The King to his well-beloved William Prince, master of a certain barge called the Christopher of Arundel, Greeting. Know ye that we have appointed you to arrest and take as many mariners as may be necessary for the proper management of the said barge, wheresoever they may be found, within liberties or without, and to put them on board the aforesaid barge, at our wages to be paid to them forthwith by you, to go to sea in our service. And, therefore, we enjoin you that you be diligent in executing the premises, and in doing and performing them in manner aforesaid. And by these presents we straitly command all and singular, sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs, keepers of ports of the sea, officers, and all our lieges whatsoever, as well within liberties as without, that, as often as they are called upon by you on our behalf, they be obedient and attentive to you in doing and executing the premises, as beseems them. Nevertheless, it is our will that neither you nor any of our lieges, who set forth in company with you in the said barge, under colour of these presents, in any way seize any ships, barges, or other vessels, or any merchandise, goods, or chattels, belonging to subjects of the kingdoms of France, Spain, Portugal, or of any other countries whatsoever, but those only which are of the kingdom of Scotland. In witness, &c.