present.
This book is but the beginning of a very long story...
Appendix F: "The Truth About Militias", provides a good summary of some of the key ideas involved with the subject. It is a reprint of an article of the same name by William Cooper and Betty Schier, CAJI News Service, Veritas, Issue No. 3, May 9, 1995, pages 1, 11, and 13. I do have one minor criticism: although it quotes me by name on page 542 (without saying who I am), the last paragraph on page 545 is also my language, and is not attributed. It does, however, give the address of the Texas Militia Correspondence Committee, my effort, as a primary source of information on the subject. That address should now be supplemented by the URL of the Constitution Research Web site, since that is a more convenient way to get information on this and other subjects related to the Constitution, for those who have Internet access.
This book is a must read for any responsible American citizen. I urge everyone to get it, make sure your booksellers carry it, and get other reviewers to review it.