George Washington Let us raise a standard to which the Wise and the Honest can repair.
— George Washington, Constitutional Convention, 1787

North Dakota Constitutional Militia

Militia Contacts by County

Adams Dickey Hettinger Mountrail Sargent Ward
Barnes Divide Kidder Nelson Sheridan Wells
Benson Dunn La Moure Oliver Sioux Williams
Billings Eddy Logan Pembina Slope
Bottineau Emmons McHenry Pierce Stark
Bowman Foster McIntosh Ramsey Steele
Burke Golden Valley McKenzie Ransom Stutsman
Burleigh Grand Forks McLean Renville Towner
Cass Grant Mercer Richland Traill
Cavalier Griggs Morton Rolette Walsh

A link-free version of the above North Dakota Counties Table is available here.

Purposes execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; — U.S. Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 16.





Other North Dakota Patriot Groups

Citizen Crime Prevention & Law Enforcement — Neighborhood watch, cellular on patrol, citizen police academies, and other such activities.


Reformers are known by their adversaries, and it is appropriate that those adversaries be identified and what is known about them be told. They include corrupt and abusive officials, corporations, groups, and individuals.

Adversaries common to all militias everywhere

These are some based in the state:

State of North Dakota

Constitution Research

Militias Page

National Militia Directory

Texas Militia Papers — Militia training materials