Note. As the diary of William Maclay covers a space of only two years. the public affairs of that period are treated very fully, and in detail. This threw peculiar difficulties in the way of the indexer. If the exceedingly numerous and oft-repeated references to the position of prominent individuals in various questions of public interest had all been separately indexed, the list would have been extended to too great a length for practical purposes. All such references have, therefore, been grouped together under appropriate titles in the list of references following each name, as: Izard, on the impost. on the tonnage act, etc. In this way nothing remains un-indexed, while the inconvenience of an endlessly minute system of reference is avoided.
Abolition laws, 382.
Abolition Society, petitions and memorials of, 196. See also Slavery.
Acts. For various acts referred to in the Diary, see under Carolina, Debt (Public), Judicial, North Carolina Cession, Officers, Salaries, Settlers, Tonnage.
Adams, Mrs., 137.
Adams, John; his predilection for titles, 1-3, 13, 14, 23-27, 30, 33, 37, 38, 45, 50, 64, 65, 14C, 155, 349, 350; his delight in ceremony and etiquette, 4, 7, 8, 21, 22, 31, 39, 49, 127, 137, 140; monarchical principles, 10-12, 166, 167, 216, 249; his character, 14, 20, 54, 206, 207; on presidential powers, 17; nicknamed "Rotundity" by Izard, 30; reads the answer to Washington's address (1789), 41, (1790) 348; how shall bills be signed in the Senate? 39, 45, 49, 191, 224; his unpunctuality, 44; on the impost, 53, 55-58; on balloting on nominations in the Senate, 78, 80, 81; presidential prospects, 85, 86; on the Judiciary bill, 92, 94, 101, 104, 108; on the removing power of the President, 115, 116; slights Maclay, 117, 301, 406; on protests, 118; on the Foreign Affairs bill, 119; on the treaty with the Southern Indians, 128-130; dines with Washington, 137; on the Salary bill, 145; judges' salaries, 157; on the residence question, 162-165, 169, 279- 281, 285, 307-313, 328; on "unfinished business," 181, 184, 185; on the Abolition Society, 196; the North Carolina Cession, 203; "lampooned" by the members, 205; on the Appropriation bill, 222; on the Military Establishment bill, 243; nicknamed "Bonny Johnny" by Maclay, 252, 308; on salaries of ambassadors, 254, 278; arrears due to Virginia and North Carolina soldiers, 270; Steuben's bill, 274-276; unfitness for his position, 286; on the Funding bill, 327; on assumption, 330, 332; on the Excise bill, 385, 386.
Adams, Samuel, 5.
Adlum's petition, 364.
Affirmation in courts, 88, 89. See also under Oaths.
Alden, 260.
Alexandria, Va., 395.
Algiers, troubles with, 359, 364, 366, 375, 376, 383, 390, 406-408.
Aliens, as landholders, 208, 215-218. See also Consuls and Naturalization bill.
Altamaha River, 132.
Ambassadors, 94; the President's power of dismissing, 82; salaries of, 254, 304; bill for appointing (Intercourse bill), 278, 304. See also Consuls and Ministers.
Ames, Fisher, one of the "court party," 114, 197; in the residence question, 150,152,153; monarchical tendencies, 166, 167; resolutions on the claims of the States, 205; on the assumption, 237, 331.
Amsterdam, 208.
Appointments. See Nominations.
Appropriation bill, 166, 215, 221, 222, 386.
Approving power given to the Senate by the Constitution, 119.
Aragon, 81.
Armstrong, 174.
Army, standing, likely to be produced by the Military Establishment bill, 227, 232, 243-245; the Constitution opposed to it, 241; in Great Britain (the Mutiny bill), 244; attempts to establish one in the United States, 380, 383, 390, 396.
Arrangement Committee, 41, 42, 45.
Ashe, John B., favors assumption, 224.
Assumption bill, 213, 324-326; consolidated with the Funding bill, 333; assumption of State debts. See under State debts.
Augusta, Ga., 308.
Bailey's bill "for certain inventions," 205-207, 291, 297.
Ballot, debate on its use in the Senate, instead of the viva voce method, in voting upon nominations sent in, 78-82, 103, 104, 110, 111, 123.
Baltimore, in the residence question, 286, 289, 291-293, 299, 304, 305, 309, 310, 341.
Bank bill, 364, 368-373.
Bank, national, 355.
Bank of North America, 372.
Bankrupt law, Tracy's memorial for a, 220.
Barclay, 94.
Bargaining in Congress. See "Deals."
Barry, Captain, 71, 259; petition from Barry and others, 224.
Bassett, [Richard], of Delaware, 300; on the Judiciary bill, 93-95, 99, 101, 104, 106; on the removing power, 116; the Foreign Affairs bill, 117-119; dines with the President, 137; on the residence, 164, 267, 275, 306; on "unfinished business," 179, 185; on the bill on crimes and punishments, 188; on Bailey's bill, 205; on assumption of State debts, 210; on the Mitigation bill, 211; on the Naturalization bill, 217; on the Rhode Island bill, 264; arrears due to soldiers, 270; his resolution on Indian affairs, 409.
Battery, the, (New York city), 231, 292.
Baxter, Mrs., 69-71.
Beard, 390.
Bell, 69, 70.
Bell, Mrs., 299, 372.
Bellamont, Lord and Lady, 299.
Benson, on assumption, 228, 237.
Berkel, Count Van, (Dutch minister), 42, 238.
Biddle, Charles, 319, 384.
Bills, if postponed, to be treated as new business, 179, 180, 182-184; how to be signed by the Vice-President, 39, 40, 45, 49, 191, 224; bills rushed through the Senate at the close of the session, 409-412.
Bills. For various bills brought before Congress, see under Ambassadors, Appropriation, Assumption, Bailey, Bank, Carolina, Cession, Coasting-trade, Collection, Commerce, Commissioners of Loans, Company, Compensation, Congress, Consuls, Cook (D.), Courts (Federal), Crimes, East Indian Trade, Ely (Colonel), Enumeration, Excise, Fines, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Nations, Foreign Officers, Funding, Gould, Impost (2), Indians (2), Inspection Laws, Intercourse, Invalid, Inventions, Judiciary, Kentucky, Lands, Lighthouse, McCord (J.), Military, Militia Law, Ministers, Mint, Mitigation, Moore (S.), Mutiny, North Carolina, North Carolina Cession, Oath, Officers (3), Ohio River, Penal, Pensions, Post-Office, Progress, Residence, Revenue, Rhode Island, Rhode Island Enumeration, Salaries (4), Salary, Seamen, Settlement, State Debts, Steuben, Susquehanna, Tea, Tonnage, Treasury, Treaty, Twining (N.), Useful Arts, War Department, Ways and Means, Writs.
Bingham, William, 126; in Pennsylvania politics, 193, 212, 349, 366, 369, 395; has counterfeit certificates registered, 407.
Bishop, 352.
Blackstone, 92, 94.
Bland, Theodore, on assumption, 209, 214.
Blount, 129.
Board of Property, 345, 351, 379, 381.
Board of Purchase, 354, 355.
Bogart, Henry, 227.
Bonny Johnny, Bonny Johnny Adams. See Adams, John.
Boudinot, [Elias], 198; on the residence, 153, 268, 269; on the assumption, 237; on the Judiciary bill, 251.
Bowery, The (New York city), 43, 321.
Boyd, 358, 365, 390.
Brackenridge, [Hugh Henry], 358
Bradford, 103.
Brannon's (eating-house), 48, 265, 332.
Bribery in the Senate, 117, 209, 310.
Brickbell, 359.
Bronx River, 138.
Brooks, Edward, 367.
Brown (of Northampton), 379.
Brown, Andrew (printer), 190, 234, 235.
Brown, James, 227.
Brunks (Bronx) River, 138.
Bryan, Judge, death of, 382, 391.
Buchan's "Family Physician," 106.
Buckley, 179, 182, 189; his political aspirations, 189; on the residence, 268.
Burd, 383.
Burke, Judge [Edanus], on assumption of State debts, 210, 211; attacks Hamilton, 227, 230; his inconsistency, 356, 357.
Burke, Edmund, 249.
Burrell, 153.
Butler, Colonel, 90.
Butler, General, at the treaty of Muskingum, 126.
Butler, [Pierce], 173, 186, 226; on the Impost bill, 71, 72; on the Judiciary bill, 74, 88, 104, 117, 152; on the Tonnage act, 76; shall nominations be voted upon by ballot or viva voce? 79; on the removing power, 112-114, 116; the treaty with the Southern Indians, 130; on the Compensation bill, 135, 139; on the residence, 157-160, 164, 272- 275, 278-281, 284, 285, 289, 307, 308, 310, 311, 318; criticises the President's speaking, 174; on the Carolina bill, 188; the Abolition Society, 196; attacks Dr. Franklin, l96, 247; on the Enumeration bill, 197, 198; on assumption of State debts, 209, 289, 323, 325; on the Naturalization bill, 217; favors slavery, 223; on the Military Establishment bill, 239, 243; the Rhode Island bill, 264, 266; arrears due to soldiers, 270; Steuben's bill, 273, 275; on the Funding bill, 297, 298; on the Settlement bill, 318; on the Bank bill, 368, 370; on the Excise bill, 388; his resolution for augmenting the salaries of Federal officers, 400.
Cables, duty on, 53-55.
Campbell, Donald, claims of, 337.
Campbell, Duncan, his petition, 39.
Canada, 308; lands for Canadian sufferers, 298.
Carlisle, in the residence question, 134.
Carolina bill. See North Carolina.
Carolina Cession act, 228. See also under North Carolina and South Carolina.
Carpenter, 359.
Carroll, [Charles] (of Carrollton), 114, 216, 220; on titles, 2, 24, 35, 36, 38, 65, 233; on questions of ceremony, 4, 8, 10, 19, 22; on the signing of bills by the Vice-President, 39, 40; on the Impost bill, 48, 51-54, 57, 58, 67, 71; shall nominations be decided upon by ballot or viva voce? 79, 80; on the removing power of the President, 113, 116; on the Compensation bill, 139; in the residence question, 158, 160, 166, 275, 279, 289, 291, 292, 307-312, 314, 395-397; on the Military Establishment bill, 239, 245; moves that crape be worn for the death of Franklin, 246, 247; on the Rhode Island bill, 250, 251, 264; arrears due to soldiers, 270; on the Post-Office bill, 308; on the Assumption and Funding bills, 314, 322, 327, 328.
Census. See Enumeration.
Centralization of power, 116, 117, 230, 232, 236, 250, 264, 333, 393, 394. See also under State rights.
Ceremonies, joint committee of, 4.
Ceremony and etiquette, an undue amount of, in Congress, 2, 4, 7, 8, 21, 127, 251. See also under Adams, J., Monarchical, and Titles.
Certificates, Continental, speculation in, 177-179, 199, 200, 301, 330 332, 336; funding of, 177, 195, 296, 297; depreciation of, 327; counterfeit, 407, 408. See also State debts, assumption of.
Cession bill. See North Carolina.
Chancery, debate on, 95, 96.
Cherokees, 128, 129.
Chew, [Benjamin], 346.
Chickasaws, 129; treaties with, 132.
Childs (printer), 152, 250.
China, trade with, 60; her neutral policy desirable for the United States, 82, 83.
Choctaws, 129; treaties with, 132
Cigar-smoking in 1790, 301.
Cincinnati, the Order of the, 274; celebrate the 4th of July, 100; "one of Hamilton's machines," 194, 209; in politics, 283, 320; attacked by Judge Burke, 357.
Circuit Courts, debate on, 87, 88, 104, 251.
Civil list, increase of the, 297. See also Offices.
Clarton, Governor, attacks Hamilton, 194.
Clymer, [George], 3, 238, 331; in correspondence with Pennsylvanians on the impost question, 53, 54, 59, 60; on the residence question, 136, 138, 142, 146, 149-155, 161, 166, 190-192, 224, 233, 267, 277-279, 292, 319, 335, 336; on the assumption, 202, 209, 223, 224, 227-231, 236, 237, 327, 332; opposed to paying debts with Western land, 249; supports Tench Coxe, 255; on the Pennsylvania accounts, 264.
Coal, duty on, 91.
Coasting-trade bill, 124, 126, 128, 134.
Coinage, laws respecting, 86; counterfeit, 86.
Collection bill, 53, 59, 71, 73, 75, 113, 118, 340.
Collins, 346.
Commissioners of Loans, bill for compensation to, 412.
Commerce, bill for the protection of, 97.
Committees in Congress, advantage of, 130.
Committees. For various congressional committees, see Arrangement, Ceremonies, Congress, Howell's, Judiciary, Mediterranean navigation, Newspapers, Penal Federal laws, Rhode Island, Senators.
Company bill, 29.
Compensation bill, 134-136, 139-141.
Conewago Falls, 162.
Congress, the residence question (debates on the removal of Congress from New York, and its future residence), 3, 4, 14, 15, 37, 38, 41, 48, 70, 75, 86, 88, 134, 136, 137, 139, 142, 145-166, 168, 173, 178, 190- 193, 224, 225, 231, 244, 249-251, 265, 267-269, 271-275, 277- 286, 289, 291-295, 299, 300, 304-314, 319-322, 328, 329, 333, 335, 340-342; the District of Columbia decided upon, 378, 395, 397;-
(the minutes of the debates on the residence extend practically through the whole book. Tho above are the pages on which reference is specially made to the question. For the opinions and expressions of various individuals on this matter, the reader is referred to the names of such individuals. Similarly, all places mentioned in connection with the residence question have been entered in the index);
powers of, 6, 16, 17, 86, 217; undue observance of ceremony in, 2, 4, 7, 8, 21,127,251 (see also under Adams, J., and Titles); jealousy between the two Houses, 16, 18, 33, 36, 38, 91, 150; communication between the Houses, 18, 19; committee on old congressional papers, 30; the journals to be published monthly, 42; bribery of the members, 117, 209, 310; advantage of committees, 130; salaries of members 135, 140 (see also Compensation bill); a chaplain appointed in the House, 173; Congressmen speculating in certificates, 178, 179, 331, 332; "should all business originate de novo with every session?" 178, 180, 182-184; "deals," bargaining, and barter in votes (notably in the Assumption and Residence matters), 230, 231, 234, 269, 273, 291-295, 299, 304-306, 314, 321, 325, 328; a new building proposed for it, 335; meets in Philadelphia (1790), 345: bill for altering its. time of meeting, 401.
For a list of the various bills brought forward in Congress, see Bills.
See also Senate.
Connecticut, 17; law regarding some of its ports, 234.
Constable, 178, 332.
Constitution of the United States, on the Vice-President's position in the Senate, 2, 8; on the powers of Congress, 6, 16, 17, 86; against the granting of titles, 28; its adoption, 75, 76, 259, 267, 321, 41l: provides for balloting on nominations in the Senate. 78, 80; on Federal jurisdiction, 85; on the judiciary, 87; on affirmation in courts, 88; on powers of the Senate, 110, (approving power) 119; on impeachment, 111; to absorb the State constitutions, 117; on powers of the President, 116, 120, (appointing and removing) 111, 113-115; war power, 130; amendments before Congress, 134; on the standing army, 227, 241, 244, 245; on State rights, 393, 394.
Constitutionalists, the (political party), 193.
Consuls and vice-consuls, 94, 257; privileges of, 74; bills respecting, 337, 368, 379; salaries of, 297; eligibility of foreigners, 297. See also Ambassadors and Ministers.
Contec, 88.
Continental certificates. See Certificates.
Continental money, funding of, 286; depreciation of, 287, 298, 330. See also Certificates.
Cook, Colonel, 364.
Cook, David, bill for relief of, 418.
Coots, Robert Vaux, 379.
Cordage, duty on, 53-55.
Cotton, duty on, 63.
Counterfeit certificates, 407, 408.
Counterfeiting coin, punishment of, 86.
Courts, District and Circuit, debate on, 87, 88, 104, 251.
Courts, Federal, jurisdiction of, 85-88; to absorb all the law business, 117; bills for regulating the process in, 181. See also Judiciary bill.
Courts of nisi prius, 88.
Coxe, Tench, becomes Assistant Treasurer of the United States, 255, 258, 259; on the Judiciary bill, 102; on the residence, 292.
Cream, want of, in New York, 73.
Creditors, public, memorial from, 139, 346, 352; answer to the same, 353.
Creeks, treaties with the, 132; war with the, 175.
Crimes and punishments, bill on, 179, 188, 238.
Cromwell originates the Navigation Act, 76.
Curry, 407.
Curtis, Colonel, 347.
Cuyler's Hook, 40.
Dally, Gifford, 222.
Dalton, Mrs., 59.
Dalton, [Tristram], on titles, 26; on the impost, 51, 53, 57, 65, 67, 71, 234; on the removing power, 115, 116; treaty with the Southern Indians, 132; dines with Washington, 137; on the residence question, 156, 158, 161, 268, 270, 275, 281; the Rhode Island bill, 264; the Funding bill, 339; bids Maclay good-by, 413.
"Deals" and bargaining in the Congress, 230, 231, 234, 269, 273, 291- 295, 299, 304-306, 314, 321, 325, 328.
Debt, public, Maclay's resolutions on, 200; to be paid with back lands, 224. 249; increase of the national debt, 256, 297; nominal reduction of, 356; bill to make debts due to the United States payable in certificates, 408; supplementary Act for the reduction of, 412. See also State debts and Settlement bill.
Delany, Sharp, his estimate of the impost for Pennsylvania, 46, 47; furnishes members with information on the revenue of Pennsylvania, 59, 66.
Delaware, Falls of the, in the residence question, 75, 134, 139, 145, 146, 148, 151, 153, 154, 157-159, 284, 292, 294; defense of the Delaware River, 233.
Dennis, 46.
Departments, establishment of, 42; Foreign Affairs, 89, 101, 103, 109- 116, 118-120; Treasury, 101, 103, 136; War, 101, 103.
Dickenson, General, 398; warns Maclay against his enemies, 365; on the Bank bill, 372; on Hamilton's speculations, 372, 394.
District courts, debate on, 88, 251.
District of Columbia (the "ten-mile square") decided upon for the residence of Congress, 378, 395, 397. See also under Congress.
Doctors, compared to store-keepers, 149, 150.
"Drawbacks." See under Impost bill.
Dreams, Maclay on, 277.
Dress. Propriety in dress commendable, 271.
Duer, 179, 255.
Dutch, the, "divided and factious," 114.
Dutch loan. See Holland.
Duties, 86. See also Collection bill, Impost bill, Tonnage act.
East Indian trade, denounced in the debate on the impost, 60, 61, 68, 71, 72; bill for, 304.
Eastern States and people. See under New England.
Elizabethtown Point, 70, 71.
Ellicott, Andrew, 32; surveyor of the "triangle," (Erie County), Pa., 123-125; his account of the Niagara Falls, 190.
Elmer, [Jonathan], 38; on the removing power, 116; on the Compensation bill, 184; his character, 147, 401; visits Maclay, 147, 151; on speculation in Congress, 177; part of his pay deducted for non-attendance, 229; on the Rhode Island bill, 264; on the residence question, 268, 269, 275, 284, 305, 306, 311, 401.
Elsworth, 25, 166, 320; on the position of the Vice-President in the Senate, 3; on the relations between the two Houses. of Congress, 8, 16; on the bill respecting the oath for the support of the Constitution, 16 20; on titles, 22-24, 29, 33, 35, 37-39; on the signing of bills in the Senate, 40, 45, 191; on the impost, 44, 49, 52, 57, 60, 61, 66- 68, 71, 72, 89; shall nominations be decided upon in the Senate by ballot or viva voce? 79, 80; on the Judiciary bill, 85, 87, 89, 91-95, 97, 99, 101-107, 152; on the removing power, 112-114, 116; the Bill for foreign affairs, 118-120; in the "Triangle" (Erie County) affair, 120; on the treaty with the Southern Indians, 130, 132; on the penal law, 136; on the Compensation bill, 140; on the Salary bill, 144, 147; on the residence, 158, 275, 293, 308, 313, 395; on "unfinished business," 179, 181-183, 185; the bill on crimes and punishments, 179, 187, 188; on the Carolina bill, 188; Morris's memorial, 194; on the Enumeration bill, 195, 197; on the Naturalization bill, 215, 217; on the Appropriation bill, 222; on the North Carolina cession, 202, 203, 226, 236; a partisan of Hamilton, 234, 290; on the Military Establishment bill, 239, 241-245, 250; attacks Franklin, 246, 247; his obstinacy, 255; on the Rhode Island bill, 259, 264, 266; pay due to Southern soldiers, 269, 270; on Steuben's bill, 273, 275; contradicts Adams, 278; on the Funding bill, 287, 290, 291, 298, 300, 301; on assumption, 288, 289, 325-328; on State debts, 314; on the Settlement bill, 317, 318; his resolution respecting the public creditors, 353; draws up a bill respecting consuls, 368; his character, 369; on the Bank bill, 370, 371; on the Excise bill, 381, 388; advocates the breaking up of State boundaries, 389; on tonnage duties, 402, 403, 405, 406; on the "instruction" of Senators, 399.
Ely, Colonel, bill for pension to, 256-260.
England. See Great Britain.
English jurisprudence, 98, 99, 107, 108; English forms imitated in America, 187.
Enumeration (Census) bill, 194, 195, 197, 198.
Erie County (the "Triangle"), 123-126; purchased from the Indians by Pennsylvania, 124, 126.
Evans, 376.
Evidence, compulsory, in court, 92, 93.
Ewing, Parson, 355, 356.
Excise, resolutions against, 376; State deliberations respecting, 396; in Europe, 387; violation of, in Pennsylvania, 387.
Excise bill, 381-383, 385-391, 398, 399, 401.
Federal courts. See under Courts.
Federal debt. See Debt, public.
Federal judiciary, province of the, 86.
Federal offices and salaries increased, 400. See also Offices.
Federal residence. See under Congress.
"Federalist," The, instrumental in procuring the adoption of the Constitution, 75.
Federalists, The, 86, 396.
Fenno, printer, 39.
Few, [William], 182; on titles, 26, 36, 37; on the residence, 43, 268, 274, 275, 282, 285, 307; on the impost, 55, 57, 61, 62, 71; on the Tonnage act, 79; on balloting in the Senate, 79; on the removing power, 116; Indian treaties, 130; the bill on fines, 211; on the Naturalization bill, 217; on the Military Establishment bill, 232; on pay due to Southern soldiers, 270.
Findley, James, 390.
Findley, William, in Pennsylvania politics, 212, 376; his endeavors to supplant Maclay, 348, 352, 358, 365, 395, 396.
Fines and forfeitures, bill for the mitigation,of, 211, 215, 224, 232.
Fisher, Meyers, on the Judiciary bill, 78, 92, 102.
Fisheries of New England, Jefferson's report on, 384, 385.
Fitzsimons, Mrs., 358.
Fitzsimons, Thomas, 84, 358; on the imposts 29, 32, 47, 48, 50, 53, 54, 58-60, 67, 73, 84; the Company bill, 29; on the residence, 136, 142, 146, 148, 151-156, 159, 166, 190, 267, 269, 277-280, 289, 295, 299, 306; speculates in certificates, 178; opposes funding, 193; on the Pennsylvania governorship, 200, 254, 255, 271, 336; on assumption, 202, 208, 230, 233, 235-237, 293,333; on "instruction" of Senators, 220; his bearing toward Maclay, 225, 319, 331; on the Settlement bill, 263, 318; the Rhode Island bill, 264; on the Funding bill, 291-293, 302, 303; on the Military Establishment bill, 396.
Fleet. See Navy.
Foreign Affairs, bill for organizing the department of, 89, 101,103, 109 116, 118-120.
Foreign nations, bill for intercourse with, 278, 304.
Foreign officers, bill for paying dues to, 398, 410.
Foreigners. See Aliens, Consuls, and Naturalization bill.
Fort George, demolition of, 299.
Fort Pitt, 152, 308.
Foster, [Theodore], 388.
France, abolishes titles, 12, 13, 233, 349, 350; convention with the United States, 74, 412; remonstrance against American tonnage duties and resulting complications, 78, 380-394, 397, 401-405, 407; the French Revolution, 155, 249; National Assembly, 349, 379, (eulogiums on Franklin) 350.
Franklin, [Benjamin], 155; attacked in the Senate in regard to his connection with the Abolition Society, 196, 197; his character assailed by Izard and Johnson, 238; proceedings of Congress on his death, 246, 247; eulogiums and letter from the National Assembly of France, 350, 379, 380, eulogium by Dr. Smith, 408.
Freemasons parading in New York, 88.
French Revolution, the, 155, 249.
Friends. See Quakers.
Funding, advocated by Elsworth, 318; recommended by Hamilton, 177, 193, 194, 199; in Great Britain, 337-339.
Funding bill, 282-284, 286-294, 296-298, 300, 301, 304, 321, 323, 327-330, 333-335, 337-339, 352, 354, 360; consolidated with the Assumption bill, 330, 333. See also under Debt, public.
Gallatin, [Albert], 390, 896.
Genesee, the, in the residence question, 15.
Genoa, proposals of a treaty with, 186.
George, Fort. See under Fort.
Georgetown (on the Potomac), in the residence question, 294, 309.
Georgia, Indian affairs in, 124, 129, 130, 132, 239, 240; power to levy tonnage duties, 357.
Germantown, in the residence question, 134, 153, 158, 159, 163, 165, 168, 284, 292, 294.
Gerry, [Elbridge], as a speaker, 228; on the Company bill, 229; on the impost, 47; on the residence, 153; on the Assumption bill, 214, 237, 288.
Gibson, Colonel, 126.
Giles, [William Branch], 374.
Gilman, [Nicholas], 277.
"Gladiators," Senatorial (followers of Hamilton), 210, 211, 220, 227, 284, 235, 258, 331, 381, 398.
Glassbrock, Brown, 166.
Goodhue, [Benjamin], on the residence question, 14, 146-148, 277.
Gorham, 123, 126.
Gould's bill of claims, 307, 310, 314, 317.
Graff, 382.
Gray, George, 228, 230.
Grayson, [William], 88; on the impost, 55, 72; on titles, 65; on the Tonnage act, 76; on the Judiciary bill, 85, 87, 88, 95, 97, 99, 104, 117; on the Foreign Affairs bill, 116, 118; on the residence, 157, 158, 160, 164; his ill-health, 169; his death, 246; his successor, 248.
Great Britain, its Parliament, 7, 8, 33, 180; trade with the United States, 60; with the East Indies, 61; Navigation act, 76, 77; Exchequer Chamber, 87; expense of the English judiciary, 95; English jurisprudence, 98, 99, 107, 108, 187; power of the crown, 114, 115; the House of Lords, 116, 118, 123, 140; importance of the chief clerics, 119, 120; law concerning land-holders, 215; the Mutiny bill (standing army), 244; its finances, (circulating coin) 298, (funding system) 337- 339, (debt) 856; war with Spain, 322; corruption in, 362, 410; the excise in, 387; negotiations with the United States, 392, 894, 402- 407.
"Grecian bend," the, in 1790, 282, 283.
Greene, General, Hamilton's oration on, 100.
Griffin, 363.
Grout, 15.
Gunn, [James], on the impost, 67; on the removing power, 116; on the treaty with the Southern Indians, 129, 180; on the residence, 157, 158, 267, 268, 272, 275, 279, 286, 304, 309, 397; on the Military Establishment hill, 239, 240, 250, 251; on the Rhode Island bill, 264; pay due to Southern soldiers, 270; asks for copies of the secret journal, 375.
Gurney, 348.
Haerlem, 241.
Hamilton, [Alexander], his "Federalist" instrumental in procuring the adoption of the Constitution, 75; pronounces an oration on General Greene, 100; his position on the residence question, 145, 178, 281,291- 295, 299, 304-306, 329; advocates funding, 177, 188, 189, 194, 200, 290, 329, 381; his measures benefit the speculators in certificates, 188, 197, 331, 398; his report, 190, 199, 336, (the clause on assumption) 202, 226, 252 attacked by Governor Clarton, 194; on assumption, 202, 208, 210, 211, 226, 237, 245, 252, 264, 291-293, 322, 331,334, 340, 356; his tools and followers in Congress (called "Senatorial gladiators" by Maclay), 139, 197, 210, 211, 220, 227, 234, 235, 258, 275, 28l, 299, 302, 83l, 401, 411; the "Cincinnati," "one of his machines," 194, 209; his hired partisans, 290, 310, 409; attacked by Judge Burke, 227; expected duel with Burke, 230; on the impost, 265; refuses to deliver up public papers, 261-263; his efforts in behalf of Steuben's bill, 266, 267, 271,273, 275; bargains and negotiafrans: the residence for the assumption, 291-295, 299; his manner, 310; on the Settlement bill, 317, 820; makes a scapegoat of Washington, 329, 351, 399; unnecessary increase in taxes under his management, 884, 876, 377; report on a national bank, 855; the Bank bill, 870, 372; the Excise bill, 885, 387-889; his people desire a war, 406; the Mint bill, 409, 410.
Hancock, 288.
Hancocktown, in the residence question, 313.
Hermar, General [Josiah], his expedition against the Indians, 350, 395.
Harrington, 81.
Harris, Davy, 75, 89, 90, 128, 384.
Harris, John (founder of Harrisburg, Pa.), 350, 367, 368, 384.
Harris, R. (Bobby), 850, 384; illness of, 200, 204-207, 238.
Harrisburg, 236; in the residence question, 88, 184; Circuit Court at, 251; founded by John Harris, 367.
Hartley, [Thomas], 263; on the residence, 136, 142, 146, 152, 154-156, 159, 224; on "unfinished business," 183; on the Assumption bill, 209, 229, 232, 287, 295j 306, 307; his extravagance, 245; his pomposity, 258; breaks his arm, 357, 363.
Hawkins, [Benjamin] (Senator from North Carolina), 314; takes his seat in the Senate, 176; on speculation in certificates, 179; on the bill respecting crimes and punishments, 187; on the Carolina bill, 188; pay due to Southern soldiers, 270; on the residence, 272, 275.
Hazard, [Jonathan J.], 256; speculates in certificates, 178.
Heister, General [Daniel], 223; on the residence question, 146; on the Assumption bill, 209, 237.
Hemp, duty on, 55.
Henry, [John] (of Maryland), on titles, 36; on the removing power, 116; on "unfinished business," 182, 183, 185; Mr. Morris' memorial, 194; on the Naturalization bill, 217; on cabals in governments, 224; on the increase of the public debt, 256; on the Rhode Island bill, 234; pay due to Southern soldiers, 270; on the residence, 275, 281, 305; on the Funding bill, 328; on the Excise bill, 388; on tile Constitution, 392, 393.
Hillegas, [Michael], 261-263.
Holland loan, 408, 410, 411.
Hopkinson, Judge [Francis], on the Judiciary bill, 100, 101, 103.
Horses, price of hire of, 83, 84.
House of Lords, 123.
House of Representatives, a chaplain appointed in, 173; pay of the members, see Compensation bill.
See also under Congress.
Howell, Reading, 151.
Howell's committee, 340.
Huger, 90, 209.
Humphreys, Colonel David, at the President's house, 41, 42, 75, 90; a follower of Hamilton, 235; appointed to the court of Portugal, 396.
Huntington, [Benjamin], 277.
Hutchinson, Dr., 390, 391.
Immigration, 213, 217; to the West, 219; to Kentucky and Yazoo, 219. See also under Naturalization bill.
Impeachment, trial by, 111, 112, 114, 182.
Impost, 86, 404; bill for extending the impost to North Carolina, 191.
Impost bill, 29, 44-68, 71-73, 78, 81, 83, 89, 91,234, 235, 398; discrimination in favor of nations in treaty, 47, 51, 78, 89, 96, 97, in favor of Americans, 60, 76, 77; drawbacks or discounts, 63, 66, 67, 72. See also Tonnage act.
Independence Day in New York, 100, 315,316.
"Independent Gazetteer," the, 236.
Indians, 378; treaties with, 74, 175, 329, treaties with Southern Indians, 128, 129,132,, bill for Indian treaties, 124, 225; in Georgia, 124, 239, 240; sell the "Triangle" (Erie County) to Pennsylvania, 124, 126; embassy to Southern Indians, 174; bill for regulating the intercourse with, 232, 314, 320, 322, 329; armed by the Spaniards, 240; wars with, 366, 3833 390, 409; with the Creeks, 175; with the Southern Indians, 240; with the Wabash Indians, 349; Harmar's expedition, 350, 395; Western war, 391; war with Northern and Northwestern Indians, 406; Indian depredations, 380; estimate of lands not claimed by, 412.
Influenza in New York city in 1790, 257, 265.
Inspection laws of the States, bill for enforcing, 225-228.
Intercourse bill (for appointing ambassadors,) 278, 304.
Invalid bill, 412.
Inventions, bill for encouragement of, 21, 224. See also Bailey.
Irvine, General, 298.
Irwin, General, arrives in New York, 161; leaves for Carlisle, 236; a commissioner for the settlement of accounts, 301; on the residence, 314; on assumption, 332.
Irwin, Matthew, 346, 365.
Izard, [Ralph], 201, 300, 320; on communication between the Houses, 1; on ceremony, 4, 7, 8; on the bill prescribing the oath, etc., 16,17, 19; his antipathy to Pennsylvania on account of its position in the slavery question, 20, 223; on titles, 23, 27, 37; nicknames Adams "Rotundity," 30, 35; dislikes Adams, 30, 121; on the impost, 51, 57, 67, 71, 72; on the Tonnage act, 76; shall nominations be decided upon by ballot or viva voce? 79, 81, 127; abuses the Quakers, 88; on the removing power, 112- 116; on the Foreign Affairs bill, 119; in the "Triangle" (Eric County) affair, 123; on constitutional amendments, 134; on the Compensation bill, 135, 139, 140, 141, 143; on the salary of judges, 157; on the residence question, 149, 158, 160, 168, 272, 275, 282, 285, 307-310; the answer to Washington's address (1790), his work, 175; on "unfinished business," 179, 182, 186; Mr. Morris' memorial, 194; attacks the Abolition Society, 196; on the Naturalization hill, 211; the North Carolina Cession bill, 226; a partisan of Hamilton, 234; attacks Franklin, 238, 247; favors a standing army, 245; on the Rhode Island bill, 264, 266; on pay due to Southern soldiers, 269, 270; on Steuben's bill, 273; favors assumption, 289, 323; on Moore's bill, 309; on the Bank bill, 868; on "instructing" Senators, 399; complains of Hamilton, 409.
Jackson, [James], on "unfinished business," 183; on the residence, 268, 292.
Jackson, Major [William], 235, 357.
Jamaica rum, duty on, 49, 51.
Jay, Mrs., 137.
Jay, [John], gives information respecting Short, 78; dines with Washington, 137, 138; on the residence, 145; on assumption, 230-232; his library, 260; France and the Tonnage act, 405.
Jefferson, [Thomas], his place at the court of France filled by Short, 78, 82; his appearance described, 272, 310; on the residence, 294, 312; on the Algerian troubles, 364; report on the New England fisheries, 384, 385; in the complications with France, 386, 397, 398, 402, 403.
Jersey. See New Jersey.
Johannes, a Portuguese coin, 3, 19, 198, 204.
Johnson, Dr., president of the college (New York), 20, 196.
Johnson, Sir William, 190.
Johnson, Dr. [William S.], 268; On the answer to the President's speech (1789), 10, 22; on titles, 35, 38; on the impost, 65, 67; on the Judiciary bill, 88, 95, 104, 105, 107; on the removing power, 113, 116; in the "Triangle" (Erie County) affair, 124; on the Foreign Affairs bill, 119, 120; on the Penal bill, 137; on the residence question, 161, 162, 169, 238, 247, 260, 269, 270, 272, 275, 281, 285, 313; on the North Carolina session, 203; on the Naturalization bill, 217; pay allowed him, 229; on the Rhode Island bill, 264; on pay due to Southern soldiers, 269, 270; on assumption, 288; on the Excise bill, 390.
Johnston, Governor [Samuel] (Senator from North Carolina), arrives in the Senate, 188; on the Enumeration bill, 195; on the Naturalization bill, 209; on pay due to Southern soldiers, 270; on the residence, 275, 281, 282, 285,293.
Juniors, the, 384.
Judges, increase of, 87 88; powers of, 98, 99; district judges, 101, 102; salaries of, 157.
Judicial committee, 25, 30, 74.
Judicial officers, witnesses and jurymen, Act for compensating, 412.
Judiciary, bill for extending the judiciary of the United States to North Carolina, 177.
Judiciary bill, 30, 74, 78, 85-89, 91-110, 117, 152, 251, 360.
Judiciary, English, expense of the, 95.
Judiciary, Federal, province of the, 86.
July 4th. See Independence Day.
Jurisprudence, English, 98, 99, 107, 108, 187.
Jury, advantage of the, 96, 98; duties of jurors, 99; trial by, 109.
Keale's account of the Pelew Islands, 207.
Kenedy, 365.
Kenedy, David, 345.
Kentucky, 378; immigration to, 219; in conspiracy with the Spaniards, 240.
Kentucky bill, the, 366.
King, [Rufus] (Senator from Massachusetts), 248, 268,394; on the "Triangle" (Erie County) 124; on the Compensation bill, 135, 139, 141; the Penal bill, 137; on the residence question, 146, 157, 159, 161, 162, 165, 274, 275, 307, 308, 310, 311, 313, 314, 321; on the Judiciary bill, 152; his resolution to secure the delivery of the President's speech in the Senate, 173, 347; the answer to Washington's address (1790), 175; on unfinished business, 180; attacks Franklin, 196, 247; on the Naturalization bill, 213, 217; on the Appropriation bill, 222; pay allowed him, 229; attacked by the papers, 234; a partisan of Hamilton, 234, 290, 411; on the Military Establishment bill, 239, 240, 250, 251; the Rhode Island bill, 264, 266; on pay due to Southern soldiers, 269, 270; Steuben's bill, 275; on the assumption, 288, 289, 321, 322, 325, 334; the Funding bill, 290; on adjournment, 300; his character, 315, 410; on the Settlement bill, 317; his resolution respecting the public creditors, 353; on the Bank bill, 371,372; his peculiar methods in the Senate, 386; on the Excise bill, 388, 389; on the troubles with Great Britain and France, 392, 405.
Kittera, [John W.], 369.
Knox, General [Henry], on the treaty with the Southern Indians, 128- 130; aiming at an Indian war, 175, 234, 239, 240; offers a bill for a militia law, 241; on the Military Establishment bill, 243; his appearance, 310.
Kuhn, 262.
Land-office, 214, 395; to be opened for the sale of Western territory, 200; proposed as a sinking-fund, 200, 290, 301; ruined by the assumption, 336.
Land-tax favored by R. Morris, 287.
Lands, held by aliens, 208, 215-218; speculation in, 214; Western lands, 218, 219, 339, 354; lands for the Canadian sufferers, 298; bill for grants of lands to Virginia officers, 337; estimate of lands not claimed by Indians, 412; lands granted to settlers at Vincennes, Ill., 412.
Lancaster and the residence question, 134, 135.
Lane, 365.
Langdon, Mrs., 59, 137.
Langdon, [John] (Senator from New Hampshire), ill, 5, 256; on the bill prescribing the oath, etc., 14, 17, 19; on ceremony, 21; on titles, 24, 64; on the impost, 52-54, 67, 71, 234; shall nominations be voted upon by ballot or viva voce? 79, 81; on the Tonnage act, 97; on the Foreign Affairs bill, 112, 119; on the removing power, 116; in the "Triangle" affair, 124; on constitutional amendments, 184; dines with Washington, 137; the friend of Morris, 178; on "unfinished business," 181, 182; Bailey's bill, 205; on the Military Establishment bill, 242; on the residence, 250, 267, 268, 270, 272, 275, 279, 285, 309, 312, 345, 346, 397, 401; on the Rhode Island bill, 264; on pay due to Southern soldiers, 270; on assumption, 326; complains of Morris' non-attendance, 370.
Langdon, Woodbury, 401.
Lawrence, [John], 197, 228; on the impost, 47; on the residence, 150, 314; on assumption, 237.
Laws, power of making them lies with Congress, 16.
Laws. For various laws, see under Abolition, Bankrupt, Coinage, Connecticut, Inspection, Militia, Penal (2), Revenue. See also Acts.
Lear (Washington's secretary), 41; delivers messages, etc., from the President to the Senate, 127, 137, 174, 188, 190, 329, 378, 411,413.
Lee, [Richard Henry] (Senator from Virginia), on titles, 1, 2, 22, 23- 26, 30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 65; on ceremony, 4, 7, 8, 21; on royal forms, 11; on the bill prescribing the oath, etc., 18, 20; on the signing of bills in the Senate, 39, 45; on the impost, 51, 55-57, 60, 61, 63, 67, 68, 71, 72, 83, 89; the "Ishmael of the House," 59; on the Tonnage act, 76; shall nominations be decided upon in the Senate by ballot or viva voce? 79; on the Judiciary bill, 85-87, 92, 94, 95, 99, 105, 107, 117; on the Foreign Affairs bill, 113-116, 119; on the treaty with the Southern Indians, 129, 130, 132; on the Compensation bill, 140; on the Residence, 158, 160, 164, 275, 278, 281, 282, 284, 285, 307-309; on the Military Establishment; bill, 239, 243, 245; on the Rhode Island bill, 266, 267; on pay due to Southern soldiers, 269, 270; on assumption, 289, 315-318, 328; his character, 290; on the Funding bill, 290, 291,330; on the Settlement bill, 317, 318.
Legislatures to instruct Senators, 192, 220, 399, 400. See also State rights.
L'Enfant, [Peter Charles], 32.
Lephers, 84.
Levees, introduced by Washington, 15, 16; held by the President, 31.42, 67, 74, 205, 227, 242, 255, 256, 847,351, 857, 364; interrupt congressional business, 69.
Lewis, 78, 137, 383.
Lighthouse bill, 412.
Lincoln, General [Benjamin], 130.
Linn, [William] (chaplain), 50; on the residence, 153, 158, 168; ill, 156; visits Maclay. 247.
Livermore, Judge [Samuel], 191.
Livingston, B., 316.
Livingston, William {Governor of New York), 70.
Loans, 401; Holland loan, 408, 410, 411.
Loans, Commissioners of, bill for compensation to, 412.
Logan, Dr. George, his letters and publications on Pennsylvania affairs, 204, 212, 235, 357; a man of integrity, 283, 356.
Long Island, visited by Washington, 242; by Congressmen, 247, 250.
Loudon, printer, 38.
Luper, 230.
Luther's Reformation, 391,392.
Lynn. See Linn.
McClenachan, Blair, 346, 369.
McConnell, broker, 346.
McCord, John, bill for making compensation to, 287, 288, 291, 297, 298.
McKnight, Dr., 196, 265.
Maclay, Samuel, 212, 213; informs his brother William of efforts made to supplant him, 346, 347, 365.
Maclay, William, visits Washington, 1, 90, 363, (on levee days), 31, 42, 74, 75, 227, 256, 347; on titles, 2, 18, 23, 24, 35, 36; objects to royal forms, 10, 11; on the bill respecting the oath for the support of the Constitution, 16-19; "dining out," (with the French minister, 18, Speaker Muhlenberg, 31,118, 191,192, 283, 277, R. Morris, 73, 359, 367, 377, Washington, 137, 138, 177, 206, 257, 319, 363, 873, 374, 0tto, 192, General Knox, 195, Dr. Johnson, 196, Elsworth, 213, Izard, 238, Parker, 252, Chew, 346, Powel, 352, Parsonson Ewing, 355, Bingham, 366, Nicholson, 369, Burd, 383, C. Biddle, 384, Dr. Rushton, 407, on "club" or "mess" days, with the Pennsylvania delegation, 202, 208, 254, 259, 266, 272, 284, 293, 301, 309, 332); at the theatre, 30, 31; on the impost, 46, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60-63, 65, 67, 78, 81, 83; on dangers in the Constitution, 75; on the Tonnage act, 76-78, 403-405; favors the use of the ballot in voting upon nominations sent to the Senate, 78-81, 127; on the Judiciary bill, 85-87, 93, 94, 97-99, 102-110, 117, 152; defends the Quakers, 88; on the removing power, 110-113, 116; on the Collection bill, 118; on the Foreign Affairs bill, 119, 120; gets leave of absence, 121; returns to New York, 122; on the Erie County affair, 125; incurs Washington's displeasure, 128, 129, 248, 249; on the treaty with the Southern Indians, 128, 129; shows the advantage of committees, 131; on the Compensation bill, 134, 135, 139, 141; favors low salaries for Congressmen, 141; his part in the residence question and in the ensuing debates, 146, 153, 160, 162-164, 190, 191, 224, 249, 250, 267 269, 274, 275, 278-281, 286, 294, 295, 306, 309, 314, 341, 342, 395, 397; is the President above the law? 167; leaves for Philadelphia, 169; arrives in New York, 173; his political enemies and their cabals, 174, 252, 321, 348, 349, 351, 353, 368, 359-361, 365-367, 375, 379, 383, 398; on "unfinished business," 179, 180, 182-186; on the bill on crimes and punishments, 187, 188; writes a drama, 189; on the signing of bills in the Senate, 119; on State legislatures, 192, 193; on the Enumeration bill, 195, 197; on the Abolition Society, 196; his resolutions on the public debt, 200; the North Carolina cession, 202, 203, 236; on the Naturalization bill, 213; on the bankrupt law, 220; on assumption, 228, 231, 232, 252, 288, 289, 302, 315, 323, 324, 328-330, 331; opposed to the Military Establishment bill, 232, 239-241, 243, 244; on consuls, 257; hears a negro preacher, 232; on the Rhode Island bill, 259, 264, 267; opposes Steuben's bill, 269, 273; on dreams, 277; opposes the Funding bill, 287, 288, 290, 293, 294, 297, 298, 337-339, 354; the Intercourse bill, 304; on pay due to Southern soldiers, 269, 270; on the Settlement bill, 317, 318, 320; on banks, 355; opposed to the Bank bill, 364, 368, 370, 371; on taxes, 376, 377; the Excise bill, 385, 387, 388; on the "instruction" of Senators, 399, 400.
Maclure, 365.
Macpherson, 3, 121.
Madeira wine, duty on, 53.
Madison, [James], 122; labors for discrimination in the Tonnage act, 97; on the residence question, 146, 312; his character, 150, 179; his political aspirations, 189; on the Federal debt, 194, 197-202; on assumption, 315; in the complications with France, 406.
Maryland, in the residence question, 4, 153, 154, 159, 160, 284, 341; its commerce, 341; power to levy tonnage duties, 357,
Massachusetts, privileges of its Legislature, 5, 6; considers the power of making a law to be with Congress, 17; boundary between Nova Scotia and Massachusetts, 198; its debt, 289.
Mathers, doorkeeper of the Senate, 222, 280.
Matthews, 306.
May 1st (moving-day) in New York, 251.
Mediterranean navigation, committee on, 359.
Mediterranean trade, 364, 366.
Memorials. For various memorials and petitions, see Abolition Society, Adlum, Barry, Campbell, D., Creditors, Morris, R., Printers, Quakers.
Meredith, Samuel, 263.
Mifflin, [Thomas], in the contest for the governorship of Pennsylvania, 200, 212, 242.
Miles, [Samuel], 212.
Military Establishment bill, 224, 226, 227, 232, 239-246, 248, 396.
Militia, called for by the Constitution, 227, 241.
Militia law, bill for a, 241.
Milligan, (auditor), 380, 407.
Ministers plenipotentiary, 137; bill for the salaries of, 257. See also Ambassadors and Consuls.
Mint, Resolution of the, 409, 410, 412.
Mississippi, settlers on the, 364.
Mitigation [of fines], Bill [for], 211, 215, 224, 232.
Molasses, duty on, 4, 32, 50, 52-55, 65-67.
Mollineaux, Sir Francis, 32.
Monarchical tendencies, in the United States, 10-14, 21-25, 68, 113, 121, 122, 131, 144, 155, 166, 167, 175, 176, 351, 357; ridiculed by Peter Pindar, 204. See also Adams, J., Ceremony, and Titles.
Money, continental, (see Continental) counterfeit, 86.
Monroe, [James], on the resolutions respecting the public creditors, 353; on the Kentucky bill, 366; on the Bank bill, 368.
Montgomery, 347.
Montgomery, John (of Carlisle), in Pennsylvania politics, 336, 369, 395; to supplant Maclay, 348; desires to enter Congress, 396.
Montgomery, William, 858.
Moore, Stephen, his bill (for the sale of West Point), 307, 309.
Morocco, 408.
Morris, Mrs., 59, 73, 74.
Morris, Gouverneur, manages the negotiations with Great Britain, 892, 402; sells lands in Europe for R. Morris 401.
Morris, [Robert], 224, 358; attends levees, 31; Maclay's confidence in him, 32, comes to an end, 183; on titles, 35, 36, 38, 39; on the impost, 45-48, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 61-68, 71, 72, 83, 89; shall nominations be voted upon by ballot or viva voce? 78, 79, 127; defends Quakers, 88; on the Judiciary bill, 92, 96, 98, 100, 101, 108, 117, 251; on the Tonnage act, 97; on the Foreign Affairs bill, 114-116, 120; on the Collection bill, 118; on the "Triangle" (Erie County) affair, 128,124,126; on the treaty with the Southern Indians, 129, 130, 133; his position in the residence question, 134, 136, 137, 138, 142, 144-149,
151, 152, 156-166, 169, 174, 192, 267-269, 271, 272, 274, 275, 278- 284, 286, 289, 292-295, 299, 300, 304-306, 309, 311, 395-397,401; on the Compensation bill, 134-136, 139, 141; on constitutionalamendments, 134; on judges' salaries, 157; speculates in certificates, 178, 408; his non-attendance in the Senate, 183, 188, 245, 366, 370, 374, 876; on "unfinished business," 185-187; his accounts (charges against him, and memorial to Congress), 188, 189, 193, 194, 200, 203, 222, 265; in the contest for the governorship of Pennsylvania, 188, 211, 255; on the Abolition Society, 196, 197; on the Enumeration bill, 197; on the assumption, 202, 208, 209, 213, 302, 323, 325-329, 333-336; Bailey's bill, 205; on the Naturalization bill, 208, 213; speculates in lands, 208, 214, 216, 218, 221, 225 401; in Pennsylvania politics, 211, 255; on the Appropriation bill, 221, 222; on the Military Establishment bill, 241, 245; on Colonel Ely's bill 260; on the Rhode Island bill, 263 264; his character, 266; favors a land-tax, 287; on the Funding bill 287, 296, 301, 324, 332, 338, 399; the "tool" of Hamilton, 299; on S. Moore's bill, 807; gives Maclay information on Pennsylvania politics, 349, 369; memorial of the public creditors, 352, 353; on the Bank bill, 370, 372-374; on the Excise bill, 384, 385, 389; in the complications with France and Great Britain, 394, 402; shall Senators be instructed? 399.
Moylan, Colonel, 259.
Muhlenberg, Mrs., 299, 300.
Muhlenberg, [Frederick Augustus Conrad] (Speaker of the House), 183, 186, 333, 379; on titles, 13; on the impost, 46, 47, 54; on the Judiciary bill, 102; on the residence question, 136, 146, 149, 154, 155, 192, 233, 235, 267, 268, 289, 306, 307; gives Maclay information as to political cabals in Pennsylvania and New York, 174, 220, 346; on speculation in Congress, 178; on the assumption, 205, 224, 226, 229, 230, 245, 303, 314; proposed for the governorship of Pennsylvania, 212, 242, 255, 271.
Muhlenberg, General [John Peter Gabriel], 183, 283; pays visits, 30, 42, 175, 185, 230; on the impost, 46, 47; on the assumption, 209, 230, 237; proposed for the governorship of Pennsylvania, 212; on the residence question, 306.
Murdock, Bob, 409.
Muskingam, treaty of, 126; Indian depredations on the, 126.
Mutiny bill of Great Britain, 244.
Nails and spikes, duty on, 57.
National bank. See Bank.
Naturalization, 86.
Naturalization bill, 208-211, 213-218.
Navigation. See Mediterranean, Navy, and Ships.
Navigation act, originated by Cromwell, 76.
Navy, proposed formation of a, 76, 233, 383.
Nelson, 235.
Neutrality among nations a desideratum, 82.
New England, character of its people, 5, 20, 210, 341, (their want of candor) 260; its debts, 230; its fisheries, 384, 385.
Eastern members of Congress, 14; on the duty on molasses, 4, 32, 50, 52, 53, 56; on titles, 25, 37; on the residence, 139, 142, 145-149, 151- 153, 157, 158, 162, 164, 166, 269; on the Naturalization bill, 213; on assumption, 214.
New England rum, debate on, 66, 72.
New Hampshire, 234.
New Jersey, its Senators on the impost, 73; its claims, 301.
New-Year's calls in 1791, 363.
New York City, 308; Saint Paul's Church in, 4, 9, 100, 200; its variable climate, 40; the Bowery, 43, 321; celebration of his Britannic Majesty's birthday, 68; scarcity of cream in, 73; parade of Freemasons, 88; street-paving in 1789, 90; Independence-day celebrations, 100, 315, 316; in the residence question, 146, 148, 149, 151, 153, 158, 162, 165, 166, 168, 178, 192, 273, 277, 286, 305, 309-312, 314, 316, 320, 321, 328, 329, 340; the Battery, 231, 292; moving-day (May lst), 251; influenza in, (1790), 257, 265; parade of the Sons of Tammany, 260; character of its people, 315, their inhospitality, 313, 314.
New York State, its finances, 302.
Newspapers, Committee on, 32, 39; debate on, 64, 183; increase of, 382; their "lying accounts," 402.
Niagara Falls, 190.
Nicholson, 369; on State accounts, 199, 212, 227, 255.
Nominations, shall they be voted upon in the Senate by ballot or viva voce? 78-82, 103, 104, 110, 111; approving power given to the Senate by the Constitution, 119.
North Carolina, 174, 175; bill for extending the judiciary of the United States to, 177; bill for extending the impost to, 191.
North Carolina Cession, bill for government of, 188, 189, 198, 202, 203, 225, 226, 236. See also Carolina.
North Carolina members of Congress on the residence question, 161, 304; produce an act of cession, 189.
Northumberland County, 218.
Nourse, [Joseph] (register), 261, 407.
Nova Scotia, boundary between Nova Scotia and the United States, 194, 198, 223.
Oath, bill respecting the oath for the support of the Constitution, 6, 16-20; law respecting oaths, 63; administered in the Senate, 64; affirmation substituted in courts, 88, 89.
O'Brien, Captain, 4, 375, 376.
O'Fallon, Dr., 378.
Officers, bill for the relief of a certain description of, 246, 318, 319; bill concerning half-pay and pensions, 256; bill for grants of land to Virginia officers, 337; bill for paying dues to foreign officers, 398, 410.
Offices, power of removal from, 82, 97, 103, 106, 110-112, 114; creation of, 239; increase of, 297, 320, 400; presidential patronage, 341, 862; office-seekers, 360. See also Nominations and Salaries.
Ogden, 352.
Ohio River, bill for territory south of, 233, 235, 238.
Opossum, the, 392.
Original casks and packages, exportation of rum limited to, 73.
Osgood, [Samuel] (Postmaster-General), 363.
Oswald, Eleazer, 204, 230, 236, 357.
Otis, [Samuel Alteyne] (Secretary of the United States Senate), inaccuracy in his minutes, 2, 22, 25,135, 136, 143, 144, 175; the creature of Adams, 64, 181, 207; his roguery and want of integrity, 135, 136, 143, 144, 176, 196; not reliable, 187; his untruthfulness, 380- 382.
Otto, chargé d'affaires of France, 192.
Oxen, mode of killing, 247.
Page, Mrs., 257.
Paper manufacture in Pennsylvania, 62. Pardons, President's power of granting, 187.
Parker, of Virginia, 251, 252.
Parliament, ceremonies in, 7, 8; prorogation of, 180.
Paton, 242.
Paterson, [William], of New Jersey, 300; on the answer to the President's address (1789), 10, 14, 20, 22, 45, (l790) 175; on titles, 24, 85, 226; on the Judiciary bill, 92, 94, 95, 101, 104; on the removing power, 115, 116; on the Foreign Affairs bill, 115117, 120; on "unfinished business," 186; on the Enumeration bill, 195; a partisan of Hamilton, 211, 234, 290; on the Naturalization bill, 217; on the residence, 268, 269, 278, 275, 281; on assumption, 289; on the Funding bill, 290, 297.
Patronage, presidential, 341, 362. See also Offices.
Patterson. See Paterson.
Pelew Islands, Keale's account of, 207.
Pembertons, the, 341.
Penal Federal laws, committee on, 32.
Penal law [bill], 136, 137. See also Crimes.
Pennsylvania, in the residence question, 15, 86, 135, 136, 145, 146, 163, 224, 231, 291, 294, 295, 305, 306, 312; its government, 49; its manufactures, importations, etc. (debate on the impost), 54-56, 61, 62, 66; character of its people, 86; in favor of a chancery? 95, 96; the "Triangle" (Erie County), 123-125, purchased from the Indians, 124, 126; treaty with the Indians, 132; its funding law, 193; the land-office, 207; in the assumption question, 208, 228, 229, 234; encourages immigration, 210, 211, 215-219; proposals for the governorship, 192, 212, 242, 254, 255, 271, 352; its debts, 213, 227, 255, 289, 326, 333, 335; its finances, 225, 255, 264, 300-303; its Constitution opposed to a standing army, 244-246; funding of certificates in, 296; independent spirit of its yeomanry, 376; violation of the excise law in, 387.
Pennsylvania members of Congress visit Washington, 4, 42; on the residence question, 4, 136, 139, 142, 145-147, 152-155, 159, 160- 162, 166; on the impost, 65, 66, 73; their weekly dinners (mess or club days), 202, 208, 254, 259, 266, 272, 284, 293, 301, 309, 332; caricatured, 315.
Pensions, bills for, 256, 329, 412. See also Ely, Officers.
Peters, on the Judiciary bill, 102.
Petitions. For various memorials and petitions, see Abolition Society, Adlum, Barry, Campbell, D., Creditors, Morris, R., Quakers.
Pettit, [Charles], presents a memorial from the public creditors, 139; on the public debt, 326, 327; his desire to supplant Maclay, 346.
Philadelphia, 308; its trade, 47, 66, 102, 341; in the residence question, 142, 147, 148, 154, 159, 161, 162, 165, 168, 224, 230, 231, 234, 265, 267, 270-272, 274, 277-279, 281, 283, 285, 286, 292, 294, 305-307, 310-312, 321, 328, 340, 341, 373; its public creditors, 249; the Circuit Court in, 251; an unsociable city, 340; Congress meets there (1790), 345; New-Year's calls in 1791, 363.
Phils, 102.
Pindar, Peter,pseudonym of Wolcott, John.
Pitt, 338.
Pitt, Fort. See under Fort.
Planters, Southern, 341.
Politics, avarice and ambition in, a fault in all popular governments, 365.
Polnitz, Baron, 48, 49.
Port St. Vincennes, or Vincent (on the Wabash), 355, 359.
Porter, duty on, 91.
Portland, N.H., 308.
Post-Office bill (bill for the establishment of the post-office), 302, 307-309, 314, 315, 317, 322, 412.
Potomac, the, in the residence question, 15, 136, 142, 148-150, 159, 161, 162, 164, 165, 190, 224, 244, 273, 284, 285, 294, 299, 305, 307, 312-314, 373, 396, 401.
Powel, 346, 352.
Power, centralization of, 116, 230, 250, 264, 333, 393, 394. See also State rights.
President of the United States, the question of a title for, 16, 24- 29, 31-38; his importance, 17, 19; his salary, 48; his powers under the Constitution, 32, 103, 106, 109-116, 120; his removing power, 82, 113, 116; attempts to exalt his position, 104. 112, 118; invested with royal rights, 167; is he subject to law? 167; has no proroguing power, 180; his power of granting pardons, 187. See also Vice-President, and Washington, G.
Prevost, Bishop, 213.
Price on Annuities, 370.
Princeton, 283.
Printers, petitions from, 39.
Prisoners, resolve for the safe-keeping of, 412.
Progress bill, 248.
Property-holding. See Lands.
Protective duties, 54-58, 60-62, 67, 68, 71, 73, 76, 77, 97. See also Impost, Navigation act, Tonnage Act.
Provost, Dr., 4.
Public creditors. See Creditors.
Public debt. See Debt.
Putnam, Rufus, 227.
Quakers, substitute affirmation for the oath in court, 88; present a memorial for the abolition of slavery, 196, 221-223; their unsociability, 340, 341; Judge Burke rails against them, 357.
Read, [George], of Delaware, 8; on titles, 11, 26, 39; on the Judiciary bill; 93-96, 98, 101, 103, 104, 106, 117; on powers of the President, 115, 116; on the residence, 157, 158, 275, 279, 282, 292, 293, 306, 401; on assumption, 210, 292, 293, 322; on the Naturalization bill, 217; on the Rhode Island bill, 264; on pay due to Southern soldiers, 270.
Reading in the residence question, 134.
Reed, James, 126.
Rees, Daniel, 335, 379.
Removing power of the President, 82, 113, 116.
Remsen, George, 376, 407.
Representatives, pay of. See Compensation bill.
Representatives, House of. See House.
Republicans, 193.
Residence bill, the, 152, 279, 310-319, 322, 329, 333, 340, 395. See also under Congress.
Resolutions. For various resolutions passed by or offered to Congress, see Butler, Mint, Prisoners, Soldiers.
Revenue law, bill for suspending part of, 234.
Revolution, The, mixed motives of the principal actors in, 10, 12.
Rheumatism, cures for, 103, 380.
Rhode Island, act appointing a convention, 188; Senate committee on, 250, 251, 256, 257, (its resolutions) 258, 259; Rhode Island resolves, 258, 259; the Rhode Island bill, 263, 264, 266, 267, 286, 308, 357; its Senators in the residence question, 308; Rhode Island Enumeration (Census) bill, 313; its power to levy tonnage duties, 357.
Richardson, 203, 204.
Ricketts, Mrs., in the residence business, 70.
Ridley, 89, 90.
Rienzi, his fall referred to by Maclay in the debate on titles, 34, 37.
Roads and inland communications, Society for promoting the improvement of, 384.
Rodgers, Dr., 149.
Rodgers, Rev. Dr., 194.
Rowle, 351, 379, 383.
Royalty ridiculed by Peter Pindar, 204. See also Monarchical tendencies.
Rum, duty on, 49, 61, 63, 66, 72; its exportation limited to original casks and packages, 73.
Rush, Dr. [Benjamin], 346; supports John Adams, 86; letters to Maclay on political subjects, 212, 225, (State debts), 251, (the residence) 286, 299.
Rushton, Dr., 189, 191, 407.
Ryerson, 212-215, 384.
St. Clair, Geo. [Arthur], collects expressions of opinion on the President's course in instituting levee days, 15, 16; visits Maclay, 59, 121; his talkativeness, 118; "dining out," 118, 377; in the "Triangle" question, 124; his salary as Governor of the Western Territory, 150; in the residence question, 150, 152, 158; proposed for the governorship of Pennsylvania, 212; troubled with rheumatism, 380.
Saint Mary's River, 132.
Saint Paul's Church (New York city), the President and Congress at, 4, 9; a college commencement in, 20; Independence-day celebrations in, 100, 316.
Salaries, of the President and Vice-President, 48; Washington favors large salaries, 74; of Senators and Representatives (Compensation bill), 134-136, 139-14l, 331; of Treasury officers, augmented, 144; of the Governor of the Western Territory, 150; of judges, 157; bill to give additional salaries to clerks, 211, 226; of ambassadors, increased, 254, 304; of ministers plenipotentiary, chargés d'affaires, etc., 257; bill for giving salaries to consuls, 297; bill for augmenting salaries of Federal officers, 400; bill for compensation to commissioners of loans, 412; act for granting compensation to judicial officers, 412.
Salary bill, 144, 145, 147; for executive officers, 412. See also Salaries, above.
Salt, duty on, 57, 59, 73.
Sand used instead of blotting-paper, 327.
"School for Scandal" an "indecent representation," 31.
Schuyler, [Philip John], 166; on the Foreign Affairs bill, 116; in the "Triangle" (Erie County) matter, 124; on the Compensation bill, 142; on the residence, 161, 162, 272, 275, 293, 308, 310, 397, 401; monarchical tendencies, 157; on "unfinished business," 182; on the Appropriation bill, 221; his pay, 229; a partisan of Hamilton, 234; on the Military Establishment bill, 239; on the Rhode Island bill, 264; on pay due to Southern soldiers, 270; on the Funding bill, 300, 352; on the Settlement bill, 318; on assumption, 334; on the Bank bill, 370; his bill making debts due to the United States payable in certificates, etc., 408.
Scott, 37, 40, 230; on the impost, 47; on the residence, 41, 136, 137, 145-148, 156, 166, 190, 306, 315; his private character, 200, 201; on assumption, 208, 229; on the public debt, 194, 196, 212, 223.
Seamen, bill for the regulation of, 313.
Secretary of War, the appointment of, an error, 227, 239.
Sedgwick, [Theodore], influenced by Hamilton, 197, 331; on the assumption, 237.
Senate, United States, the Vice-President as President of the Senate, 3, 64; its "dignity and pre-eminence," 16; the question of appointing a Sergeant-at-Arms, 30-32; classing the Senators into three divisions, each serving two years, 32, 33, 38, 189; shall nominations be voted upon by ballot or viva voce? 78-81, 123, 127; "vile politics" in, 91; its power lessened, 103; its powers, 110-112, 118-120, (approving power) 119, 120, 399, 400; cabals and intrigues among the members, 114, 224, 309, 312, 337,341,387; attempts to destroy it, 116; bribery of the members, 117, 209, 310; Washington attempts to subjugate it, 122, 130; "deals" and bargaining in the Senate (notably in the assumption and residence matters), 230, 231, 269, 273, 291-295, 299, 304-306, 314, 321, 325, 328; its doors to be opened, 251, 371, 399-401; bills rushed through at the close of the session, 409, 412. See also Congress and Senators.
"Senatorial gladiators" (partisans of Hamilton), 210, 211, 220, 227, 234, 235, 258, 331, 381; 398.
Senators, shall they be styled "honorable"? 64, 65, 225, 226; salaries of, 143, 331 (see also Compensation bill); committee appointed to settle their pay, 228; pay and mileage of, 229; "instruction" of, by State Legislatures, 192, 193, 220, 399, 400. See also under Senate.
Seney, [Joshua] (of Maryland), on the residence, 88, 152, 154.
Settlement bill [bill for the settlement of accounts], 313, 315, 317- 321, 340. See also State debts.
Settlers, on the Wabash and the Mississippi, 364; at Vincennes, Ill., act for granting lands to, 412. See also Immigration.
Shays' insurrection, 214, 215.
Sherman, [Roger], on "unfinished business," 188; on assumption, 236.
Shippen, 383.
Ships and shipping, 76-78; tonnage duties, 78, 403, 404. See also Navy, and Tonnage Act.
Short, [William], succeeds Jefferson at the court of France, 78, 80- 82.
Simons, 202, 208.
Slavery, Abolition Society's petitions and memorials, 196; Quaker memorial for the abolition of, 221-223; abolition laws, 382.
Smilie, [John], his opposition to Maclay, 352, 358, 365, 369; political aspirations, 394, 396.
Smith, dines with Washington, 187, 138.
Smith, Colonel, 348.
Smith, Dr., 384; his eulogium on Franklin, 408.
Smith, Mrs., 257.
Smith, Charles, 377.
Smith, T., 369.
Smith, [William] (of Maryland), 197; on the residence, 142, 152, 154.
Smith, [William Loughton] (of South Carolina), on the assumption, 229.
Society for promoting the improvement of roads and inland communications, 384.
Soldiers, pay of. Resolutions relative to arrears due the Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina troops, 269, 270. See also Pensions and Steuben.
Sons of St. Tammany parading, 260.
South Carolina, and the impost, 71-73; salary of its Senators, 135; its debts, 289, 320.
Southern planters, 341.
Spain, Kentucky in conspiracy with, 240; arms the Indians, 240; war with England, 322.
Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall be styled "honorable"? 2.
Standing army. See Army.
State courts, 87, 88. See also Courts.
State debts, bill for the assumption of, and debates on the same, 202, 205, 208-211, 213, 214, 224, 226-232, 234, 236, 237, 245, 246, 250- 252, 256, 264, 288, 282 289, 291-294, 301,302, 314-319, 321-386. See also Debt, public, and Settlement bill.
State inspection laws, bill for extending effect of, 225-227; signed, 228.
State Legislatures to instruct Senators 192, 193, 399, 400.
State rights, 220, 390, 393, 394; annihilation of State governments and Legislatures, 117, 282, 286, 320, 389, 390, 394; obliteration of State boundaries, 389, 399. See also Centralization of power.
Steel, duty on, 57.
Sterret, 201.
Steuben, Baron, his bill, 256, 261, 265, 266, 269, 271-276, 283.
Stone, Henry, 247.
Strong, [Caleb], of Massachusetts, 181, 268, 364, 365; on New England character, 5; on titles, 26, 45, 173; on the impost, 51, 52, 65; on Washington's expected resignation, 85; on the Judiciary bill, 93-95, 98, 99, 101, 104; on the powers of the President, 113, 114, 116; the bill on crimes and punishments, 187, 188; on the signing of bills in the Senate, 191; on the North Carolina Session act, 202, 203; on the Naturalization bill, 217; a partisan of Hamilton, 234; on the Rhode Island bill, 264, 266; on the pay of soldiers, 270; on the residence, 275; on the Post-Office bill, 308; on the Settlement bill, 317; on the Bank bill, 371; on the Excise bill, 388.
Sturges, [Jonathan], on the residence question, 14, 41.
Sugar, duty on, 53, 56, 57, 67.
Suits in equity, 95. See Judiciary bill.
Sunbury, 345.
Supreme Court, its power under the Constitution, 87. See also Courts.
Susquehanna, the, 384: in the residence question, 15, 136, 139, 147- 149, 152-166, 174, 192, 193, 203, 284, 291, 292, 341, 342; the Susquehanna bill, 157, 158, 165.
Swanwick, 407.
Tammany. See Sons.
Tariff. See Impost bill, Protective duties, and Tonnage Act.
Taxes, collection of. 86; land-tax favored by Morris, 287; the right of imposing them, 296, 320; increase of, 297, 334, 366, 376, 377; tonnage a tax, 404. See also Excise bill.
Tea, duty on, 46, 60, 61, 67; bill for collecting the duty, 413.
"Ten-mile square," for the residence, 397; to be laid near Philadelphia, 165; half of it to be in Virginia, 378, 395. See also under Congress.
Thatcher, on the residence, 15; on "unfinished business," 183.
Thomas, Joseph, 260.
Thomson, General, 298.
Thomson, Charles, 25; treated with neglect, 7, 8; on the power of the President, 106; in Pennsylvania politics, 192, 346.
Tilfair (of Georgia), suicide of, 299.
Titles, the question of, debated in the Senate, 1, 2, 13, 14, 22-29, 31-38, 50, 51, (the Title Committee, 1, 22-24, 33, title of the Speaker, 2, of the President, 18, 24-29, 81-38, of the Vice-President, 38, 64, of the Senators, 64, 65, 225, 226); abolished in France, 12, 13, 233, 350. See also Monarchical tendencies.
Todd, 380.
Tonnage act (Tonnage bill), 76-78, 89, 91, 94, 310, 321, 357; discrimination in favor of nations in treaty, 78, 91, 96, 97, 263, 380, 381, 392, 394, 403, 404. See also Impost bill.
Tracy, his memorial praying for a bankrupt law, 220.
Trade. See Coasting, East Indian, and Mediterranean.
Treasury Department, bill for a, 101, 103, 136.
Treat, Dr., 149.
Treaties of the United States, the Constitution on, 75, 85; with the Indians, 74; bill for Indian treaties, 124; with Southern Indians, 128- 132, 174, 175; the French Convention, 74, 412; commercial treaty with France, 78; with Genoa, proposal of, 186; with Great Britain, Jefferson's resolutions on, 402-404.
Trenton in the residence question, 137, 267, 269, 284, 286.
Trial by battle, ancient, 94.
Trial by impeachment, 111, 112, 114, 187.
"Triangle," the, (Erie County, Pa.), 123-126.
Truxton, 71.
Tucker, on assumption, 210, 211.
Tulpachocking Canal, 192.
Twine, duty on, 55.
Twining, N., bill for remitting fines to, 298-301, 305, 307.
Union, the, in danger, 220, 222, 313, 329.
United States, trade with Great Britain, 60; treaties with the Indians, 74, 124, 128-182, 174, 175; treaties with France, 74, 78, 412; remonstrance of France against American tonnage duties, and resulting complications, 78, 380-394, 397, 401-405, 407; proposed treaty with Genoa, 186; boundary between the United States and Nova Scotia, 194, 198, 223; troubles with Algiers, 359, 364, 366, 375, 376, 383, 390, 406 408; negotiations with Great Britain, 392, 394, 402-407.
See also, especially, Acts, Bills, Centralization, Certificates, Congress, Constitution, Continental money, Courts, Debt, Departments, Indians, Lands, Laws, Loans, Monarchical tendencies, Navy, President, Resolutions, Salaries, Senate, Settlers, Ships, Slavery, State rights, Trade, Vice-President.
Useful arts, bill for the progress of, 226, 232.
Van Berkel. See Berkel.
Vice-President of the United States, his title, 88, 64; as President of the Senate, 2, 3, 40, 45, 64; how shall he sign bills? 39, 40, 45, 49, 191, 224; his salary, 48. See also Adams, J., and President.
Vincennes, Ill., act for granting lands to settlers at, 412.
Vining (of Delaware), the tool of Hamilton, in the assumption question, 208, 209, 235.
Virginia, 341; Virginia members of Congress on the residence question, 15, 142, 145, 147, 158, 161, 179, 284; to have half of the "ten-mile square," 378, 395; its debts, 214.
Viva Voce voting in the Senate. See Ballot.
Votes bought in Congress, 231. See also Bribery and "Deals."
Wabash, settlers on the, 364.
Wabash and Illinois donation, 366.
Wabash Indians, war with, 349.
Wadsworth, [Jeremiah], speculates in certificates, 179, 332; on assumption, 237.
Walker, [John] (of Virginia), 300; elected in place of Grayson, 248; describes Washington's farm, 252; on the residence question, 273, 275, 305, 309, 311, 312; on the Rhode Island bill, 264; on pay due to Southern soldiers, 270; on assumption, 325.
Wallace, 100.
Wallis, 377.
Walpole, 123.
War Department, hill for the establishment of, 101, 103; the appointment of the Secretary of War an error, 175, 227, 239.
Wars, between Spain and England, 322; with the Indians, 349, 350, 366, 383, 391, 395; war an object with Hamilton's people, 406, 407.
Wantons, the, 341.
Washington, George, takes the oath of office, 2-4, 8, 9; visits members of Congress, 4, 5; his "amiable deportment," 7; addresses Congress (1789), 9, 13, 14, (1790), 174, 348; his manner of reading, 9; the style of his address, 10, 11; the answer of Congress to his address (1789), 13, 20-22, 39, 41, 42, (1790), 175, 176, 349, 350; institutes levee days, 15; holds levees, 31, 42, 67, 69, 74, 205, 227, 242, 255, 256, 347, 351, 357, 364; at the theatre, 30; gives dinners, 59, 137, 138, 177, 205, 257, 319, 374; favors large salaries, 74; monarchical tendencies of his followers, 82, 123, 351, 357; his expected resignation, 85, 341; popular veneration of him taken advantage of, to increase his power, 104, 112 (see also under President); courts the House of Representatives in order to exalt his prerogatives, 122; attempts to subjugate the Senate, 122, 131; visits the Senate with propositions respecting Indian treaties, 128-132; his habits, 178; his house repaired at public expense, 166; slights Maclay, 248, 249. 255; his farm, 252, 253; his life despaired of, 265; in the residence question, 312, 328, 329, 378, 397, 401; at St. Paul's, 316; as a scapegoat for Hamilton, etc., 329, 351, 399; his character, 349; excessive adulation of, 357; his personal appearance, 375; proclamation and message on the "ten-mile square," 378; his "crooked policy" in the negotiation with Great Britain and France, 392-794; aided by French interference in the Revolution, 404.
Washington, Mrs., 59, 74, 137, 138, 319.
Wayne, Gen. Anthony, 240.
Ways and Means, Maclay on, 376, 377; bill for, 300, 337.
West Point, purchase of, 307, 309.
Western people charged with conspiracy, 240.
Western lands, for sale, 199, 200; debts to be paid with, 249; as a sinking-fund, 339, 354.
Western settlers, 219, 223.
Western territory, rejection of, 249.
White, [Alexander] (of Virginia), 37; on the residence, 75; on "unfinished business," 183, 184.
White, Mrs., 257.
Williams (of Baltimore) prepares a Collection bill, 44, 45, 47.
Williamson, Dr. [Hugh] (of North Carolina), 331; on assumption, 224, 252.
Willing and Morris, unsettled accounts of, 193.
Willing, Thomas, eulogizes Hamilton, 188.
Wilmington in the residence question, 286.
Wilson, Judge (of Pennsylvania), 100, 211; on the Judiciary bill, 102; nominated for Chief-Justice, 188; dines with the Pennsylvanians, 254, 377; in Pennsylvania politics, 255, 337.
Wine (Madeira), duty on, 53.
Wingate, [Paine] (of New Hampshire), 398; on the residence, 14, 155, 157, 275, 311, 314; on the bill prescribing the oath, etc., 21; on the impost, 51; on the powers of the President, 115, 116; on the Judiciary bill, 117; on the treaty with the Southern Indians, 132; on the Compensation bill, 134; on "unfinished business," 181; on the Military Establishment, bill; 242, 245; on Ely's bill, 260; on the Rhode Island bill, 264; on pay due to Southern soldiers, 270.
Wolcott, John (Peter Pindar), attacks royalty, 204.
Wright's Ferry, 134.
Writs, bill. for the progress of, 225.
Wyngate. See Wingate.
Wynkoop, Henry, 198; nicknamed "His Highness of the Lower House," 33; his views on government, 49, 50; arrives in New York, 89; on the residence, 146-148, 152-157, 166, 168, 174, 190, 283, 286, 291- 293; on assumption, 227, 228, 245, 251; on the Military Establishment bill, 247, 248.
Wynkoop, Mrs., 227.
Yazoo, the, 378; immigration to, 219.
Yeomus, Va., 234.
Yorktown, in the residence question, 134, 136; District and Circuit Court at, 251.
Young, Charles, 407.
Zantzinger, Adam, 236, 250.