Reid v. Covert, 354 U.S. 1 (1957) Commentary by Jon Roland It is a fundamental principle of law that an agent cannot acquire additional powers from his principal by entering into an agreement with the agent of another principal. He may make agreements, if he has the authority to make any agreements at all, only to exercise powers already delegated to him. Officials of the U.S. government are agents of the people under the terms of the Constitution, which defines and limits the powers that they may exercise, and those limits apply not only within the territorial boundaries of the United States, but everywhere and over all persons, regardless of whether they are citizens or not. The correct opinion in this case is that of Black. The concurring opinions of Frankfurter and Harlan are erroneous in that they base their position on the offense being capital. Clark, in dissent, is correct in saying the capital nature of the charge is irrelevant, but incorrect in saying that treaties may extend U.S. criminal jurisdiction in the way he suggests, to other than U.S. military personnel, on territory that is not embassy territory but merely foreign territory under temporary U.S. control under the terms of a status of forces agreement. He would, however, have been correct if the territory had been that of a U.S. embassy or equivalent diplomatic facility, and the offense had been prosecuted under civilian criminal statutes authorized by the "laws of nations" clause. For more on this see also Conflict of Criminal Laws, Edward S. Stimson (1936) — Jurisdiction for a criminal offense is limited to the territory where the offender is when the offense is committed, not where the effects occur. Rights of foreigners in the "war on terrorism" — Article: November 26, 2001 The meaning of "offenses against the laws of nations"