George Washington Let us raise a standard to which the Wise and the Honest can repair.
— George Washington, Constitutional Convention, 1787

Oklahoma Constitutional Militia

Militia Contacts by County

Adair Cleveland Grant Le Flore Nowata Rogers
Alfalfa Coal Greer Lincoln Okfuskee Seminole
Atoka Comanche Harmon Logan Oklahoma Sequoyah
Beaver Cotton Harper Love Okmulgee Stephens
Beckham Craig Haskell McClain Osage Texas
Blaine Creek Hughes McCurtain Ottawa Tilman
Bryan Custer Jackson McIntosh Pawnee Tulsa
Caddo Delaware Jefferson Major Payne Wagoner
Canadian Dewey Johnston Marshall Pittsburg Washington
Carter Ellis Kay Mayes Pontotoc Washita
Cherokee Garfield Kingfisher Murray Pottawatomie Woods
Choctaw Garvin Kiowa Muskogee Pushmataha Woodward
Cimarron Grady Latimer Noble Roger Mills

A link-free version of the above Oklahoma Counties Table is available here.

Purposes execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; — U.S. Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 16.




Other Oklahoma Patriot Groups


Reformers are known by their adversaries, and it is appropriate that those adversaries be identified and what is known about them be told. They include corrupt and abusive officials, corporations, groups, and individuals.

Adversaries common to all militias everywhere

These are some based in the state:

State of Oklahoma

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