Writing and Publishing Methods and Tools
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to Grammar and Writing— See especially their
Sentences— Essential tool for learning grammar that is being
neglected in the public schools today.
Sentence Parts, Phrase Configurations— Diagrams of the
functional elements of sentences.
Handbook— Writers' Workshop, University of Illinois at
Verbs— Nearly complete list of the English verbs that give
people trouble.
English— Instructional material on English grammar and usage.
Diagramming sentences:
Diagramming Sentences— Essential tool for learning grammar that is being neglected in the public schools today.
Basic Sentence Parts, Phrase Configurations— Diagrams of the functional elements of sentences.
Diagramming Sentences— Numerous examples, including diagrams of 16 sentences from the U.S. Constitution.
Diagramming Sentences from Wisc-Online — Online tool that introduces the student to the basics of Reed-Kellogg sentence diagramming.
SenDraw from University of Central Florida Department of English — Free downloadable tool for Windows that enables one to draw a Reed-Kellogg diagram on the computer of a sentence that one has analyzed oneself.
Diagramming Sentences from Gerald Dalgish, Baruch College, CUNY — Free downloadable tool for Windows that enables one to draw a Reed-Kellogg diagram on the computer of a sentence that one has analyzed oneself.
phpSyntaxTree — Free online tool that generates a parse tree on the computer of a sentence that one has analyzed oneself into a formal bracket notation. More useful for computer languages than for natural ones.
Reed-Kellogg Diagrammer from 1aiway — Free online tool that enables one to enter a sentence and have their software generate a diagram for it. Needs the Silverlight app that only works on Windows. But often gets it wrong on more complicated or subtle sentences, such as those in the Constitution, so it is not a substitute for learning how to diagram.
Link Grammar Parser from Carnegie-Mellon — Free online tool that enables one to enter a sentence and have their software parse and generate a tree diagram for it, using only ASCII characters. Can only handle short, simple sentences, and often doesn't get it right.
Vocabulary Builder— Learn the words likely to appear on
standard tests.
Vocabulary Builder— Words likely to appear on the GRE test.
Vocabulary Builder— ACT, GRE, SAT, Free Test Prep.
Elements of Style, Oliver Strunk (1935)— Classic
guide to good writing.