Ancient Greek and Latin Library

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  1. HTML Version PDF Version Dissoi Logoi: Two-Fold or Contrasting Arguments, Anonymous (c. 425 BCE), Presentation of the method of using opposing arguments to elicit understanding, and as a tool of the sophists.
  2. HTML Version Text Version Pericles' Funeral Oration, Thucydides (c. 460/455-399 BCE), Peloponnesian War (Book 2.34-46) — Homage to the political ideals of ancient Athens.
  3. HTML Version Text Version Republic, Plato (~360 BCE) — Laid out the elements of an ideal political system.
  4. HTML Version Text Version Apology, Plato (~360 BCE) — Socrates defends himself before the court of Athens.
  5. HTML Version Text Version Crito, Plato (~360 BCE) — Socrates explains his decision to accept death rather than exile.
  6. HTML Version Text Version Phaedo, Plato (~360 BCE) — Socrates discusses the duties of citizens to the state.
  7. HTML Version Text Version Laws, Plato (~348 BCE) — Model laws for a republic, including sortition and militia.
  8. HTML Version Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle (~350 BCE) — Laid out the moral foundations of society.
  9. HTML Version Politics, Aristotle (~350 BCE) — Laid out the alternative forms of government.
  10. HTML Version Rhetoric, Aristotle (~350 BCE) — How to persuade others.
  11. HTML Version The Athenian Constitution, Aristotle (~350 BCE) — Relates history of experiments with various forms of government.
  12. PDF Version Organon, Physics, Aristotle (~350 BCE) — Presents logic and natural science.
  13. HTML Version Selections from Polybius, (~200 BCE) — History and constitution of the Roman Republic.
  14. HTML Version Selections from Cicero, (~52 BCE) — Discusses principles of natural right as the foundation of law.
  15. HTML Version Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, Plutarch (~75) — See especially the lives of Solon, Lycurgus, Pericles, Marcus Cato, and Cato the Younger.
  16. HTML Version Text Version Discourses, Epictetus (~101) — Discusses principles of liberty and natural right.
  17. HTML Version Selections from Tacitus, (~110) — Ancient customs and laws.

The Classics Page — The classics in Latin.

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