62. The King's Propositions to bo discussed at Uxbridge.

[January 21, 1645. Rushworth, v. 858.]

1. That His Majesty's own revenue, magazines, towns, forts and ships, which have been taken or kept from him by force, be forthwith restored unto him.

2. That whatsoever hath been done or published contrary to the known laws of the land, or derogatory to His Majesty's legal and known power and rights, be renounced and recalled; that no seed may remain for the like to spring out of for the future.

3. That whatsoever illegal power hath been claimed or exercised by or over his subjects, as imprisoning or putting to death their persons without law, stopping their Habeas Corpuses, and imposing upon their estates without Act of Parliament, &c., either by both or either House, or any Committee of both or either, or by any persons appointed by any of them, be disclaimed, and all such persons so committed forthwith discharged.

4. That as His Majesty hath always professed his readiness to that purpose, so he will most cheerfully consent to any good Acts to be made for the suppression of Popery, and for the firmer settling of the Protestant religion established by law; as also that a good Bill may be framed for the better preserving of the Book of Common Prayer from scorn and violence; and that another Bill may be framed for the ease of tender consciences, in such particulars as shall be agreed upon. For all which His Majesty conceives the best expedient to be, that a National Synod be legally called with all convenient speed.

5. That all such persons, as upon the Treaty shall be excepted and agreed upon on either side out of the general pardon, shall be tried per pares, according to the usual course and known law of the land, and that it be left to that either to acquit or condemn them.

6. And to the intent this Treaty may not suffer interruption by any intervening accidents, that a cessation of arms and free trade for all His Majesty's subjects may be agreed upon with all possible speed.

Given at the Court at Oxford, the twenty-first day of January, 1644.

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