Ninth Amendment Law Library

The following collections of legal decisions, briefs, articles, and treatises are gathered from various sources. Corrections and additions are welcome.

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  1. HTML Version or Menu Adobe PDF Presumption of Nonauthority and Unenumerated Rights, by Jon Roland, Begun November 6, 2005, in progress.
  2. HTML Version or Menu Adobe PDF Remote Link - PDF The Lost Jurisprudence of the Ninth Amendment, by Kurt Lash, Professor of Law and W. Joseph Ford Fellow, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, Texas Law Review, Vol. 83, February 2005.
  3. HTML Version or Menu Adobe PDF Remote Link - PDF The Lost Original Meaning of the Ninth Amendment, by Kurt Lash, Professor of Law and W. Joseph Ford Fellow, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, Texas Law Review, Vol. 83, No. 2, December 2004.
  4.  HTML Version or Menu Adobe PDF Remote Link - PDF The Lost History of the Ninth Amendment: The Lost Original Meaning, by Kurt Lash, Professor of Law and W. Joseph Ford Fellow, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, Feb. 2004.
  5.   Remote Link - PDF Inkblot: The Ninth Amendment as Textual Justification for Judicial Enforcement of the Right to Privacy, Kurt Lash, U. Chicago Law Review, Vol. 80 [2017], Iss. 1, Art. 14.
  6. HTML Version or Menu The Volokh Conspiracy: The Ninth Amendment in the Blogosphere, Randy Barnett, 2004/02/19.
  7. HTML Version or Menu Southern Appeal: The Ninth Amendment, Steve Dillard, 2004/02/16.
  8. HTML Version or Menu Sandefur: The Ninth Amendment and Incorporation, Timothy Sandefur, Pacific Legal Foundation, 2004/02/15.
  9. HTML Version or Menu Legal Theory Blog: The Text of the Ninth Amendment, Lawrence Solum, 2004/02/01.
  10. HTML Version or Menu The Right Coast Blog: The Ninth Amendment, Mike Rappaport, 2004/02/01.
  11. A Restoring the Lost Constitution : The Presumption of Liberty, Randy Barnett, Princeton University Press (December 15, 2003).
  12. Rights Retained by the People : The History and Meaning of the Ninth Amendment, Randy E. Barnett. Provides excellent guide to what else the Founders intended to include in the rights protected by the Constitution.
    A Vol. 1, 1990, Univ Pub Assoc.
    A Vol. 2, 1993, George Mason Univ Pr.

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