Charles Lincoln was the lawyer who launched the case Atwater v. Lago Vista, which eventually made it to the U.S. Supreme Court, but not with him as the lawyer for the plaintiff. The way the courts handled that case, and retaliated against Lincoln and others for bringing it, is a tale of judicial and prosecutorial corruption that continues today, and deserves wider attention.
Unfortunately, since these cases, Lincoln has begun preying on victims of injustice. He has induced, through a straw man, the filing of fraudulaent "notices of lien" on the real estate of people for amounts far in excess of any amounts owed, as a way to extort money from them. Failure to release such liens is a crime in Texas. See Refusal to Execute Release of Fraudulent Lien Claim, Securing Execution of Document by Deception, Criminal Conspiracy, Class A Misdemeanor, and Fraudulent Document or Instrument.
Petitioner n Intervention's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, 060405 — To settle issues of law to establish basis for negotiations in Lincoln v. Williamson County.
Petitioner in Intervention's Answer to Jergins' Motion to Strike, 060228 — In Lincoln v. Williamson County.
First Amended Petition in Intervention, 060228 — Intervention by Jon Roland in Lincoln v. Williamson County.
Affidavit of Standing to Intervene, 060228 — Supporting intervention by Jon Roland in Lincoln v. Williamson County.
Order Nunc Pro Imposing Sanctions, 06/01/30 — Illegal order in Lincoln v. Williamson County that exhibits corruption and abuse of discretion.
Proposed Order Denying Sanctions, 06/01/26 — Proposed order in Lincoln v. Williamson County that should have been adopted.
Petition in Intervention as Amicus Curiae, application for Appointment as Guardian ad litem, and Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus, 05/10/18 — In custody case. Contains memorandum that provides background on case.
Motion for Quo Warranto Review Jury, 05/10/18 — In Lincoln v. Williamson County.
Motion to Modify Temporary Orders, 05/06/23 — In custody case.
Appelant's Reply Brief, 05/01/00 — In appeal to Fifth Circuit.
Brief of Appelee Michael Jergins, 05/01/14 — In appeal to Fifth Circuit.
Selected cases cited