
Biographical: Harvey Wheeler's BA; and MA are from Indiana Univ. (Political Theory). His PhD is from Harvard (Political Theory). He has taught at Harvard University, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington & Lee University. He was Program Chair & Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (Hutchins Center). He founded and was Director of the Institute for Higher Studies; and was Martha Boaz Distinguished Research Professor in Academic Information Systems at the University of Southern California. He has served as Adjunct Professor at: The New School for Social Research Graduate School (New York City); and at the Western Behavioral Science Institute (LaJolla). He has been Educational Consultant on distant learning at the International School of Information Management; and the Electronic University Network (San Francisco).He was Consultant in Political Science for the reorganization of the Encyclopaedia Britannica; Co-Founder/Editor (with James F. Danielli), JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND BIOLOGICAL STRUCTURES. Co-Executive Producer, FailSafe MFT version by George Clooney, Warner Bros/CBS, 2000.

Author (books): Lattimore the Scholar; The Conservative Crisis; England's Impasse of 1931; Fail-Safe (with Eugene Burdick) — republished, 1999; Democracy In A Revolutionary Era (originally published in Encyclopaedia Britannica "Perspectives"); The Politics of Revolution; and numerous CSDI monographs; monograph: Constitutionalism (in Handbook of Political Science) electronic monographs: The Virtual Library; revised as: The Virtual Society. Preface to The American Revolution of 1800, by Daniel Sisson, 1974, Alfred A. Knopf.

Editor and contributor: Ecocide; Beyond the Punitive Society; Goethe and the Sciences; A Reappraisal; The Structure of Human Reflexion.

Articles: Numerous academic and polemical articles in academic fields of Bacon, Philosophy of Science, Constitutionalism, and Science Policy. Most recent Bacon articles: in two books edited by William Sessions; an article on Bacon's science in ANGELAKI [British scholarly journal]; an article on gerontology and ontology in EXPERIMENTAL GERONTOLOGY; an article on Bacon's semiology in SEMIOTICS.

Developer: The C-MODE System [Computer-Mediated Online & Distant Education] — A virtual academy based on an integrated humanities curriculum and a computer-mediated hypertext-facilitated pedagogy. C-MODE runs as an electronic LAN/WAN annex to a conventional school or college. Now under development: an IntraNet version of C-MODE as a "paperless" college ("paperless" means the primary versions of the archives, data and communications are electronic).

Harvey Wheeler
FAX: 805-684-5621
Voice: 805-684-4143
Box 704 Carpinteria CA 93014
