A Vindication

of the

Rights of Woman:

With Strictures on
Political and
Moral Subjects


Mary Wollstonecraft



HTML Version Text Version Dedication  
HTML Version Text Version Advertisement  
HTML Version Text Version Introduction  
HTML Version Text Version Chap. I. The rights and involved duties of mankind considered
HTML Version Text Version Chap. II. The prevailing opinion of a sexual character discussed
HTML Version Text Version Chap. III. The same subject continued
HTML Version Text Version Chap. IV. Observations on the state of degradation to which woman is reduced by various causes
HTML Version Text Version Chap. V. Animadversions on some of the writers who have rendered women objects of pity, bordering on contempt
HTML Version Text Version Chap. VI. The effect which an early association of ideas has upon the character
HTML Version Text Version Chap. VII. Modesty. — Comprehensively considered, and not as a sexual virtue
HTML Version Text Version Chap. VIII. Morality undermined by sexual notions of the importance of a good reputation
HTML Version Text Version Chap. IX. Of the pernicious effects which arise from the unnatural distinctions established in society
HTML Version Text Version Chap. X. Parental affection
HTML Version Text Version Chap. XI. Duty to parents
HTML Version Text Version Chap. XII. On national education
HTML Version Text Version Chap. XIII. Some instances of the folly which the ignorance of women generates; with concluding reflections on the moral improvement that a revolution in female manners may naturally be expected to produce

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