San Antonio, Texas, September 28, 1994 -- Bill Utterback, Coordinator for units of the Southern Region of the Texas Constitutional Militia and project coordinator for the Alamo Rally today announced the first statewide militia muster to be held in Texas since 1836. At noon on November 12, 1994, volunteers from Texas Constitutional Militia units across the state will muster at a patriot rally open to all American patriots.
Under the slogan, 'In 1836 a messenger rode from the Alamo for help -- in 1994 a messenger rode to the Alamo for help', a five day Freedom Ride from Cuero, Texas to San Antonio, Texas by a militia unit will terminate at the Alamo with a messenger bringing a Statement of Grievances for presentation to the government. John Hamilton, Commander of the De Witt County Volunteers unit of the Texas Constitutional Militia and federal congressional candidate, will be that messenger. The route of the Freedom Ride passes through Gonzales, Texas, where the first shot of the Texas Revolution was fired on October 2, 1835. At that time the Mexican Army demanded the return of a cannon in the possession of the Texas militia. The militia, defiantly flying a banner inscribed 'Come and Take it', sent the Mexican Army detachment running back to the Alamo without the cannon.
Held on Veterans' Day plus one, the purposes of the rally are to honor the Alamo heroes plus all the other American patriots who responded to the call of duty in the two hundred and twenty years since 1774 and to petition the government for redress of grievances. "It is interesting to note", said Utterback, "that the Alamo defenders never knew that the Republic of Texas had declared independence from Mexico. They were fighting in an attempt to force the Mexican government to operate under the limitations in the Mexican Constitution of 1824, which is why their flag was the Mexican tri-color with the national emblem replaced by the numbers '1824'. Similarly, the goal of the Texas Constitutional Militia is to return both the Texas and United States governments to Constitutional republics".
"The militia will carry no weapons at this muster", continued Utterback, "to empathize that we believe our goal can be met without a shot being fired. The option of the militia engaging in defensive combat would be a last resort action in response to criminal and/or unconstitutional aggression by enemies of the Constitution".
Speakers will include Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America and Larry Dodge of the Fully Informed Jury Association. Also speaking will be Gary Graham and J. C. Van Kirk of Take Texas Back, Tinker Spain of the Committee to Repeal War and Emergency Rule, and Alex De Pena, San Antonio political activist.
Except for a few public officials, the militia of Texas is composed of the adult Texans who are not serving in the United States military forces. Units of the Texas Constitutional Militia (T.C.M.) are Texans who have chosen to become active in the militia. Volunteers of the T.C.M. absolutely support and defend both the Texas and United States Constitutions and will take an oath to that effect at the Alamo. Divided presently into a Northern and Southern Region, the T.C.M. is organized by counties with each county unit operating under the authority of the people of that county.
The right of the people of Texas to form a militia is a natural and common law right, protected by the First and Second Amendments of the United States Constitution and by Article 1, Sections 23 and 27 of the Texas Constitution. In the current Texas Constitution, adopted in 1876, the people of Texas delegated to the Texas Legislature the authority to organize and discipline the Militia, In 1969 the people of Texas took back this delegated authority by repealing Article 16, Section 46 of the Texas Constitution. In Texas, the authority to form a militia is once again held by the people without the Texas Legislature being involved.