As to the Method of teaching, and of the Government of the School, let the Usher be obedient to the Master in every Thing, as to his Superior.
On Saturdays and the Eves of Holidays, let a sacred Lesson be prescribed out of Castalio's Dialogues, or Buchanan's Paraphrase of the Psalms, or any other good Book which the President and Master shall approve of, according to the Capacity of the Boys, of which an Account is to be taken on Monday, and the next Day after the Holidays.
The master shall likewise take Care that all the Scholars learn the Church of England Catechism in the vulgar Tongue; and that they who are further advanced learn it likewise in Latin.
Before they are promoted to the Philosophy School, they who aim at the Privileges and Revenue of a Foundation Scholar, must first undergo an Examination before the President and Masters, and Ministers skilful in the learned Languages; whether they have made due Progress in their Latin and Greek. And let the same Examination be undergone concerning their Progress in the Study of Philosophy, before they are promoted to the Divinity School. And let no Blockhead or lazy Fellow in his Studies be elected....
For avoiding the Danger of Heresy, Schism, and Disloyalty,
let the President and Masters, before they enter upon these Offices, give
their Assent to the Articles of the Christian Faith, in the same Manner,
and in the same Words, as the Ministers in England, by Act of Parliament
are obliged to sign the Articles of the Church of England. And in the same
Manner too they shall take the Oaths of Allegiance to the King and Queen
of England. And further they shall take an Oath that they will faithfully
discharge their Office, according to the College Statutes, before the President
and Masters, upon the Holy Evangelists. All this
under Penalty of being deprived of their Office and Salary.