Aaron, 155, 164 Abraham, 44, 139 Active life, 17 f. Adam, 15
Adams, James L., xxxvii Administration, 5, 10; in the city, 44; in the province, 48-60; in the commonwealth: political prudence, 130-153, ecclesiastical administration, 154-169, secular administration, 170-184; distinguished from ownership, 5, 10, 61, 65 f., 69, 89, 92, 115, 149, 183; contingent circumstances in, 6. See also Ecclesiastical administration; Secular administration; Communication
Administrators (secular ministers): in the city, 36, 42; in the commonwealth generally, 85, 87-94; ephors, 94-114; supreme magistrate, 115-129; of the realm and of the supreme magistrate, difference between, 81
Agrarians, estate of the, xxiv, 5 5 f. See also Secular order
Agreement. See Covenant
Ahab, 155, 174
Ahaziah, 155
Aid, communication of, 83-85
Alciati, Andrea, 60, 192, 210
Alexander ab Alexandro, 33, 111, 144, 210
Alienation of rights, 5, 10, 44, 121; of goods, 121 f., 184
Alliances (treaties), 84 f., 145, 177
Alting, Johann and Menso, xvi
Alva, Duke of, xv
Ammirato, Scipio, xxx, 144, 146, 151, 210
Anna, Countess, xv
Antholz, Heinz W., vii, 220
Anthony Pius, 63, 64, 148
Aquinas, Thomas, xxxii, 15, 210
Arabs, 145
Aretius, Benedict, xxxi, 50, 72, 135, 173, 210
Arianism, 166, 168
Aristocracy, xxviii, 195-200
Aristotelianism, xxxv
Aristotle, viii, xiv, xvii, xxviii, xxxi,
xxxvi, 13, 19 f., 76, 111, 172, 199,
200, 210
Arminianism (and Arminians), xvi, xxxiii
Arnisaeus, Henning, xxxii, 192, 210
Artaxerxes, 148
Asa, 155, 174
Assemblies, ecclesiastical, 162 f.
Associations: in general, xix, 8, 12-14; private and natural (family), xxi, 22-27; private and voluntary (collegium), xxi f., 28-33; public and particular (city), xxiii, 34-45; public and particular (province), xxiii f., 46-60; public and universal (commonwealth), xxiv-xxviii, 61-202. See also Family; Collegium; City; Province; Commonwealth
Atger, Frederic, 220
Athaliah, 125, 186
Athens, 62
Augustine, xi, xxxi, 15, 21, 61 f., 66, 68 f., 116, 119 f., 191, 210
Augustinus Triumphus, xxxii
Augustus, 63, 148
Babylon, 40, 105, 112
Baldus Ubaldis, 36, 218
Barclay, William, xxxii, 103-110, 120,
159 f., 192, 195, 210 Barnaud, Nicolas, 101, 210 Bortolus of Sassoferrato, xxvii, xxx, 32,
36, 38, 65, 66, 107, 129, 196, 210 Basle, xiv f.
Beccaria, Giovanni, 192, 193, 210 Belgium, 168, 181, 186. See also
Bellarmine, Roberto, xxxii Benevolence. See Love Beroald, Philip, 200, 210 Beza, Theodore, 101, 110, 114, 187
192, 210 f. Bible (sacred scripture), xxxv, 10, 24,
165, 173
Genesis 1, 15; 2, 19; 3, 15, 24; 10,
24; 11 f., 199; 13, 44; 14, 43, 158,
182; 19,, 43; 26, 44; 36, 117; 41,
115; Exodus 5, 164; 12, 155, 164;
18, 49, 132, 199; 19 f., 160; 21 f., 76;
23, 192; 24, 199; 28, 160; 29, 29,
54, 160; 30, 54, 160; 32, 165; Leviticus 8, 156; 9, 164; 10. 156; 11, 164; 13, 164; 15, 164; 19, 76; Numbers 1, 164; 2, 164; 4, 156, 164; 70, 29; 11, 49, 95, 97, 111, 132, 199; 14 f.; 164; 16, 199; 19, 164; 20, 164; 26, 164; 27, 57, 126, 164; 32, 164; Deuteronomy 1, 49, 89, 132; 4, 77; 6-8, 76; 10, 43; 16, 43, 90, 118; 17, 54, 66, 89, 90, 105, 116, 118, 126, 160, 199; 21, 54; 26, 157; 28, 19, 79, 159; 29, 159; 30, 54; 32, 131, 156; Joshua 1, 66, 160, 199; 5, 164; 6, 164;
9, 114; 22, 165; 23, 156; 24, 156,
159; Judges 1, 165, 166; 2, 159; 3, 155, 1595 11, 83, 123, 182; 77, 21; Ruth 4, 43; I Kings 1, 90; 2 f., 155; 4, 89; 5, 164; 6 f., 155; 8, 156, 164; 9, 89; 11, 159, 168, 185; 12, 90, 195,
191; 13, 54, 155, 174; 14, 158, 159; 15, 155, 164; 16, 54, 155; 77, 174; 18, 174; 19, 18, 105; 21, 54, 155, 192; 22, 102; 30, 182; II Kings 1, 54, 155; 2, 164; 3, 174; 10, 102; 11, 125, 159, 186; 12, 102, 154, 164;
14, 159; 15, 102; 17, 159; 18, 154,
165; 20, 54, 155; 21, 54, 155; 22, 154, 156,165; 23, 159, 165; 25, 159; I Chronicles 10, 182; 11, 159; 13, 89; 23 ff., 154, 164; 28, 89, 148; 29, 123, 156; II Chronicles 1, 155; 2, 80, 154; 11, 190; 14, 154, 156; 15, 154, 159, 164; 16, 54, 155,
174; 17, 154, 164, 165; 19, 43, 49, 54, 80, 154, 164; 20, 54, 155, 156; 21, 159; 22, 165; 23, 154, 159, 186; 24, 156, 159, 164; 26, 54; 29, 156, 164; 30, 154, 156; 31, 154, 164, 165; 34, 154, 156, 159, 164, 165; 35, 154, 164; I Samuel 2, 158; 3 ff., 158; 5, 112; 6, 112; 7, 164; 8, 105, 123; 10, 105, 159; 11, 114, 182; 12, 156, 159, 160,
174; 13, 159, 174; 14, 174; 15, 159; 16, 123; 19, 192; 30, 83; II Samuel 3, 159; 5, 90, 123, 159; 6, 155, 164; 7, 164; 11, 185; 12, 54, 155, 174; 21, 159; 23, 116, 154; 24, 54, 155, 159, 185; Ezra 3, 156, 164; 6, 159; Nehemiah 2, 148; 3, 156; 4, 182;
10, 159; Esther 1, 112; 3, 112; 4, 112; Job 12, 131; Psalms 2, 159; 10, 136; 22, 156; 24, 94, 157; 26,
135; 34, 75; 36, 136; 37, 75; 52, 6;
53, 6; 59, 6, 165; 73, 159; 78, 131;
82, 159; 94, 159; 101, 79; 107, 19; 108, 171; 777, 70; 119, 66, 77, 142; 122, 156; 132, 156; 133, 44; 144, 19; Proverbs 2, 151; 8, 19; 77, 57, 79; 12, 151; 22, 78; 28, 135; Ecclesiastes 1, 150; 4, 18; 7, 135; 12, 133; Wisdom 6, 132; Ecclesiasticus 10, 132; 17, 15; Isaiah 1, 75; 3, 21; 60, 159; Jeremiah 1, 54, 155, 174; 15,
159, 17, 159, !74; 20, 174; .37, 136; Ezekiel 3, 54, 155; 7, 159; 18; 79; Daniel 2, 115; 3, 112; 5, 112, 115, 150; 6, 112; Hosea 6, 192; Micah 1, 54; 7 Maccabees 1, 114
Matthew 3, 72; 4, 29; 5, 192; 6,
29, 70; 7, 17, 47, 67, 76; 9, 54, 192; 10, 29, 192; 7.3, 29, 72, 192; 14, 174; 77, 162; 18, 174; 22, 17, 72, 76, 136; 23, 190; 25, 72; 27, 115; Mark 9, 192; Luke 1, 18; 6, 47, 67; 9, 167, 192; 70, 54; 77, 73; 13, 76; 74, 72; John 8, 89; 77, 46; 18, 54; Acts 2, 128, 192; 6, 29, 160; 7, 115; 72, 29, 80; 13, 29; 14, 164; 75, 29, 164; 18, 54, 164; 23, 135; 26, 162; 28, 29; Romans 7, 134, 136, 143; 2, 79, 135, 143; 3, 77; 7, 75, 136; 9, 135; 12, 16, 17, 154; 13, 15, 17, 57, 66, 79, 88, 91, 99, 101, 118, 155, 162; I Corinthians 1, 135; 4, 135; 5, 135, 174; 8, 61; 70, 17; 77, 61, 135; 72, 17, 54; 75, 54, 61, 167; II Corinthians 5, 160; 70, 167; Galatians 1, 17; 5, 17, 72; Ephesians 1, 54; 5, 15, 54; Phillippians 2, 17; ,3, 13; 7 Thessalonians 5, 54; II Thessalonians 1, 78; I Timothy 1, 135, 140; 2, 69; .3, 52; 4, 136; 5, 16, 154; 6, 157; II Timothy 2, 72, 167; Titus 1, 52;
2, 69, 74; Hebrews 6, 79, 196; 77, 18; 13, 54, 155; I Peter 2, 75, 90, 91 See also Law, Biblical; Law, divine; Decalogue
Bischof, Joseph, 220
Bocer, Henry, 83, 182, 211
Bodin, Jean, vii, ix, xii, xiii, xxiv, xxviii
f., xxxii, 3-5, 28, 30, 32, 48, 59, 66-68, 82, 99, 120, 125, 126, 144,
168, 173, 199, 200, 211
Body and soul, political life analogous to, 21, 64, 66, 176, 196-198; government pertains to both, 16, 18
Boerius, Nicolas, 60, 211
Bohemia, king of, 111
Bond. See Covenant
Bornitus, Jacob, 66, 67, 211
Bossi, Egidio, 101, 211
Bolero, Giovanni, xxix, 15, 40, 95, 144, 147, 149, 150, 211
Boucher, Jean, xxxii, 105
Brabant, 120
Bracton, Henry, xxxii
Brandenburg, duke of, 111
Brutus, Junius, xxvii, xxix, xxxii, 99, 101, 105, 107, 113, 119, 159, 160, 171, 188, 190, 211 f.
Bucer, Martin, 78, 141, 212
Buchanan, George, xxix, xxxii, 105, 113, 119, 212
Buchholz, Wilfried, 220
Bude, William, 82, 212
Burckhard, Franz, 168, 212
Burghers, estate of the, xxiv, 55 f. See also Secular order
Cabot, Vincent, 99, 123, 124, 126, 198,
Caesar, Julius, 64, 100, 212 Cain, 19 Caligula, 63 Calvin, John, viii f., xi, xvi, xxxi, 18,
50, 53, 54, 101, 185, 190, 212 Calvinism, xiv-xvi, xxiv, xxvi, xxviii,
xxxv. See also Church Calvinist writers, xxix, xxx f. Camerarius, Philip, 173, 212 Cassiodorus, 21, 212 Cassman, Otto, 99, 187, 212 Castellani, Vincent, 200, 212 Castro, Paul (Castrensis), xxx, 32, 36,
60, 65, 212 Catholic writers, Roman, xxix, xxxiii.
See also Jesuit writers Catholicism, Roman, 166. See also Pope Carlyle, R. W. and A. J., xiv, 220 Censorship of morals, 45, 51, 53, 173-
Charity. See Love
Charles IV of Germany, 95, 103, 107,
III, 122
Charles V of Germany, 120, 157
Choppin, Ren6, 102, 212
Christ, Jesus. See Jesus Christ
Chrysippus, 77
Church, xv f., xxxi, 50-55, 69-73, 154-169, 174 f.; analogous to the state, ico, 108 f. See also Ecclesiastical administration; Ecclesiastical communication; Ecclesiastical order
Cicero, xxxi, 14, 15, 17, 21, 24, 61 f., 77, 101, 118, 131, 133, 135, 138, 148, 175, 212
City: nature of, 34 f.; types of, rural, 36, and urban, 40; superiors and inferiors, 37; senate, 37-40, 44 f.; communication in 41-44; administration of, 44 f.; sometimes a commonwealth, 8, 37, 39, 41
Civil administration. See Secular administration
Civil communication. See Secular communication
Civil order. See Secular order
Claudius, 63
Clergymen, xxi, 33; types of, 51; election of, 52 f., 161; role in censorship, 51, 53, 174 f.; organized in a presbytery, 51-55, 161; relation to secular magistrates, 54, 155, 161-165
Climates, theory of, 144 f.
Colleagues. See Symbiotes
Collegium (guild, corporation, voluntary association), xix, xxi f., 35, 61; nature of, 28 f.; communication in, 29-32; types of, 32 f.; seedbed of public associations, 27, 202; some collegia may be immortal, 109; senatorial collegium, 37-39, 44 f-5 collegia of workers, 38; presbyterial collegium, 50 f., 161,174; provincial collegium, 59; collegium of ephors, 97 f.; collegium of cardinals, 109; collegia of heretics, 168 f.; collegia of estates, 179 f.
Collibus, Hippolytus a, 40, 144, 213 Cologne, archbishop of, 111 Commercial arrangements, xxv, 48, 79 f., 122, 138, 145, 170, 177, 178
Commodus, 64
Common law. See Law, common
Commons (plebs), estate of the, xxiv, 33, 55, 110 f., 112 f. See also Secular order
Commonwealth (realm, republic), xix, xxiv-xxviii; nature of, 61 f.; members of, 62-64; right of the realm, 64-69; communication in: ecclesiastical, 69-73, secular, 74-86; administrators: ephors, 87-114, supreme magistrate, 115-129; administration: political prudence, 130-153, ecclesiastical administration, 154-169, secular administration, 170-184; tyranny in, 185-194; types of, 195-202
Communication (communion) of things, services, and right, x, xix f., 14,16 f., 19; in the family, xxi, 22-26; in the collegium, xxi, 29-32; in the city, xxiii, 41-44; in the province, xxiii, 46-48; in the commonwealth: in general, xxiv f., 8, 61, 63, ecclesiastical, 69-73, secular, 74-86, 136. See also Ecclesiastical communication; Secular communication; Administration
Communion. See Communication
Concord, 44, 91, 175-177
Confederation, 84 f. See also Federalism
Conscience, 135, 143, 167 f.
Constans, 168
Constantine, 167, 168
Contarini, Caspar, 198, 213
Contemplative life, 17 f.
Contract. See Covenant
Convocations, provincial, xxiv, 58. See also Councils of the realm
Corporation. See Collegium
Corpus juris canonici. See Law, canon
Corpus juris civilis. See Law, civil
Councils of the realm (parliaments), xxv xxvii, 85 f., 153, 170, 177-81, 189, 197. See also Convocations, provincial
Counsel, communication of, 48, 83, 85 f.
Counsellors, 152 f.
Courts. See Tribunals of Justice
Covarruvias y Leyva, Diego, xxix, xxx, 5, 57, 66, 83, 88, 96 f., 182, 194, 196, 213
Covenant (agreement, bond, contract, pact): social, xx, 13, 22, 29, 62; political, xxvi, 5, 116-118, 123, 129, 189; religious, xxvii, 157-160
Craftsmen, xxi, 23, 33, 42, 56
Cravetta, Aymon, 117, 213
Cromerus, Martin, 112, 213
Cujas, Jacques, 67, 82, 213
Cusanus, Nicolas, viii
Daneau, Lambert, xxix, 48, 99, 101,
117, 123, 159, 165, 175, 182, 187, 213 Daniel, 105 Dante Alighieri, xxxii Darius, 105, 115, 131, 154, 155 David, 6, 90, 126, 148, 151, 164, 174,
190, 191 De arte jurisprudentiae Romanae of
Johannes Althusius, xv Decalogue, xi, xvii, xix, xxvi, xxxi, 2,
8 f. 17, 18, 42, 47, 55, 69, 70, 74,
75 f., 93, 99, 117, 119, 136-144, 154, 160, 163, 170, 172, 192
Decianusy Tiberius 60, 192, 193, 213
De civile conversation of Johannes Althusius, xv, 166, 210
Defence, xxv, 48, 83, 170, 177. See also War
Demetrius, 168
Democracy, xxviii, 195-200
Denmark, 95, 112, 118, 123, 144
D'Entreves, A. P., 220
Dicaelogicae of Johannes Althusius, xvi, 28, 78, 94, 134, 138, 185, 210
Doctrine: political, 132-144; religious, 50-55, 69-73, 160-169
Domination. See Subjection
Domitian, 63
Doneau, Hugo, 67
Duaren, Francis, 67
Dujon, Frangois, the Elder. See Junius, Francis
DuMoulin, Charles (Molinaeus), xxx, 66, 101, 213
Dunning, William A., 220
DuPlessis-Mornay, Philip. See Brutus, Junius
Duties, public: in the city, 42, 45; of the provincial head, 58; in the commonwealth, 79, 80 f., 170, 177; of the ephors, xxv, 98-103; required
by the Decalogue, 47 f., 137 f.; to God and neighbor, 134
Ecclesiastical administration, xxvii; in the city, 45; in the province, 48-55; in the commonwealth: its nature, 154-60, establishment of true religion, 160-162; conservation of true religion, 162-165, defence of true religion, 165-169. See also Administration; Ecclesiastical communication
Ecclesiastical communication, xxv; in the city, 42; in the province, 46-48; in the commonwealth: its nature,
69 f., establishment of true religion,
70 f., defence of true religion, 71-73. See also Communication; Ecclesiastical administration
Ecclesiastical order (estate), xxiv, xxxi; collegia of the, 33; in the city, 42; in the province, 49-55; in the commonwealth, 112 f., 162-165, 178-181. See also Secular order
Economics, xx, 26 f.
Egloffstein. See Lupold of Bebenburg
Eglon, 139
Egypt, 33, 90, 105, 145,190
Ehud, 139
Election: of senators in the city, 38; of clergymen 52 f., 161; of administrators in the commonwealth, 87 f.; of the supreme magistrate, xxvi, 97, 118-127; of ephors, 97
Electors, imperial, xxv, 96 f., 103,121 f.
Eli, 158
Elijah, 174
Elisha, 174
Elliott, William Y, ix
Emden, vii, xiv-xvi, 8, 11
Emden, Synod of, xv
Emmius, Ubbo, 59, 213
England, 95, 112, 120, 127, 181
Ephors (optimates), xxv-xxvii, 153, 171; nature of, 94-98; duties of, 98-103; disagreement with Barclay over, 103-110; types of, 110-114; responsibility under religious covenant, 157-162; responsibility in event of tyranny, 187-194; as
censors of the king, 174; seven electors (ephors) of Germany, xxv, 96 f., 103, 121 f.
Equality, a cause of discord, 44
Equity, 171; natural, 67,139; moral, 143
Ercole, Francesco, 220
Esau, 117
Estates. See Ecclesiastical order; Secular order
Ethics (as an art or science), xvii, 1, 3, 9. See also Moralists
Ethiopians, 90, 145
Eusebius of Caesarea, 167, 213
Excommunication, 166 f., 174 f.
Factions and seditions, 175-177 Fairness, distinguished from equality,
Family, xix, xxi, 28, 35, 61; nature of, 22 f.; types of, conjugal, 24 f., and kinship, 25 f.; communication in, 24-26; role in political science, 26 f.; other associations derivative from, 22, 27, 201 f.
Farinac, Prosper, 101, 213
Farmers, xxi, 23, 33, 42, 56
Federalism, viii-xi. See also Confederation
Ferdinand I of Germany, 157
Figgis, John N., xiv, 220
Florence, 159
Fortescue, Sir John, xii, xxxii
France, xxix, xxx, xxxi, 11, 95, 99, 100, 102, 107, 112, 118, 120, 127, 144, 168, 181
Franeker, 11
Frankfurt, 57, 166
Freedom, See Liberty
Freyd, Bernard, viii, 221
Friedrich, Carl J., vii-xii, xiii, xiv, xxxiii, 209, 220
Friesland (East and West), ix, xv, 8, 56, 59, 188
Friesland, counts of, 56
Froissart, Jean, 102, 213
Fundamental laws. See Laws, fundamental
Gaii, Andreas, xxx 32, 36, 57, 60, 82,
129, 193, 214 Gedrosians, 145
Geneva, xv, 53
Gentili, Albert, xxxii, 60, 119, 120, 191,
192, 193, 214
Gentillet, Innocent, xxix, 152, 171, 214 Gerbrandy, Pieter S., 221 Germany (Holy Roman Empire), viii,
xv, xvi, xxiii, xxxi, 11, 40, 49, 55, 56,
60, 92, 95, 96 f., 102 f; 107, 111 f;
118, 120-123, 125, 127, 141, 157, 181 Ghibellines, 176 Gideon, 155
Gierke, Otto, viii, xiii, 221 Gigas, Jerome, 60, 185, 214 Giles of Rome, xxxii Godefroy, Denis, xv Golden Bull, 95, 103, 107, 111, 121 Goods, public, 48, 83-85, 178, 183 f.;
private, 184 Gough, J. W., 221 Greece, viii, 95, 144, 181. See also
Sparta; Athens Gregory, Peter (Tholosanus), xxix, 3,
15, 20 f., 22 f., 33, 48, 67, 82, 91, 118,
123, 124, 125, 131, 132, 144, 146,
152, 158, 159, 173, 175, 177, 182,
186, 187, 190, 199, 214 Grotius, Hugo, xvi Grynaeus, Johann, xv Guardian. See Trustee Guelphs, 176
Guicciardini, Lodovico, 112, 214 Guild. See Collegium
Hanani, 174
Hanover, counts of, 56
Heidelberg Catechism, xv
Heige, Peter, xxx, 98, 99, 214
Herborn, xv f.
Heresy, religious, 108, 166-169
Herod, 174, 190
Hezekiah, 155, 156, 164, 165
Historians, xxxi, 90, 133
History, xiii, xxviii, 90, 112, 118, 133
Hobbes, Thomas, xiii
Hoenonius, Philip, 201, 214
Honorius, Philip, 112, 214
Hooker, Richard, xxxii
Hotman, Francis, xxx, xxxi, 21, 65, 99,
101, 102, 119, 181, 214 f. Human nature, xxviii, 12 f., 19-21, 144-
Hungary, 112, 144, 168
Immortality of the people (organized
community), 5, 10, 36, 107, 117 Imperium:
(1) as rule, xx, 15-21, 107, 119, 198; domestic (paternal), 28, 192; of the supreme magistrate, 68, 90, 92, 95, 146-148; of God, 93, 95, 100, 167 f.; Christian religion the foundation of, 156. See also Power of governing
(2) as empire (commonwealth), 63, 85, 91. See also Commonwealth
India, 90, 145
Inferiors. See Superiors and inferiors
Interregnum, xxv, 95, 98, 102 f., 111, 122, 159
Isaac, 44
Isaiah, 174
Israel (ancient Jewish polity), xxxi, 2, 10, 33, 43, 60, 62, 76, 89, 90, 105, 111, 118, 125, 126, 131, 139, 141, 143 f., 159, 174, 176, 181, 191, 193
Jehoash, 164
Jehoshaphat, 49, 151. 155, 165
Jehu, 155
Jeremiah, 174
Jeroboam, 155, 158, 174
Jerusalem, 126, 155
Jesuit writers, xxix, 168, 193. See also
Catholic writers, Roman Jesus Christ, xxv, 46, 51, 53, 72, 73,
136, 143, 165 f., 167, 168, 190, 192,
Jethro, 49
Jews, contemporary, 165 f. See also Israel Joash, 155
Johannes Althusius Gesellschaft, vii John of Nassau, xv John of Paris, xxxii John of Salisbury, xxxii John the Baptist, 174 Johnes, Thomas, 102, 213 Jorem, 139 Joseph, 105 Joshua, 90, 115, 151 Josiah, 156, 164, 165 Judah, 171
Junius, Francis, xxxi, xxxv, 18, 50, 140,
141, 171, 215
Junius, Melchior, 48, 159, 199, 200, 215 Jurisprudence. See Law (i) Jurists, xxx, 1, 3, 9 f., 57, 60, 66, 98, 99,
101, 133, 140, 141, 143, 195. See also
Law (1)
Just war. See War Justice, xix, 8, 47, 69, 70, 77 f., 118,
119 f., 140, 142, 186; administration
of, 172-173; among sciences, 2, 3
Kant, Immanuel, ix
Keckerman, Bartolomew, 18, 193, 198,
201, 215
Kerchner, Hermann, 198, 215 Knowles, Richard, vii, 211 Krag, Niels, 112, 198, 215
Lancellot, Conrad, 65, 108, 215 Language, common, xxv, 48, 79, 80,
122, 170, 177 Laski, John, xv Law:
(1) as an art or science (jurisprudence), xi, xiii, xvii, xxii, xxvi, xxx, 1-4, 8 f., 143. See also Jurists
(2) enactment and administration of, 77-79, 121 f., 134-144, 164 f., 171-175 Law, Biblical, xvi, 141-144. See also
Decalogue; Law, divine Law, canon, xxx, xxxvi, 108 f., 122
Decretals I 33, 99; II, 1, 99; II, 26, 60; III, 11, xxxvi, 32 Law, civil (human), 20, 67, 79, 91. See
also Law, proper; Law, Roman Law, common:
(1) moral law, xxvi, 74, 76, 134-144. See also Law, Biblical; law, natural
(2) law of imperium and subjection, 14-21
(3) law of a particular association: collegium, 31, city, 38. See also Law, proper; Law, civil Law, customary, xvi, xxx. See also
Laws, fundamental
Law, divine, 20, 66 f., 79, 91, 99. See also Decalogue; Law, Biblical
Law, moral. See Law, common (1)
Law, natural (law of nature), xxvi, xxxi, 15, 20, 66 f., 76, 79, 90, 91, 107, 114, 117, 139, 190. See also Law, common (1)
Law of association. See Symbiotic right
Law of nations, 20, 79, 107
Law, proper, xxvi, xxxi, 16, 67, 74, 76, 79; as compared with common law, 139-144. See also Law, civil; Law, Roman; Law, Salic; Golden Bull
Law, Roman, xv f., xxii, xxx, xxxv f., 29, 41, 54, 141
Institutes I, 1, 47, 76; I, 2,76; I, 8, 193; I, 25, 187; II, 1, 41; Digest I, 1, 17, 31. 47, 60, 65, 76, 79, 117, 140; I, 2, 38, 88, 118; I, 3, 77, 117; I, 4, 65, 119; I, 6, 193; I, 8, 32; I, 18, 175; II, 1, 107; III, 4, xxxvi, 29, 30, 32, 36, 65, 118; IV, 1, 113; IV, 2, 113; IV, 4, 66, 196; IV, 8, 107; XI, 7, 101, 192; XII, 6, 65; XXVII, 10,
193; XXVIII, 4, 195; XLVI, 1, 35,
36, 158; XLVII, 22, 29; L, 1, 96; L, 3, 31; L, 4, 187; L, 17, 90, 96; Code I, 2, 60, 192, 195; I, 9, 165; /, 10, 192, 193; I, 14, 117, 195, 196; I, 55, 119; II, 58, xxxvi, 36; III, 13, 107; IV, 13, 195; IV, 32, 38; V, 59, 32, 85; VI, 37, 195; VIII, 39, 158; VIII, 51, 193; X, 32, 19, 29; X, 53, 187; Novels IV, 175; LXXXIII, 162; LXXXVI, 162; CXXIII, 50, 54, 162
Law, Salic, 102
Laws, fundamental: of a collegium, 31; of a city, xxiii; of a commonwealth, xxvi, 85, 114, 117, 120-123, 125, 126, 171, 186; differ from rights of sovereignty, 123. See also Golden Bull; Law, Salic
(1) political, 40, 49, 98, 113, 122, 144, 145, 170; preserved by law, 75; furthered by councils, 86, 180 f.
(2) Christian, 143, false religious, 73
(3) natural, 195 f.
Lipsius, Justus, xxix, 48, 125, 131, 132, 144, 147, 149, 150, 173, 174, 175, 182, 189, 199, 215
Logic. See Ramist logic
Logicians, 192, 201
Losaeus, Nicolaus, xxx, 31, 32, 35, 36,
38, 87, 118, 215 Love (benevolence, charity), 9 32, 43,
44, 49, 134, 135, 138, 147 f. Lucas de Penna, 192, 193, 216 Lupold of Bebenburg, xxxii, 92, 97,
127, 188, 215 Luther, Martin, xi Lutherans, xv, xxxiii
Maccabees, 168
Machiavelli, Niccolo, xxix f., 189, 215
McRae, Kenneth D., vii, 211
Magistrate, supreme (king, prince), xxv-xxvii, 4 f., 10, 64-69, 87-114; subject to a political covenant, 115-118; election of, 118-127; inauguration of, 127; promise of obedience by the people to, 128 f.; administration of, 130-184; opposite of (tyrant), 185-194; types of, 195-202; provincial heads responsible to, 57 f., 60
Magistrates, lesser, 115, 197. See also Rulers, of the province
Mainz, archbishop of, 111
Man. See Human nature
Manasseh, 155
Mansfield, counts of, 56
Marcian, 77
Marcus, Francis, 31, 32, 215
Mariana, Juan, xxix, 12, 99, 101, 187, 215
Marius, 64
Marsilius of Padua, xxxii, 162, 188, 215
Martyr, Peter (Vermigli), xxxi, 83, 101, 141, 165, 166, 182, 216
Mary Tudor, xvi
Melchizedek, 158
Members: of a city, 35; of a province, 48-50; of a commonwealth, 62-64. See also Symbiotes
Merchants, xxi, 23 f., 32 f., 42, 56
Mesnard, Pierre. xiv, 221
Meteren, Emmanuel, xxxi, 59, 96, 99, 216
Method. See Ramist logic
Meyer, G. E. O., xxxvii
Middendorp, Jacob, 185, 216
Milton, John, xii
Ministers of the Word. See Clergymen Ministers, secular. See Administrators Moderation (religious toleration), xxv,
72 f., 167-169
Molinaeus. See DuMoulin, Charles Monarchomach, xxxii, 105 Monarchy (kingship), xxviii, 195-200 Monetary system, xxv, 48, 79, 80, 170,
177, 178 Montesqieu, ix
Moore, George A., 149, 211, 215, 217 Moralists (ethical writers), 3, 9, 141.
See also Ethics
Moral law. See Law, common (i) More, Sir Thomas, xxxi, xxxii, 193,
199, 216
Mornay, Philip. See Brutus, Junius Moses, 49, 76, 90, 94, 97, 111, 131, 141,
143 f., 151, 155, 164 Mynsinger, Joachim, 57, 60, 82, 216
Nassau, counts of, 56. See also John of
Nassau Nathan, 174
Natta, Marc Antony, 66, 82, 216 Natural law. See Law, natural Nebuchadnezzar, 105, 126, 150 Nero, 63 Netherlands (Belgic Provinces), ix, xii,
xv, xxxi, 10 f., 56, 59, 96, 101, 112,
118, 181, 188. See also Belgium Neurath, Martin, 1 Nobility, estate of the, xxiv, 33, 55 f.,
110 f.. 112 f. See also Secular order Novatian heresy, 166
Obedience. See Subjection
Obrecht, Georg, 99, 181 216
Occupational groups (farmers, craftsmen, merchants), xxi, 23, 30, 32 f., 42, 56
Oldenburg, counts of, 56
Olevianus, Kasper, xv
Optimates. See Ephors
Orders. See Ecclesiastical order; Secular order
Osorius, Jerome, 16, 216
Ownership, distinguished from administration, 5, 10, 61, 65 f., 69, 89, 92, 115, 149, 183
Pact. See Covenant
Palatinate, elector of the Rhenish, 103,
107, 111, 122
Panormitanus. See Tudeschi, Nicolaus Papinian, 77 Paris de Puteo, 101, 217 Parliaments. See Councils of the realm Parry, David, 99, 101, 216 Parry, Stanley, xiv, xxxvii, 221 Patrizi, Francesco, 146, 200, 216 Paul the Apostle, xi, 13, 17, 51, 52, 57,
71, 74, 143, 160, 167, 168, 196 Paurmeister, Tobias, 101, 216 People:
(1) as an organized community, 4 f., 10, 61, 65, 88-90, 124, 144, 198. See also Commonwealth
(2) as individuals and unorganized
multitudes. See Human nature Peregrinus, Marc Antony, 57, 216 Perkins, William, xxxii Persia, 95, 118, 145 Pharaoh, 115 Pharisees, 168 Philip II of Spain, 186 Philistia, 112
Philosophers, 1, 32 f., 113, 133 Philosophy, 3, 8, 118 Piety, xix, 8, 46 f., 69, 70, 118, 140, 142,
Pinellus, Arms, 194, 196, 216 Piscator, Johann, xxxi, 154, 216 Plato, viii, xxxi, 21, 41, 62, 76, 193, 198,
Pliny the Younger, 148, 175, 217 Plutarch, 13, 17, 111, 217 Poland, xii, 95, 112, 120, 123, 127, 144,
168, 181
Political covenant. See Covenant Political life. See Symbiotic life Political science (politics, symbiotics), xiii, xvii, 1-4, 8-10, 12, 26 f., 142 f., 201 f.
Political scientists, 1, 3, 9 f., 98, 201 Polity, 13, 85, 95; types of, xxviii, 195-
Polybius, 69, 217 Pompey, 64
Poor, care of, 51 f., 163, 164 Pope (Roman pontiff), 121, 100, 108 f., 122, 127, 188
Portugal, 118 Potiphar, 105
Power of governing (of administering), 20, 29, 35, 64-69, 88-94, 104-110, 115; supreme, 68, 100 f., 115; delegated, 58, 69; of ephors, 100 f.; no absolute (plenitude of) power, 66, 69, 93, 116 f., 120, 186, 194. See also Imperium Presbytery, 50-55, 161, 174 Private association. See Family; Collegium; Associations Privileges, xxv, 79, 82 Province, xix, xxiii f., 61; communication in, 46-48; administration of, 48-60; ecclesiastical order of, 50-55; secular order of, 55-56; provincial head, 56-60; provincial convocations, 58-60 Provincial estates. See Secular order;
Ecclesiastical order Pruckmann, Friedrich, 117, 120, 194,
195, 196, 217
Prudence, political, xxvi, xxix f., 6; nature of, 130-134; rule for administering, 134-144; human nature, 144-146; nature of imperium, 146-150; experience, 150 f.; judgment, 151; counsellors 151-153 Public association. See City; Province;
Commonwealth; Associations Punishments and rewards 45, 48, 77-79, mi, 148, 160, 164 f., 172
Ramist logic (law of method, precepts of the logicians), xvi, xix, xxii, 1-4, 9, 199, 201
Ramus, Peter, xvi-xix
Rantzau, Henrik, 189, 217
Realm. See Commonwealth
Reibstein, Ernst, xiv, 221
Religious life, 10, 55-60, 69-73, 154-169. See also Symbiotic life
Republic. See Commonwealth
Reusner, Elias, 182, 217
Ribadeneira, Peter, 186, 217
Richter, Gregory, 146, 152, 217
Right of the realm (right of sovereignty), xxiv, 61, 113; its nature, 64-69; ecclesiastical right, 69-73; secular right, 74-86. See also Symbiotic right
Right of the sword (right to coerce), 25, 99, 190
Right of resistance, 106, 190
Rights of sovereignty, 4 f., 8-10, 65-68, 85, 89, 101, 103, 123, 198, 200; owned by the people and delegated to the ruler, 5, 10, 65 f., 89; differ from fundamental laws, 123. See also Right of the realm; Sovereignty
Right, symbiotic. See Symbiotic right
Roman law. See Law, Roman
Rome, ancient, xxxi, 33, 60, 62, 63, 64, 95, 111, 118, 141, 174, 181; contemporary, 40, 144
Rose, William, 101, 186, 217
Rosenthal, Henry, xxx, 57, 58, 82, 100, 217
Rosinus, Johann, 33, 217
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, ix
Rule. See Imperium
Rulers, xx, 14-21; in the family (husband, father), xxi, 24; in the collegium (leader), xxii, 29, 30; in the city (prefect), xxiii, 35 f., 37; in the province (head, prince), xxiii f., 56-60; in the commonwealth (supreme magistrate and ephors), xxv-xxvii, 64-69, 87-129
Rutherford, Samuel, xii
Sabine, George H., 221
Salmon, J. H. M., 221
Salomonius, Marius, 15, 120, 217
Samaritans, 167, 176
Samuel, 151, 158, 174
Sandeo, Felino, 60, 217
Saul, 90, 190
Saxony, duke of, 103, 111, 122
Schism, 50, 71-73, 108
Scholasticus, Matthew, 200, 217
Scholasticus, Socrates, 165, 217
Schools, 51, 71, 163-164, 169
Schwartzenberg, counts of, 56
Scribes, 168
Scupin, Dr, vii
Secular (civil) administration, xxvii; in the city, 45; in the province, 48-50, 55-60; in the commonwealth: nature of, 170 f., administration of justice, 172 f., censorship, 173-175, preservation of concord, 175-177, councils
of the realm, 177-181, military affairs, 181-183, public and private properties, 183 also f. See Administration; Secular communication
Secular (civil) communication, xxv; in the city, 42; in the province, 46-48; in the commonwealth: of general right, 74-79, of special right, 79-86. See also Communication; Secular administration
Secular order (estates), xxiv; collegia of the, 33; in the city, 42; in the province, 49 f., 55-60; in the commonwealth, 112, 171, 178-181. See also Ecclesiastical order
Senate, xxiii; in the city, 37-39, 44 f.; in the commonwealth, 178, 198; ecclesiastical senate, 51, 161
Seneca, xxxi, 15, 75, 131, 133, 146, 175, 217
Shabbath, 17
Sigon, Carl, xxxi, 33, 60, 217 f.
Simanca, Jacob, 199, 218
Simler, Josias, 59, 218
Sleiden, Jean, xxxi, 120-123, 218
Smith, Sir Thomas, xii, xxxii, 112, 218
Social covenant. See Covenant
Social life. See Symbiotic life
Socinus, Marianus, 60, 218
Sohn, Georg, 165, 218
Solomon, 154, 155, 164, 168, 180
Sovereignty, xvii, xix, xxiv f., xxix, 64-69; resides in the people, 4, 89. See also Right of the realm; Right of sovereignty
Spain, xvi, 10 f., 101, 112, 118, 120, 126, 188
Sparta, 62, 64, 112, 118, 174, 198
State. See Commonwealth
Stephani, Matthew, 43, 107, 112, 218
Strait, George A., xxxvii
Subjection (domination, obedience), 14 f., 20 f., 29 f., 35, 60, 91, 93, 105-107, 119, 128 f., 137, 157-160
Suge, Henry de (Hostiensis), 99, 218
Sulla, 64
Superiors and inferiors, 14-21, 137; in the family, 24; in the collegium, 29; in the city, 35-37; in the province, 56; in the commonwealth, 100, 107 f. See also Rulers; Subjection
Supreme magistrate. See Magistrate, supreme
Sweden, xii, 112, 118, 120, 144
Switzerland, ix, xii, 127
Symbiotes (colleagues), ix, 12-14; in the family, 23; in the collegium, 28-32. See also Members
Symbiotic life (symbiosis, political life, social life), xix, xxii, xxiv, 8, 9, 12-21; in the family, 22-24; in the collegium, 28; in the city, 35 f.; in the province, 46-48; in the commonwealth, 62, 142. See also Religious life
Symbiotic right (law of association), 14-17, 34; in the family, 23; in the collegium, 29; in the city, 41; in the province, 46-48; in the commonwealth, see Right of the realm
Taxation, 45,48, 80 f., 82, 85, 147, 153,
176, 178
Theodosius, 168 Theologians, xxx f., 1-3, 9, 32 f., 98,
101, 110, 133, 139 Theology, xiii, xvii, xxx f., 1-3, 8-10,
118, 142 f.
Tholosanus. See Gregory, Peter Thomingius, Jacob, 60, 218 Tiberius, 63 Tieffenbach, Jacob, 1 Tiraqueau, Andr?, 82, 218 Titus, 64
Toleration, religious. See Moderation Trajan, 63, 64 Transylvania, 144 Treaties. See Alliances Tremellius, Emmanuel, xxxv, 171 Treves, archbishop of, 111 Tribunals of justice, 43, 173, 178 Trustee (guardian), ruler like a, 89,
102, 104-106, 193 Tudeschi, Nicolaus (Panormitanus),
xxx, 32, 99, 218
Turner, Decherd, H., Jr., xxxvii Tyranny, xxvii, 60, 98, 101, 103, 114, 120, 129, 178; nature and types of, 185 f.; remedy for, 187-192; disagreement with certain writers over, 192-194
Ubaldis. See Baldus Ubaldis Ursinus, Zachary, xv, xxxi, 72, 99, 101, 187, 218
Valerius Maximus, 189, 218
Valle, Roland A, 57, 66, 218
Vasquez, Fernando, xxix, 60, 65, 68, 88, 101, 117, 119, 120, 193, 195, 196, 218
Venice, xxiii, 64, 181
Vermigli. See Martyr, Peter
Vespasian, 63, 64
Visitations, church, 53-55, 163 f.
Vocation (calling), xx, 43, 139
Voluntary association. See Collegium
Voting procedures: in the collegium, 31 f.; in the city, 39 f., 44; in the province, 58-60; in the commonwealth, 85, 96, 97, 179 f.; in the presbytery, 54
War, xxxi, 85, 121, 145, 153, 170, 177, 178; nature and conduct of, 181-183; causes of just war, 83, 182. See also Defence
Wesenbeck, Matthew, 57, 60, 218
Weyhe, Eberatus a, 82, 125, 219
Whitaker, William, xxxii
William of Occam, xxxii
Winters, Peter J., xiv, 221
Wolf, Erik, xiv, 221
Wolzendorff, Kurt, 221
Women rulers, 48, 102, 124, 125 f.
Wyclif, John, xxxii
Zanchius, Jerome, xxxi, 50, 139, 141,
165, 219
Zasius, Ulrich, 57, 219 Zecchus, Laelius, 198, 219 Zenophon, in
Zepper, Wilhelm, 50, 165, 173, 219 Zerubbabel, 164 Zoannet, Francis, 101, 185, 187, 190,
Zwinger, Theodore, xxxi, 33, 144, 219 Zwingli, Huldreich, viii