Militia Agenda
The following are some items that should be a part of the program of
independent local militia units.
Legal and Financial
- [] Charter for state correspondence committee.
- [] By-laws for local militia unit.
- [] Regulations and guidelines for local unit.
- [] Copies of applicable laws and court cases.
- [] Brief on applicable laws.
- [] Assumed/fictitious name filing.
- [] Bank account.
- [] Regular meeting site, at a shooting range.
- [] Office with address and phone.
- [] Site on public property for demonstrations.
- [] A computer with database and word processor.
- [] Printing, copying and fax equipment.
- [] Internet access for email and news.
- [] Newsletter
- [] Telephone tree
- [] Ham or CB radio alert network
- [] Regular meetings
- [] Organizing units in other areas
- [] Investigating official corruption
- [] Investigating election fraud
Information and Publicity
- [] Mailing lists of supporters
- [] Press lists, fax numbers, email addresses
- [] Press releases on all major events
- [] Handouts, brochures
- [] Lists of relevant organizations, persons
- [] Subscriptions to relevant magazines, newspapers
- [] Placement of supporters in key media
- [] Key personnel
- [] Likely targets for abuse
- [] Offices and equipment, computers
- [] Information, PGP encryption
- [] Firearms
- [] Infiltration of key government organizations
- [] Infiltration of opposing private organizations
- [] Combat shooting
- [] Unit combat training
- [] Home and community defense
- [] Disaster prevention and recovery
- [] Safe use and storage of weapons
- [] Weapons laws
- [] Constitutional law and history
- [] Jury rights and duties
- [] Organizing local militia units
- [] Assistance to law enforcement
- [] Crime prevention
- [] Citizen arrest powers and procedures
- [] Resistance to illegal authority
- [] Field medicine
- [] Neighborhood patrols
- [] Neighborhood alert systems and communications
- [] Working with troubled youth
- [] Investigating crime
- [] Uncovering official corruption and election fraud
- [] Military drill and manual of arms
- [] March music
- [] Militia history
- [] Electronics and communications
- [] Surveillance technology
- [] Public information
- [] CPR and first aid
- [] Improvised munitions
- [] Ballistics
Contact to be maintained
- [] Military organizations
- [] National and State Guard
- [] State elected officials
- [] State Police
- [] County elected officials
- [] County Sheriff
- [] City elected officials
- [] City Police
- [] Police Reserve
Neighborhood Organization
- [] Neighborhood militia or association
- [] Home and vehicle security systems
- [] Alert systems
- [] Defense plans
- [] Surveillance and patrols
Extras needed
- [] Portable public address system with batteries
- [] Musical instruments suitable for marching
- [] Video cameras with extra batteries and tapes
- [] Signs and signmaking materials
- [] Banners
- [] Voting precinct maps
- [] Portable CB radios
- [] Ham radio equipment
- [] Portable computers
- [] Sample election materials
Things to read
- [] U.S. and State Constitutions
- [] Halbrook: That Every Man Be Armed
- [] Norval: The Militia in the 20th Century
- [] Collier & Collier: Votescam
- [] Ayoob: The Truth About Self-Protection, In the Gravest
Extreme, StressFire
- [] Gottlieb: The Rights of Gun Owners
- [] U.S. Army Manual of Drill and Manual of Arms
- [] Muster with arms on public property inside major area city
- [] Get key local officials to speak at unit meetings
- [] Get key state officials to speak at unit meetings
- [] Get congressmen to speak at unit meetings
- [] Get area congressmen to commit to militia cause
- [] Celebrate Militia Day each April 19
- [] March militia units in area July 4 parades
- [] Fully-informed jury laws, state and federal
- [] Replace area voting machines with paper ballots
- [] Get area newspapers of record to accept militia callup notices
- [] Get local TV coverage of militia musters
- [] Get local city or county officials to call up militia for organization
and training
- [] Conduct campaign tour across country
- [] Get active militia units in every county in state
- [] Get active militia units in every state
- [] Establish statewide alert network
- [] Establish nationwide alert network
- [] Form National Militia Association
- [] Hold National Militia Conference
- [] Pass State concealed carry permit law
- [] Repeal State weapons control laws
- [] Repeal Federal weapons control laws
- [] Repeal unconstitutional Federal criminal laws
- [] Pass Federal, State Militia Acts to set up Swiss-style militia system
- [] Establish Swiss-style militia systems in other countries around the
For information contact:
Constitution Research, 6900 San Pedro #147-230, San Antonio, TX 78216,