— Original Rough Draught of the Declaration of
1798, Oct.
— Draft of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798
1802, Jan. 1
— Wall of separation letter
— Manual of Parliamentary Practice
1787/11/13 to William Smith, "Tree of Liberty", discussing the Constitution and Shay's Rebellion.
1789/07/19 to the Abbé Arnoux, discussing trial by jury.
1803/09/07 to Wilson C. Nicholas, on the constitutional limits of the treaty power.
1816/07/12 to Samuel Kercheval, on reform of the Virginia Constitution.
1819/09/06 to Spencer Roane, on construction of the Constitution.
1822/07/02 to William Barry, on the Revolution of 1801, whig v. tory views, the need to limit terms of federal judges, and the deficiencies of public
1824/06/04 to John Cartwright, comparing the English and American constitutions.
1826/02/17 to James Madison, complaining of Mansfieldism and the drift toward it among American lawyers and legislators.
Complete Writings of Thomas Jefferson
of Thomas Jefferson, Albert Ellery Bergh, ed., 19 vol.