Exerceatur constitutio, ruat cœlum.
Let the constitution be enforced, [though] the heavens fall.
— Jon Roland


Constitutionalism is the idea, often associated with the political theories of John Locke and the "founders" of the American republic, and equated with the concept of regula iuris, the "Rule of Law", that government can and should be legally limited in its powers, and that its authority depends on enforcing these limitations. The following links and documents explore this concept in more detail.

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The only honorable course for a citizen is to conduct his life as though the Constitution, as originally understood, is in full force and effect, and if and when that brings him into conflict with public agents, to take a firm stance in opposition to their usurpations, regardless of consequences to himself, to them, or to others. Maintaining the Constitution, in every particular, is more important than human lives, even millions of them, if it should come to a choice. Individuals die. The Constitution needs to live for as long as one human remains alive, and perhaps even beyond that. — Jon Roland, 2003
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Original URL: http://constitution.famguardian.org/1-Constitution/constitutionalism.htm
Maintained: Constitution Research
Original date: 2002/4/11 —