The document is notable for memorable phrasing, distinguishing
loyalty to the British Crown from subverting its Tory
administration, specifying concrete measures toward establishing
an independent revolutionary government, purging the militia of
Loyalists, and laying out grounds for defensive military action.
Joseph Warren orchestrated presentation of the Suffolk Resolves,
via a dramatic ride to Philadelphia by Paul Revere, to the
Continental Congress, where it was adopted word for word. This is
regarded as a critical step toward them deciding to declare
A step toward the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, authorship of the Suffolk Resolves provides the rationale for regarding Joseph Warren as an American Founder. He was Militia General for the area, and fell at the Battle of Bunker Hill (actually Breed's Hill). Had Warren survived, many think it likely that he would have been a signatory of one or both of the founding documents of the United States of America.