From the determination of the assembly no appeal shall be made.
No one shall be a freeman or have a vote unless he is converted and a member of one of the churches allowed in the dominion.
Each freeman shall swear by the blessed God to bear true allegiance to this dominion and that Jesus is the only king.
No dissenter from the essential worship of this dominion shall be allowed to give a vote for electing of magistrates or any officer.
No food or lodging shall be offered to a heretic.
No one shall cross a river on the Sabbath but authorized clergymen.
No one shall travel, cook victuals, make beds, sweep houses, cut hair, or shave on the Sabbath Day.
No one shall kiss his or her children on the Sabbath or feasting days.
The Sabbath Day shall begin at sunset Saturday.
Whoever brings cards or dice into the dominion shall pay a fine of 5 pounds.
No one shall eat mince pies, dance, play cards, or play any instrument of music except the drum, trumpet, or jewsharp.
A man who strikes his wife shall be fined 10 pounds.
A woman who strikes her husband shall be punished as the law directs.
No man shall court a maid in person or by letter without obtaining the
consent of her parents; 5 pounds penalty for the first offense; 10 pounds
for the
second, and for the third imprisonment during the pleasure of the court.