Has not the voice of your Father's blood cried yet loud enough in your ears, "Ye Sons of America scorn to be Slaves?" Have you not heard the voice of blood in your streets, louder than that which reached Heaven, that cried for vengeance. That was, faith the Lord to Cain, the voice of thy brother's blood, but this is of many brethren....
Here let me claim your attention. Every tie of nature,
every sensation of humanity, every bowel of pity, every compassion as a
Christian, engages me to speak for the Personal Liberty and Freedom of
those, who are the most distressed of all human beings, the natives of
Africa. Were they thus distressed by Indians, Mahometans, or Turks with
respect to their Liberty, they would have a right to be redressed and set
free; but for mankind to be distressed and kept in slavery by Christians,
by those who love the Gospel of Christ; for such to buy their Brethren
(for of one blood he has made all nations) and bind them to be Slaves to
them and their heirs for life. Be astonished, ye Christians, at this! And
what is more shocking even to the tenderness of nature, is to export them,
for filthy lucre into the hands of Men-tyrants. But what is more alarming
yet, and exceeds all bounds, is, for one Christian, and Member of a Church,
to export another, and banish her to be a Slave, when in full communion
in the Church.... Publish it not in the streets of Boston! Shall no plea
be heard? Shall no argument prevail to let those oppressed ones Go Free.
Have Christians lost all the tenderness of nature, the feelings of humanity,
or the more refined sensations of christianity? Or have the Ministers in
silence forgot to shew their people this iniquity? O could they bear to
see--to see did I say? nay to feel their children rent from their arms,
and see them bound in irons and banished to be Slaves! O killing thought!
But for Christians to encourage this bloody and inhuman Trade of Manstealing,
or Slave-making, O how shocking it is! while it may be their nearer kindred
want employment, if not bread to eat. This unlawful, inhuman practice is
a sure way for mankind to ruin America, and for Christians to bring their
children, and their children's children to a morsel of bread. Much has
been wrote, and well wrote to dissuade the Americans from the practice
of so great an Evil; many begin to listen to the laws of humanity and the
force of the argument: But surely what the prophet Isaiah says will be
sufficient with every true Minister of the Gospel, and with every Christian
and Son of Liberty in America; Isa. lviii. 6. Loose the bands of wickedness,
undo the heavy burdens, let the oppressed go free, that ye break every