Acts of Parliament: for triennial Parliaments, 144; for Stafford's attainder, 156; against dissolving the Long Parliament without its own consent, 158; for the grant of tonnage and poundage, 159; for the abolition of the Star Chamber, 179; for the abolition of the High Commission Court, 186; declaring the illegality of ship-money, 189; for the limitation of forests, 192; prohibiting knighthood fines, 196; imposing disabilities on the clergy, 241; for impressment, 242; navigation, 468.
Agreement of the People, the, xlix-liv, 359.
Arminians, the Commons complain of, 79; their tenets stated, 81; protestation of the Commons against, 82.
Army, votes for raising an, 261.
Array, commissions of, the King's letter sent with, 258.
Articles of Religion, the King's declaration prefixed to, 75.
Arundel, Earl of, documents relating to the restraint of, 44.
Attainder of Strafford, 156.
Barebones Parliament, the so-called, summons to a member of, 405.
Bates's case, xiii.
Benevolences, statute against levying, 66.
Bill on Church reform, 167.
Bishops, complaints against, 140; proposal to limit the authority of, 167; proposal to take away the votes of, 204; Act taking secular jurisdiction from, 241; proposal for the abolition of, 263, 275, 291.
Breda, the declaration of, 465.
Bristol, Earl of, documents relating to the restraint of, 44.
Buckingham, Duke of, documents relating to the impeachment of, 3.
Calvin, xxi-xxiii.
Charles I, incidents of his reign, xix, foll.; defends the Duke of Buckingham, 4; orders the collection of a Free Gift, 46; his answer to the Petition of Right, 70; claims tonnage and poundage, 74; his declaration on religion, 75; his declaration on the dissolution of his third Parliament, 83; comments on the session of 1629, 91; his declaration of sports, 99; is present at the decision of the Privy Council on the position of the Communion Table, 103; refers the legality of ship-money to the judges, 108; summons a Great Council, 136; his speech to the Recorder of the City, 201; his proclamation on religion, 232; his answer to the petition accompanying the Grand Remonstrance, 233; condemns the militia ordinance, 248; his answers to the Newcastle propositions, 306, 308, 311; suggested answer to be given by, 309; declares that he prefers the
Heads of Proposals to the Parliamentary propositions, 326; writes to Parliament after leaving Hampton Court, 328; erection of a High Court of Justice for the trial of, 357; charge against, 371; declines the jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice, 374; is sentenced to death, 377; warrant for the execution of, 380.
Charles II, issues the declaration of Breda, 465.
Church, Act repealing laws for net coming to, 391.
Church of England, the, the King's declaration prefixed to the articles of, 75; complaints of abuses in, 137; Bill for the reform of, 167; the Commons complain of innovations in, 197; order of the Lords on the services of, 199; Charles declares his intention of defending, 202; the King's proclamation for maintaining, 232; declaration of Parliament on the reform of, 247.
Clerical Disabilities Act, the, 241.
Clerkenwell, a college of Jesuits at, 79.
Commissions of Array, the King's letter sent with, 258.
Committee of both kingdoms, the, 271, 273.
Commons, House of, its protestation at the close of the session of 1625, 2; remonstrates against the King's defence of Buckingham, 6; impeaches Buckingham, 7; its protestation at the dissolution of 1629, 81; the King's declaration against the proceedings of, 83; the protestation of, 155; resolutions of, on ecclesiastical innovations, 197; proposes instructions to the Committee in Scotland, 199; declares the treatment of the five members to be a breach of privilege, 237; proposals for the reform of, 359, 407.
Commonwealth, the, engagement taken by the Council of State of, lii, 384; abolition of the office of King in, 384; general engagement of fidelity to, 388.
Communion Table, the, position of, 103.
Cosins, Dr., his books complained of, 80.
Council of State, the, engagement taken by, 384,
Covenant, the Scottish National, 124; the Solemn League and, 267.
Cromwell, Oliver, his declaration on the dissolution of the Long Parliament, 400. See Protectorate.
Cromwell, Richard, summoned to the House of Lords of the Protectorate, 464.
Declaration of Breda, the, lxiii 465.
Declaration of Sports, the, 99.
Delinquents, proposals made for dealing with, 278, 298.
Disbandment of the armies, proposals for the, 285.
Elections, proposals of the Agreement of the People relating to, 359; arrangements of the Instrument of Government for, 407; ordinance for the Scottish, 422; ordinance for the Irish, 425.
Engagement, the, 347.
Episcopacy. See Bishops.
Essex, Earl of, vote of Parliament to live and die with, 261.
Five Knights' Case, the, 57.
Five members, the, impeachment of, 236; declaration of the Commons on the breach of privilege in the treatment of, 237.
Forced Loan, the, Commission for railing, 51.
Forced loans, condemned, 67.
Forests, Act for the limitation of, 192.
Four Bills, the, xlviii, xlix, 335.
Free Gift, the, 46.
Goodman, bishop, his sermons complained of, 80.
Grand Remonstrance, the, 202; the King's Answer to the Petition accompanying, 233.
Great Council, the, the King's writ summoning, 136.
Heads of Proposals, the, 316; Charles expresses his preference for, 326.
Heath, Sir Robert, stays proceedings against recusants, 79.
High Commission, Court of, abolition of, xi, 186,
High Court of Justice, the, ordinance for erecting, 357; the King declines the jurisdiction of, 374; sentences the King, 377.
Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity, xxvi.
Humble Petition and Advice, the, 447; the Additional, 459.
Impeachment of the five members, 236.
Impressment Act, the, 141.
Imprisonment without cause shown, 67.
Innovations, ecclesiastical resolutions of the Commons on, 197; order of the Lords on, 199; proposed Bill for taking away, 263.
Instrument of Government, the, 405.
Ireland, instructions to the Committee in Scotland on the rebellion in, 200; statement made in the Grand Remonstrance about, 228; reply of the King about, 235; Act on impressment for service in, 242; proposal to make void the cessation in, 278; proposal to make war in, 283; Act for the settlement of, 394; ordinance for elections in, 425.
James I, King, incidents of his reign, xii, foll
Jesuits, college of, 79.
King, abolition of the office of, 384.
Knighthood fines, Act prohibiting the exaction of, 196.
Lancashire, recreations in, 99. Laud, Archbishop, xxii-xxiv. Liberties of the subject, Bill on the, 65.
London, the City of, proposals in favour of, 285, 296, 304.
Long Parliament, the, legislation of, xi, xxxi; Act against dissolving without its own consent, 158; declaration of the Protector on the dissolution of, 400.
Lords, House of, the, reading of a Bill 011 Church reform by, 167; makes an order on the services of the Church, 199; renunciation by the Commons of, 389; reestablishment, under the Protectorate, of, 449, 451; summons of Richard Cromwell to, 464,
Martial law, illegal exercise of, 68.
Militia, the, ordinance for placing under the authority of Parliament, 246; the King's declaration on the ordinance about, 248; declaration of the Houses on, 254; proposals made at the Treaty of Oxford on, 265; proposals made at the Treaty of Uxbridge on, 281; proposals made at Newcastle on, 293.
Militia ordinance, the, 245; is condemned by the King, 248; declaration of the Houses in defence of, 254.
Montague, Bishop, his books complained of, 79.
Navigation Act, 1651, 468. Negative oath, the, 289. Newcastle, the propositions of, 390; the King's answers to them, 306, 308, 311; answer suggested for the King to give to, 309.
Nineteen Propositions, the, 249.
No Addresses, vote of, 356.
Oblivion, proposed Act of, 285. Officials, proposals for the parliamentary nomination of, 251, 283, 304.
Ordinance, for the militia, 245; appointing the first Committee of both kingdoms, 271; appointing the second Committee, 273.
Oxford, propositions presented to the King at, 162.
Parliament of 1628-9, proceedings in, 65-83; the dissolution of, 83. Parliament of 1620. See Long Parliament, the.
Peace, propositions for. See Propositions. Peers, the twelve, petition of, 134; created since the removal of the Great Seal, proposals to invalidate the titles of, 283, 297.
Petition and Advice, the Humble, 447; the Additional, 459.
Petition of Right, xx, 66; of the twelve peers, 134; the root and branch, 137.
Popery, the Commons complain of encouragement to, 78.
Privy Council, the, its decision on the position of the Communion Table, 103.
Propositions, the ten, 163; the nineteen, 249; of Oxford, 262; of Uxbridge, 275; of Newcastle, 290.
Protectorate, the, establishment of, 405; modification of, 447; House of Lords of, 464, Protestation, the, 155.
Recusancy laws, the, Act of the Parliament of the Commonwealth repealing, 391.
Recusants, stay of proceedings against, 79.
Religion, the King's declaration concerning, 75; resolutions of a Sub-committee of the House of Commons on, 77; the King explains his attitude towards 89; assertions of the root and branch petitions about, 138; the King's proclamation on, 232; proposals made in the Treaty of Uxbridge on, 275; proposals made in the propositions of Newcastle on, 292; Act for the toleration of, 391
Remonstrance, the Grand, xxxv, 202. Rich, Sir Nathaniel, speech of, I. Root and Branch Petition, the, 137.
St. John, Oliver, argues in the ship-money case, 109.
Scotland, the National Covenant of, 124; proposed instructions to the Committee in, 199; ordinance for uniting with England, 418; ordinance for elections in, 422.
Self-denying Ordinance, the, 287.
Ship-money, xxv, xxxiii; the first writ of, 105; opinion of the judges on the King's right to, 108; speeches in the case of, 109; argument of Sir R. Berkeley on, 115; its illegality declared by Act of Parliament, 189.
Solemn League and Covenant, the, 267.
Sports, the Declaration of, 99.
Star Chamber, xi, xxxiii; abolition of, xi, 179.
Strafford, attainder of, xxix, 156.
Tallage, alleged statute against levying, 66.
Ten Propositions, the, 163.
Tonnage and Poundage, xxi-xxv; commission for raising, 49; the Commons' remonstrance against, 70; the King's claim to levy, 74; protestation of the Commons against, 82; the King explains his claim to, 85; vindication of the right of Parliament to grant; 159.
Treason, proviso in Strafford's attainder relating to, 157; Act of the Parliament of the Commonwealth defining, 388.
Treaties. See Propositions.
Triennial Act, the, xi, 144.
Tudor Monarchy, its constitution, &c., xi, foll.
Union of England and Scotland, 418. Uxbridge, propositions prepared by
Parliament to be discussed at, 275; propositions prepared by the King to be discussed at, 286.
Vote of No Addresses, 356.
Wardship, proposals at the Treaty of Uxbridge on, 277; order of the two Houses for taking away, 290.