Calendar Reform
We hereby submit this report to the nations and churches of the world. Our findings are as follows:
The actual length of a month is 28 days. That means there are approximately 13 months in a year. 28 x 13 = 364, or one day short of a year. The ancient custom of only counting 12 months in a year needs to be abandoned.
We propose the following names for the months, taken from Attic Greek, with abbreviations:
Hekatombaion - Ἑκατομβαιών - Hek (Begins on Winter Solstice.)
Metageitnion - Μεταγειτνιών - Met
Boedromion - Βοηδρομιών - Boe
Pyanepsion - Πυανεψιών - Pya
Maimakterion - Μαιμακτηριών - Mai
Eukleios - Εύκλειος (Corinthian) (was Ποσειδεών, or Poseideon) - Euk
Gamelion - Γαμηλιών - Gam
Anthesterion - Ἀνθεστηριών - Anth
Elaphebolion - Ἑλαφηβολιών - Ela
Mounichion - Μουνιχιών - Mou
Thargelion - Θαργηλιών - Thar
Skirophorion – Σκιροφοριών - Skir
Panamos - Πάναμος - Pan (the intercalary month, with one day added as needed to make the months coincide with most years.) (The last two weeks of the month are to be devoted to the Solstice Festival, Christmas, Hannukah, or other festivals.)
We propose the Winter Solstice (now on December 21) to be the beginning o the year.
For the four seasons
Thallo Θαλλώ (or Eiar Spring)
Auxo Αὐξώ (or Theros Summer)
Karpo Καρπώ (or Phthinoporon Autumn)
Cheimon Хειμών (Winter)
The solstices and equinoxes actually fall in the middle of their seasons, so Cheimon (Winter) is the two months before and two months after the Winter Solstice.
Days of the week, from ancient Hebrew. Each name is preceded by “yom”:
Sunday - Rishon ( יום ראשון )
Monday - Sheni ( יום שני )
Tuesday - Shlishi (יום שלישי )
Wednesday - Revi'i ( יום רביעי )
Thursday - Chamishi ( יום חמישי )
Friday - Shishi ( יום שישי )
Saturday - Shabbat ( שבת ) – day of rest)
The week begins with Rishon, at the hour of midnight.
Adjustment of days. We have already reported on the number of days to be added to the present calendar to make our present calendar coincide with the ancient Julian calendar. This adjustment will be made, if it has not already been made, during the last month. Astronomers will advise us of further adjustments that may need to be made.
We realize the
month naming is taken from the Greek custom, and days from
rather than the Roman or Norse, but regard that as a
Hours There shall be 24 hours in a day, which begin at midnight. Each hour has 60 minutes, and each minute 60 seconds, following the Persian tradition. An hour is to be written as hh:mm:ss, and the numbers spoken as numbers.
Latitude and longitude. Longitude shall be set at zero for Greenwich, England, and degrees counted eastward back to zero. Latitude shall be set at zero degrees at the equator, and proceed 90o north to the north spin axis, and 90o to the south spin axis. It shall be written as nnn:dd (N or S)