BY THE GRACE OF GOD of Great Britain France and Ireland king
Defender of the Faith &c
all to whom
these Presents shall come Greeting
Whereas Our late Royal
Predecessors William and Mary King and Queen of England &c Did
by their letters
Patents under their Great Seal of England bearing Date at
Westminster the Seventh day of October in the Third year of their
Reign for themselves their Heires and Successors Vnite Erect and
Incorporate the Territories and Colonies commonly called or known
by the Names of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay and Colony of
New Plymouth the Province of Main the Territory called Accada or
Nova Scotia and all that Tract of land lying between the said
Territorys of Nova Scotia and the said Province of Main into One
Reall Province by the Name of Our Province of the Massachusetts
Bay in New England
And Whereas their said late
Majesties King William and Queen Mary did by the said recited letters Patents (amongst other things
therein contained) for themselves their Heires and Successors
Ordain and Grant that there should and might be Convened held and
kept by the Governor for the time being upon every last Wednesday
in the Month of May every year forever and at all such other times
as the Governor of their said Province should think fitt and
Appoint a Great and Generall Court or Assembly which said Great
and Generall Court or Assembly should Consist of the Governour and
Council or Assistants for the time being and of such Freeholders
of their said Province or Territory as should be from time to time
elected or deputed by the major part of the Freeholders and other
Inhabitants of the respective Towns or places who should be
present at such Eleccons each of the said Towns and places being
thereby impowered to Elect and Depute two Persons and no more to
Serve for and represent them respectively in the. said Great and
Generall Court or Assembly and that the Governor for the time
being should have full Power and Authority from time to time as he
should Judge necessary to adjourn Prorogue and Dissolve all Great
and General Courts or Assemblies met and Convened as aforesaid And
did thereby also for themselves their Heires and Successors
Provide Establish and Ordain that in the Framing and Passing of
all Orders laws Statutes and Ordinances and in all Eleccons and
Acts of Government whatsoever to be passed made or done by the
said General Court or Assembly or in Council the Governor of the
said Province or Territory of the Massachusetts Bay in :New
England for the time being should have the Negative Voice and that
without his Consent or Approbacon Signified and Declared in
writing no such Orders laws Statutes Ordinances Eleccons or other
Acts of Government whatsoever so to be made passed or done by the
said General Assembly or in Council should be of any force Effect
or Validity any thing therein contained to the contrary in any
wise notwithstanding as in and by the said letters Patents
(relacon being therevnto had) may more fully and at large appeare
Whereas no
provision is made by the said recited letters Patents
touching the Nominacon and Eleccon of a Speaker of the
Representatives Assembled in any Great and Generall Court of Our
said Province nor any particular Reservacon made of the Right of
Vs Our Heires and Successors to approve or disapprove of such
Speaker by the Governor of the said Province appointed or to be
appointed by Vs or them for the time being And no power is Granted
by the said recited letters Patents to the said House of
Representatives to adjourn themselves for any time whatsoever by
means whereof divers Doubts and Controversies have Arisen within
Our said Province to the Interrupcon of the Publick Business
thereof and the obstruccon of Our Service
Yee therefore
that for removing the said Doubts and Controversies and preventing
the like mischiefs for the future And also for the further
Explanacon of the said recited letters
Patents Wee of Our
Especial Grace certain knowledge and meer mocon Have Granted
Ordained and Appointed And by these Presents for Vs Our Heirs and
Successors Do Will Grant Ordain and Appoint that for ever
hereafter the Representatives Assembled in any Great or General
Court of Our said Province to be hereafter Summoned shall upon the
first day of their Assembling Elect a fit Person out of the said
Representatives to be Speaker of the House of Representatives in
such General Court and that the Person so Elected shall from time
to time be presented to the Governor of Our said Province for the
time being or in his absence to the lieutenant Governor or
Comander in Chief of Our said Province for the time being for his
Approbacon to which Governor lieutenant Governor and Comander in
Chief respectively Wee do hereby for Vs Our Heires and Successors
give full power and Authority to approve or disapprove of the
Person so Elected and presented which approbacon or disapprobacon
shall be Signifyed by him by Message in writing under his Hand to
the said House of Representatives And in Case such Governour
lieutenant Governor or Comander in Chief shall disapprove of the
Person so Elected and presented or the Person so Elected and
presented being approved as aforesaid shall happen to dye or by
Sickness or otherwise be disabled from Officiating as Speaker in
every such Case the said Representatives so Assembled shall
forthwith Elect an other Person to be Speaker of the House of
Representatives to be presented and approved or disapproved in
manner as aforesaid and so from time to time as often as the
Person so Elected and presented shall be disapproved of or happen
to dye or become disabled as aforesaid
And Our further Will and
Pleasure is and Wee do by these presents of Our more abundant
Grace for Vs Our Heires and Successors Grant Ordain and Appoint
that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the Representatives
assembled in any Great or Generall Court of Our said Province for
the time being for ever hereafter to Adjourn themselves from day
to day (and if occasion shall require) for the space of two days
but not for any longer time than for the space of two days without
leave from the Governor or in his Absence [from] the lieutenant
Governor or Comander in Chief of Our said Province for the time
being first had and obtained in that behalfe any thing in the said
recited letters Patents contained to the Contrary thereof in any
wise Notwithstanding Provided always that nothing in these
presents contained shall Extend or be Construed to Extend to
revoke alter or prejudice the Power and Authority by the said
recited letters Patents Granted to the Governor of the said
Province for the time being to Adjourn Prorogue and Dissolve all
Great and General Courts or Assemblies of Our said Province.
Lastly Wee
do by these presents for Vs Our Heires and Successors Grant that
these Our letters Patents or the Enrollment or Exemplificacon
thereof shall be in and by all things good firm valid and
Effectual in the law according to the true intent and meaning
thereof notwithstanding the not rightly or fully reciting
menconing or describing the said recited letters Patents or the
Date thereof or any other Omission Imperfeccon Defect matter Cause
or thing whatsoever to the Contrary thereof in any wise
In witness whereof Wee have Caused these Our letters to be made Patents Witness William Archbishop of Canterbury and the rest of the Guardians and Justices of the Kingdom at Westminster the Six and twentieth day of August in the twelfth year of Our Reign
By Writ of Privy Seal