English Grant to the Captor of Ships, 1205

The King to all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting. Know ye that we have granted to the crews of the galleys, which Thomas of Galway has sent to us, one half of the gains which they may make in captures from our enemies; and we will, besides, recompense them for their service, according to the advice of G......, the son of Peter, our Justiciary, and the said Thomas, and other our lieges, in such sort that they shall be well satisfied. Witness, &c.

Rex omnibus, etc. Sciatis quod concessimus galiotis galias, quas Thomas de Galweie nobis fecit venire, medietatem lucri sui quod facient super inimicos nostros, et insuper eis servicium suum bene reddemus secundum quod ipsi nobis servient juxta consilium G......, filii Petri, Justiciarii nostri, et predicti Thome, et aliorum fidelium nostrorum, ita quod bene erunt pacati. Teste me ipso apud Nottingham, xij die marcii.

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