The Rights of particular Nations cannot
subsist, if General Principles contrary to them are received as true.
NOTWITHSTANDING this our author, if we will believe him, doth not question or quarrel at the rights or liberties of this or any other nation.[1] He only denies they can have any such, in subjecting them necessarily and universally to the will of one man; and says not a word that is not applicable to every nation in the world as well as to our own. But as the bitterness of his malice seems to be most especially directed against England, I am inclined to believe he hurts other countries only by accident, as the famous French lady[2] intended only to poison her father, husband, brother, and some more of her nearest relations; but rather than they should escape, destroyed many other persons of quality, who at several times dined with them: and if that ought to excuse her, I am content he also should pass uncensured, tho his crimes are incomparably greater than those for which she was condemned, or than any can be which are not of a publick extent.
[1] [Patriarcha, ch. 1.]
[2] The Marchioness of Brinvilliers. []
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