George Washington Let us raise a standard to which the Wise and the Honest can repair.
— George Washington, Constitutional Convention, 1787

Nebraska Constitutional Militia

Militia Contacts by County

Adams Cheyenne Fumas Johnson Nuckolls Sheridan
Antelope Clay Gage Kearney Otoe Sherman
Arthur Colfax Garden Keith Pawnee Sioux
Banner Cuming Garfield Keya Paha Perkins Stanton
Blaine Custer Gosper Kimball Phelps Thayer
Boone Dakota Grant Knox Pierce Thomas
Box Butte Dawes Greeley Lancaster Platte Thurston
Boyd Dawson Hall Lincoln Polk Valley
Brown Deuel Hamilton Logan Red Willow Washington
Buffalo Dixon Harlan Loup Richardson Wayne
Burt Dodge Hayes McPherson Rock Webster
Butler Douglas Hitchcock Madison Saline Wheeler
Cass Dundy Holt Merrick Sarpy York
Cedar Fillmore Hooker Morrill Saunders
Chase Franklin Howard Nance Scotts Bluff
Cherry Frontier Jefferson Nemaha Seward

A link-free version of the above Nebraska Counties Table is available here.

Purposes execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; — U.S. Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 16.


  1. Nebraska Militia
  2. Nebraska Militia
  3. Tall Grass Guard, a team of the Nebraska State Militia



Other Nebraska Patriot Groups

Citizen Crime Prevention & Law Enforcement — Neighborhood watch, cellular on patrol, citizen police academies, and other such activities.


Reformers are known by their adversaries, and it is appropriate that those adversaries be identified and what is known about them be told. They include corrupt and abusive officials, corporations, groups, and individuals.

Adversaries common to all militias everywhere

These are some based in the state:

State of Nebraska

Constitution Research Home Page

Militias Page

National Militia Directory

Texas Militia Papers — Militia training materials